Guest Posted August 3, 2016 Posted August 3, 2016 Firecat, you have a problem constantly and tediously inferring what is not written & extrapolating from what is written. Unbelievable! Attack??? I pointed out that CB denigrating Thai boys as being dishonest and using an example such as putting a worthless phone on the edge of a desk so it could be knocked off and damaged was just plain not true. Whilst I am confident the phone scam would be perpetrated by only a minority of Thai boys, we have 2 pieces of evidence which suggest some do it. (i) The post from CB (who seems like a nice character) (ii) I had to smile about the phone scam. I didn't know it was a scam and I remember a guy leaving his phone on the edge of the bed and pulling me to him. I was aware of the phone and stopped to move it to the nightstand and plug it into my charger. That's when he told me phone no good. I didn't give it a second thought. First Thai boys are not in general dishonestIrrelevant. Other than you, no one is suggesting they are. Extrapolation again. That's why you get into these dumb and pointless arguments. not a single person has said that they have experienced this fraud.Try reading the thread properly. We have a whole another thread here where a member actually tried to make a case that Thailand is the Land of Scams for visitors.Not true. The thread merely invites people to share scams so others may be aware of them. In my opening post, I clearly wrote “Then, in all the years I've been coming here, I've suffered almost no scams. So I think the risk is very low. However, it still makes sense to know the tricks so we can recognise them.” Quote
firecat69 Posted August 3, 2016 Posted August 3, 2016 I'll be happy to keep the argument going because you make no sense. CB has no standing to be making comments about Thai boys being dishonest because it it to his advantage to denigrate Thai Boys to get more customers. Bucknaway 's comments about someone putting a phone on the edge of the bed. Did I miss where the boy tried to scam him ? I must have! I've had hundreds of Thai boy phones on my bed desk, table etc. Again meaningless repeated drivel with no facts. Bucknaway did not get scammed by the phone on the bed and has no reason to think he would have. The thread on scams got started because Bucknaway says he has been scammed repeatedly in Thailand. He must either be the unluckiest visitor to Thailand or the scams only happen to visitors to Lady and LadyBoy Bars. Quote
vinapu Posted August 3, 2016 Posted August 3, 2016 I am two weeks away from my next trip and your TR has gotten me all fired-up. Thank you! and how many weeks we are from your reports ? I still remember one you graced this forum with last year Quote
Guest Posted August 3, 2016 Posted August 3, 2016 Bucknaway 's comments about someone putting a phone on the edge of the bed. Did I miss where the boy tried to scam him ? I must have! I've had hundreds of Thai boy phones on my bed desk, table etc. You missed part of the evidence. The boy carries a phone around and places it on the edge of Bucknaway's bed. When Bucknaway moves it, suddenly the lad says it is no good. That sounds just like the scam CB described. Or do we live in some kind of la la land where boys carry no good phones around ? Then CB must have got the idea from somewhere too. Quote
firecat69 Posted August 3, 2016 Posted August 3, 2016 Phone no good could mean it no longer works for internet or that some functions don't work. Conspiracy Theorists like Bucknaway and apparently now you want to impart that as a possible Scam. Ridiculous!. Did Bucknaway get scammed .No. In fact has has he listed one scam that he experienced personally from a Gay Boy or Gay Bar. The answer is no the same as the resounding response in the scam thread . Look up the word evidence. No where in the definition is supposition or suspicion mentioned. Let me know when someone personally reports this supposed ridiculous scam happening to them. Until then I will continue to believe what everyone (including you) has posted in the Scam thread that either they have never been scammed or Taxi driver tried to get flat rate. And thus I will continue to encourage people who have never visited Thailand to be comfortable that they will be welcomed and treated honestly and not worry about Scam Theorists. Quote
numazu Posted August 3, 2016 Author Posted August 3, 2016 I want to wrap up my trip report, and I think I have a couple of posts left. But I kind of want to see where this argument goes to. It might be more interesting than my posts. Quote
firecat69 Posted August 3, 2016 Posted August 3, 2016 Please give us the rest of your report, it is much more interesting then discussions of supposed Scams. Quote
