Guest Chicago Posted July 17, 2016 Posted July 17, 2016 Follow the attached link for an interesting article on the Meth problem in Thailand Quote
TotallyOz Posted July 18, 2016 Posted July 18, 2016 I would love to see all drugs legalized across the globe. Prison populations would decrease and fun times would increase. Quote
Guest abang1961 Posted July 18, 2016 Posted July 18, 2016 Sorry my stand is NO DRUGS regardless whether it is recreational or addictive. I know some may say that chem-fun/poppers enhance sex pleasure. I don't care much about those who reject me unless I can do chem-fun. Quote
kokopelli Posted July 18, 2016 Posted July 18, 2016 I would love to see all drugs legalized across the globe. Prison populations would decrease and fun times would increase. As for using drugs I do agree with that. Selling/producing drugs is another matter. Not quite sure about cigarettes since, in many ways, more harmful than some drugs . Yes, prison populations would decrease but doubt fun times would increase. Also in favor of legalizing prostitution. TotallyOz and KhorTose 2 Quote
gumbleby Posted July 18, 2016 Posted July 18, 2016 The whole repression of drug use and trade causes far worse consequences than the drugs themselves. First for the drug users themselves, who not only have to cope with their addiction, excessive prices and a supply of very uncertain quality, but also with all the legal consequences and further fallout. Then there's the whole corrupting influence of drug money on society (Mexico, Colombia,...). I feel the world needs to evolve to a different way of dealing with drugs. Full-on legalization without restrictions is probably a bad idea, but an arrangement where addicts (or just curious people) have a legal way of procuring drugs for personal use, in a safer environment, with counseling and a proper follow-up (unlike legal medicine nowadays: I'm thinking about Michael Jackson and Prince for example). Laws where the victim and the author are the same person seem like a bad idea to me (drug use, or prosecuting minors for taking sexy selfies come to mind). TotallyOz and KhorTose 2 Quote
Alexx Posted July 19, 2016 Posted July 19, 2016 Legalization is the best solution. Those prone to overdosing will continue to die, minus those who now OD merely by accident due to quality / inconsistent purity issues, but for the remaining 99% and society as a whole, things would be much better. Hard-core addicts would continue to cause problems, but I don't think their numbers would rise if it were legalized. ggobkk, TotallyOz and KhorTose 3 Quote
ChristianPFC Posted July 19, 2016 Posted July 19, 2016 If I had absolute power, I would ban all drugs, including alcohol and tobacco. The prison problem can be solved by death sentence for everyone who is producing or dealing, or user after being caught the third time. Some countries already have death sentence, and people argue that it doesn't work as deterrent, well I say it works: everyone sentenced to death will never produce, deal or consume drugs again! There are discussions about legalizing cannabis in several western countries, a capitulation of reason, in my opinion. calluna15 1 Quote
firecat69 Posted July 19, 2016 Posted July 19, 2016 Just a ridiculous plan since since in the USA many addicts are hooked on prescription drugs for which the companies make Billions. Quote
KhorTose Posted July 19, 2016 Posted July 19, 2016 If I had absolute power, I would ban all drugs, including alcohol and tobacco. The prison problem can be solved by death sentence for everyone who is producing or dealing, or user after being caught the third time. Some countries already have death sentence, and people argue that it doesn't work as deterrent, well I say it works: everyone sentenced to death will never produce, deal or consume drugs again! There are discussions about legalizing cannabis in several western countries, a capitulation of reason, in my opinion. On your web site blog at the moment you are talking about the pleasures of porn and wanking. I know a whole bunch of people who would say you should be killed for advocating sexual exploitation and filth. Don't worry they are just as wrong about porn as you are about drugs. For a science major you sure have gone out of your way to avoid studies on drug use, and users that make your suggestions sound like babbling of a redneck nutcase. anddy, Up2u, TotallyOz and 1 other 4 Quote
biguyby Posted July 19, 2016 Posted July 19, 2016 I would suggest that alcohol and nicotine are the world's two biggest killers. And both are legal drugs in the majority of countries in the world. ChristianPFC 1 Quote