Alexx Posted August 3, 2016 Posted August 3, 2016 Well it's actually very simple, the truth lies somewhere in between. Neither is Thailand a "Land of Scams" nor are all Thai boys honest. As for CB, I could imagine that he's been privy to quite a few stunts some of his colleagues have pulled off, so he thought it's a good idea to warn numazu in case he encounters one of these scams. That Thais tend to look down on Khmers and that many Khmers here aren't too fond of the Thais also isn't really a secret. traveller123 and witty 2 Quote
vinapu Posted August 3, 2016 Posted August 3, 2016 I never thought about the boy could return the jeans to the shop for refund. Haha As with Numazu, I always give the receipts to boy and I always pay cash. So he could have done that easily. But in this case, after he tried it on, he continued to wear them for couple of days. So I don't think he wanted cash that desperate. Quite possibly he decided that that improving his status among his friends is worth it . Once in Arena on two separate occasions boys pointed to their friend's expensive shoes explaining that he just recently got them bought by grateful client. It looks that Thai boys too not only want to keep up with Joneses , they want be Joneses from time to time like most of us. Quote
Guest Posted August 3, 2016 Posted August 3, 2016 Please give us the rest of your report, it is much more interesting then discussions of supposed Scams. Incredible. The original scam report was an interesting & relevant part of the report. You drew attention to it by raising some rather illogical objections (post #253). Had you not raised that objection, I suspect we would still be hearing trip reports. I'm also very grateful that the trip reports include all these stories. Quote
bucknaway Posted August 3, 2016 Posted August 3, 2016 At this point what is there to gain by arguing more? Has anyone ever won a message board fight? Has anyone ever changed his mind due to stubborn posts from either viewpoint? This was an awesome thread and look what we did with it.... vinapu and traveller123 2 Quote
ggobkk Posted August 3, 2016 Posted August 3, 2016 Numazu, I'm looking forward to you filing more the meantime, I suppose there is some wry amusement in observing an argument that goes round and round, back and forth, and continues even after all sides seem to acknowledge the need to pause. I've mentioned before how much your jottings are valued by me and from the comments by so many others. You have taken your friends like CB and DTG from being possible potential caricatures and made them fully realized characters, individuals with their own experiences, traumas, and views of life. Again, thanks... bucknaway, jacquet, monsoon and 1 other 4 Quote
anddy Posted August 3, 2016 Posted August 3, 2016 ggobkk's post +1 This was easily the most enthralling reports I've had the pleasure of reading here. So personal, so engaging, of course so sexy, full of suspense, too. Looking forward to the wrap-up, but will be missing something when it's done - until the next one hopefully bucknaway 1 Quote
Popular Post numazu Posted August 4, 2016 Author Popular Post Posted August 4, 2016 Day 18: Me No Like Airports I hate airports. There is nothing about airports that makes me want to go spend any time in them. Maybe it’s the bad fluorescent lighting. Maybe it’s the zillions of people carrying god-knows-what from the smorgasbord of countries they come from. Maybe it’s the tedious security checkpoints that are full of overzealous security agents, invading your privacy, or make you late for your flight. Maybe it’s the overpriced food, overpriced souvenirs, overpriced water. Maybe it’s the clusterfuck that is the boarding procedure before getting on your flight. It could be a lot of things. It’s actually none of these things. I hate airports because it is a place for goodbyes. And the one thing I hate the most is saying goodbye. I always hated leaving home to go to college and having to say goodbye to my mom at our home airport. The first time I said goodbye at an airport to go to college, my mom could not even speak. She just could not believe that her baby boy is all grown up, now moved out of the house, living in a city hundreds of miles away, and charting his own life and destiny without her. It broke my heart seeing her like this for the first time. But I had to be strong for the both of us. This was the start of my hatred of airports. It’s the place where you say goodbye. I was saying goodbye to Cambodia Boy (CB) today. I have grown close to CB these past few days. I’ve said goodbye to him before, 3 times before to be exact, but this particular goodbye is the hardest. As I have said in a previous post, before this trip, he had the unenviable pressure of providing for his family and paying down their debt. Now he is free of this familial obligation, and is beginning to chart a course for his future. As a result, he is now more confident, more engaged, and free to love and cry and just be a boy with me. I like this latest iteration of CB, and excited in meeting the man he is starting to become because of this newfound freedom. I have grown accustomed to his body, his smells, his attitude, his voice and his laughter. I am used to waking up to him, to cuddling with him, to looking at him, to hugging him, and to kissing him. I have looked forward to eating with him, walking with him, holding hands with him, laughing with him, and crying with him. I have become used to seeing the world with him, talking about the world with him, and experiencing the world with him. Simply, I have grown to love him. And now, it is time to say goodbye. Last night, after our love making, I did my best to pack all my stuff in my suitcases. He did the same, carefully folding his clothes in his duffle bag. When we were done he takes out a figurine from his bag. It is a small wooden carving of an animal (not gonna say what). I recognized where it came from. It was from one of the street vendors in Pattaya, in the courtyard near the Aya Hotel. I bought him a wooden figurine for from that vendor before. I forgot what it was I bought him, but I did mention to him that time that the craftsmanship from this vendor was pretty good. He says it was a gift for me. I take the figurine and hug it, tearing up a bit, and the smiling at him. I’m not only accepting a token of appreciation from him, it’s also evidence of how much our past experiences has meant to him. He was thoughtful enough to give me a gift as thanks, but more than that, he was considerate enough to remember a moment in time between us, a moment we shared in our brief time together. He has just raised the stakes. It has just become that much more difficult to say goodbye. So the alarm wakes us up at 8 AM. I hug him tightly and kiss his back. He is still sound asleep. I go to the bathroom and clean up. I quickly dress and wake him up. He can barely open his eyes right now. Creatures of the night are not used to seeing the morning. I remind him that we have to go to the airport in a few hours. He smiles and purses his lips, asking for a kiss. I kiss him in the lips, the cheek, the neck. He sits up, then stands up to go to the bathroom. I hear peeing, then water, then the shower. I try to tidy up the condo. He emerges from the bathroom in a towel. He takes off the towel and starts putting clothes on. He then takes all his bathroom stuff and puts them in his bag. I do the same for my own bathroom stuff. Once we have finished packing, I tell him we have some time to have breakfast. We head to the familiar Foodland Patpong to get our cheap and quick breakfast. On the walk over there, we were quiet. I was too distracted to think about anything to say. I had a 15+ hour flight ahead of me. I was leaving Bangkok. I was leaving him. We get to the restaurant and I get the usual sacrilegious American breakfast. He gets the same thing and orders fried rice for the both of us to share. The order gets in quick (always in this place), and we devour the food. He breaks the ice, saying that he was not sure how he can get from Suvarnabhumi back to Pattaya. I ask him he has not flown to Bangkok from Phnom Penh? He says he only has taken the bus. I google “airport to Pattaya” and find that there is a bus service at the ground floor of the airport. I tell CB that he can take this. I tell him after I check in my luggage I will take him to the bus counter to buy the ticket. He says he can do this by himself and I do not have to go with him. I tell him I want to know he is safe. He says I care for him a lot. I pay up (450 baht) and we get back to the condo. Everything is packed except for the wooden figurine he gave me. I put it in my backpack as part of my carry-on. Cargo this precious cannot be trusted in check-in luggage. I intend to cherish this forever. I text the owner of the condo telling him I am checking out and will be leaving the key in the mailbox near the lobby downstairs. I do a last check of all the rooms in the condo. No worries about a little bit of trash on the floor, but wanted the condo to not look like a disaster area before I left. I leave the unused water bottles in the refrigerator, as I am sure the next tenant will have some use for this. I turn off both aircon units and turn off all the lights. As I farewell gesture, and still in the privacy of the condo, I walk over to the standing CB and hug him deeply. I take his face and give him a deep kiss. I know I will be saying my final goodbyes in the airport, but I thought I’d give him a more thoughtful one in the privacy of the condo. I look at him in the eyes and tell him that I had a wonderful time, and I thank him for everything. I wished him to be always safe and keep