kokopelli Posted July 19, 2016 Posted July 19, 2016 If I had absolute power, I would ban all drugs, including alcohol and tobacco. The prison problem can be solved by death sentence for everyone who is producing or dealing, or user after being caught the third time. Some countries already have death sentence, and people argue that it doesn't work as deterrent, well I say it works: everyone sentenced to death will never produce, deal or consume drugs again! Under the rule of Christian I, I would be a lonely person as all my friends would have been executed. TotallyOz 1 Quote
Guest abang1961 Posted July 20, 2016 Posted July 20, 2016 Banning cigarettes/cigar is the first thing Donald Trump should do. Now that he secured the GOP nomination to contest the Nov 8 Presidential Race, he should do something as RADICAL as this. No one would be surprised by his anti-establishment, anti-social, anti-everything attitude anymore. Personally I dislike 2nd hand smoke. When I was a kid back then in the 60s, my dad did the cruel thing of ordering me to get his cigarettes in the middle of a cartoon. By the time I ran back home after the purchase, it was just closing credits left. From then onwards, I have ZERO affinity with cigarettes. I have never attempt to try it... If Thailand is serious about weeding (pun intended) the drug problem, provide proper education to its people. I don't know whether there is a legal age to buy cigarettes from the convenience stores but I do know that teenagers should be properly taught of the harmful effects of drug taking. The government/education ministry should organise field trips to drug rehabilitation centres and anti-narcotics centres. Teenagers should have first-hand accounts on how drugs can destroy life. This tactic will hopefully deter from venturing/attempting drugs. It is a no-return route that spins into the vortex of crime and further poverty. Quote
vinapu Posted July 20, 2016 Posted July 20, 2016 If I had absolute power, I would ban .........including alcohol over my dead body Quote
Guest Promsak Posted July 20, 2016 Posted July 20, 2016 . The prison problem can be solved by death sentence for everyone who is producing or dealing, or user after being caught the third time. Some countries already have death sentence, Ye gods! Quote
biguyby Posted July 20, 2016 Posted July 20, 2016 If I had absolute power, I would ban all drugs, including alcohol and tobacco. The prison problem can be solved by death sentence for everyone who is producing or dealing, or user after being caught the third time. Some countries already have death sentence, and people argue that it doesn't work as deterrent, well I say it works: everyone sentenced to death will never produce, deal or consume drugs again! There are discussions about legalizing cannabis in several western countries, a capitulation of reason, in my opinion. And when we have politicians and law makers deciding who should live and who should be killed then we will really be screwed. Oh silly me, we already are screwed! Quote
kokopelli Posted July 20, 2016 Posted July 20, 2016 over my dead body Be careful vinapu! That is what Czar Christian The Terrible wants; your dead body along with many others "users". vinapu 1 Quote
Guest Chicago Posted July 21, 2016 Posted July 21, 2016 I think a major priority of a ruling government is to ensure the economic livelihood and opportunity of the citizens it governs. Not meeting this goal makes the citizens dependent upon the government and insures their ability to stay in power of governance. When I look at the drug issue in various countries it seems that sometimes the governments tacitly accept the drug problem knowing that it (1) provides a means for economic gain for the suppliers and distributors of drugs but also (2) chemically pacifies the users in accepting their day-to-day mundane existence. And now the position of some governments is the justification to legalize drugs knowing this is a great opportunity to increase the governments tax revenue. Their short-sighted gain and their prosecution of the dependent user does not address the underlying problem that they did not provide the economic livelihood and opportunity to the citizens. So it begs the question...........who is the actual criminal? Quote
vinapu Posted July 21, 2016 Posted July 21, 2016 Be careful vinapu! That is what Czar Christian The Terrible wants; your dead body along with many others "users". having an advantage of knowing His Majesty in person I sleep well , he is too busy getting close nad personal to his bodyguards to have time to look for the rope I would be hangin on Quote