in touch. I ask him when he would want his tip. He said it doesn’t matter, I can give it to him in the airport. I kiss him deeply one last time. I then take my backpack and a duffel bag, CB takes my roller bag and his duffel bag, and we are on our way out. At the lobby I drop off the keys, take a pic of the mailbox, send it to the condo owner, and let him know that I am leaving. We then try to get a taxi in front of the condo. We hail one, he does not want to go the airport. Another one, again, he did not want to go to the airport. Third one, I let CB hail the taxi, this one accepts, and quotes 400 baht to the airport without the meter, and we pay the highway tolls. I accept. I’ve been quoted 500 baht before leaving the Crowne Plaza, inclusive of toll fees, so this taxi was a little bit cheaper. We get our big bags put in the trunk and we settle in the back. The taxi driver is middle-aged, and was fairly quiet during the ride. CB and I were quiet as well, lost in our own thoughts, probably thinking about the moments after saying goodbye at the airport, going about our own journeys home, and our own lives away from each other. There wasn’t a lot of traffic today, at 11 AM on a Monday morning. The taxi cruelly gets to the airport in record time. My hatred of airports intensifies getting to the curb. We get up from the car and collect our things. I fish out 400 baht from my dwindling baht collection in my wallet. We get a luggage cart that was at the curb and CB takes the cart and wheels it in the airport. We find the counters of my airline and my flight and see a line at the economy section. Thankfully I got upgraded to Business Class two days before my flight, so we just slide in the premium line. I hand over my passport, load up my two big bags on the scale, get my passport and boarding pass back, plus the fast track ticket to be able to line up at the premium lanes, and I am on my way. It is still 2.5 hours before my flight, so it was plenty of time to take CB to the ground level to help him get a ticket back to Pattaya. We get to Level 1 and we see a counter that has a bus going to Pattaya with a stop close to the Jomtien area for 120 baht (or 150 baht, I don’t remember). I happily pay and ask the person in the counter what time was the next bus. He said there was a bus leaving in 30 minutes but it was full. We have to wait for the next bus, which is leaving an hour after this first bus. I ask CB if this was OK, he said yes, it’s cheaper than taking a taxi. We sit down in the seats close to the counter. I finally give him his tip. As a Jomtien boy, we have come up with an appropriate fee of long time with him of about 2000 baht a night. I have seen him for about 6 days so I give him 12,000 baht. But I was not done. Since he is Cambodian and have dual currency in his country, I give him an additional $200 in 2 hundred dollar bills (the new ones). I usually use the ATM to get my Baht, but have a reservoir of ($100) dollar bills with me in case my ATM (and my backup ATM) does not work. You cannot be too careful. So this ups his tip a bit to about 3000+ baht a night, more like a Bangkok long time tip. This is the most I have given him ever, but I felt that he deserved it. I wanted him to enjoy his newfound freedom and start fresh and new. Its kind of strange that I would pay CB one prevailing rate appropriate for Pattaya boys, and DTG another prevailing rate appropriate for Bangkok boys, but they both have given me the same kind of service, the same intensity, the same results, and definitely the same quality, albeit in different ways. So I felt good about paying them the same. I feel it was only fair, even if for CB, it won’t matter to him as much about how fair this is. To him, it is more money and that is more important. When I give him the $200 I tell him this is because of what he did. I tell him he has taken care of me more this time, and I felt that he deserved this. I tell him I won’t always give him this much money, but right now, I think it is appropriate. He takes it and tears up a bit. He thanks me and hugs me, and says he will miss me. I take his hand and tell him to take care of himself. I tell him to message me everyday, even to just say hi, so I know he is safe. He promises and pockets his bounty in one of his front pockets. I sit with him for about 30 minutes, just keeping him company, and not saying much except to look at each other and ask if the other was OK. I think we have said what we needed to say last night, and what’s left is just the horrible task of saying goodbye. When it was time, I get up, hug him chastely, and say goodbye. While I walk away I look back one last time and I see him looking at me as I walk away. I then continue walking to the elevator as it takes me away from him. I try not to look at him one more time. I