steveboy Posted July 21, 2016 Posted July 21, 2016 I would love to see all drugs legalized across the globe. Prison populations would decrease and fun times would increase. Me instead would like to see a worldwide effort to regulate drugs. Medicinal drugs, that is. Nothing is so important as health, and some life saving drugs are more valuable than gold and diamonds. This prompts a legal market in medicinal drugs that is even more abominable than any illegal market of recreational drugs. Here in the US prescription drug suppliers can charge WHAT THEY WANT. And their business is better than meth, heroin, etc. because some drugs are unique and are protected by patents. THIS NEEDS TO CHANGE. Like there are restrictions on what drugs can be sold (approval by the FDA) and who can prescribe the drugs (the doctors), there should be important laws that restrict their maximum price, based on their manufacturing cost and cost of development. Quote
Guest cdnmatt Posted July 21, 2016 Posted July 21, 2016 Well, then the US should have went for a single payer health system, like Obama initially pushed for, and what most of the rest of the modern world already has. When the government is your only customer, and they have their constituients to answer to, guess who has the upper hand at the negotiating table? Why do you think so many Americans in the northern US head to Canada to get their prescriptions filled once a month? Quote
Guest Steve1903 Posted July 21, 2016 Posted July 21, 2016 I'm for legalising. Let those who want to be junkies do their thing just as we allow alcoholics to do their thing. Quote
TotallyOz Posted July 21, 2016 Posted July 21, 2016 I hate drugs and I don't want to be around those that do them. But, I feel anyone who wants to do them should have the right. Just like I believe that any 2 consenting adults should be able to do anything they want. I believe one's body is their body and if they want to fuck it up, so be it. If they want to kill themselves, so be it. Your body, your choices. Legalize, tax and let the chips fall where they may. KhorTose, anddy and kokopelli 3 Quote
ChristianPFC Posted July 23, 2016 Posted July 23, 2016 I'm for legalising. Let those who want to be junkies do their thing just as we allow alcoholics to do their thing. And what about others who will be affected? Second hand smoke, traffic accidents from drunk driving, drug-related crime and finally costs for medical treatment? vinapu 1 Quote
anddy Posted July 23, 2016 Posted July 23, 2016 And what about others who will be affected? Second hand smoke, traffic accidents from drunk driving, drug-related crime and finally costs for medical treatment? - second hand smoke is already being regulated in many many countries (no smoking in restaurants etc), and its not an issue with any other drug except pot - drunk drinving (on a LEGAL drug, mind you!) is already illegal and obviouly will and must remain illegal, irrespective of the intoxicating substance - there will be no more "drug-related crime" if everything is legalized - the cost for medical treatment is a non-issue once drugs are legalized, because the gazillions of dollars being spent on the pointless and lost "war on drugs" will be saved and can be diverted to health care instead. Besides, these health costs already are already there because drugs ARE being (and have been for millennia and will always be) widely used, legal or not (lost "war on drugs" and all...). - and: now there are many drug related deaths that are not linked to the use of drugs (like overdoses etc), but a result of that stupid war on drugs. A death is a death, and a human being is a human being, right? So in terms of human loss, legalizing will reduce that sharply. Totally agree with Michael, why should using drugs be illegal in the first place? The distribution may an should be regulated (like it already is for all legal drugs, be it recreational drugs like alcohol or tobacco or prescription drugs), but that has nothing to do with the legality of consumption. Alexx and TotallyOz 2 Quote
Guest Steve1903 Posted July 23, 2016 Posted July 23, 2016 And what about others who will be affected? Second hand smoke, traffic accidents from drunk driving, drug-related crime and finally costs for medical treatment? Prohibition was tried with the drug called alcohol. The result was that the whole production and supply of alcohol went underground. The only beneficiaries were the criminals. It didn't work so was made legal again. Precisely the same argument can be used for these other drugs. I don't see the difference. Quote