speed through the fast lane lines for immigration, get that familiar stamp in my passport, and pretty soon I am in the main hall of the airport. When I see this wonderfully impressive display of Thai culture, I know I am leaving this wonderful country: Did I tell you I hate airports? It takes me away from the ones I love, the ones I cannot stay with permanently, because I have chosen to live a life separate from them. I love them with all my heart, but circumstances and choices find me saying goodbye to them anyway. They know the reason why I have to say goodbye, even though they may hate it. I definitely know the reason why I have to say goodbye, and I definitely hate it. Aux1010, anddy, bucknaway and 9 others 12 Quote
Alexx Posted August 4, 2016 Posted August 4, 2016 That was a wonderful series of trip reports and it was a joy to read all of them. Thanks a lot for sharing! You earlier asked me about why Thai colleges are bad for one's moral uprightness. Nothing too serious, just the usual combination of hazing, cheating and jealous intrigues, I figure from what I've heard. Quote
Guest abang1961 Posted August 4, 2016 Posted August 4, 2016 Goodbyes are always hardest to say... regardless who that person(s) is/are. Just say goodbye to a young heterosexual American lad at the airport myself yesterday. I met him on line while he was travelling in South East Asia, more or less a backpacker after completing his studies in May this year. This is possibly the first time I had invited a younger stranger to stay at my place for a week. Funny enough although he was cute as a button, it was platonic all the way even though I told him I'm a gay man. He slept in the adjacent bedroom but I have had the opportunity to see his "goods" when we went swimming at Sentosa. It was the kind of friendship between an older man and a 25-year old. During his stay, I edited his resume and even offer to be his reference, if there is a need. He was NOT exactly a shy person who "talks" to different gals while in Singapore. So I'm NOT a cougar.. Quote
Vessey Posted August 4, 2016 Posted August 4, 2016 Day 18: Me No Like Airports Did I tell you I hate airports? It takes me away from the ones I love, the ones I cannot stay with permanently, because I have chosen to live a life separate from them. I love them with all my heart, but circumstances and choices find me saying goodbye to them anyway. They know the reason why I have to say goodbye, even though they may hate it. I definitely know the reason why I have to say goodbye, and I definitely hate it. Great installment that left me with tears in my eyes as well, not just in sympathy for what you were going through, but because it evoked still-all-too-raw memories of my own 'goodbyes' on past trips. halfhansum 1 Quote
firecat69 Posted August 4, 2016 Posted August 4, 2016 Easily the best trip report ever because of the willingness to share your deepest feelings. Your general appreciation of the boys you meet in Thailand enable you to have these type of experiences . Many of us feel the same way about the boys we meet and are unwilling or unable to recount those feelings . That is why we react negatively when posters want to focus on scams (almost none reported) and thefts . I apologize for derailing your thread for a short time when I should have started a new thread commenting on my thoughts about supposed scams. ggobkk 1 Quote
ggobkk Posted August 4, 2016 Posted August 4, 2016 Reading your report and recalling the silences that are an essential part of the important partings. Thanks. Quote
numazu Posted August 4, 2016 Author Posted August 4, 2016 CB would naturally love to divorce you from Thai Boys which of course limits his competition. Somehow I think you probably understand this? When CB tells me these stories, it's not couched as "Thai people are bad" or "Thai people only do this." Its more in the general concern of wanting me to be careful with other strangers. He is full of tips when I am with him. From bargaining at the shops, taking cabs and mocys and Baht buses, and even seeing money boys. The number one thing he tells me is "Please do not die." when I tell him in Line I am offing someone else or taking a plane ride. He knows I am a butterfly, and does not stop me getting other boys. Getting him to be in a threesome with said boys is another matter. Whilst I am confident the phone scam would be perpetrated by only a minority of Thai boys, we have 2 pieces of evidence which suggest some do it.(i) The post from CB (who seems like a nice character)(ii)Not true. The thread merely invites people to share scams so others may be aware of them.In my opening post, I clearly wrote “Then, in all the years I've been coming here, I've suffered almost no scams. So I think the risk is very low. However, it still makes sense to know the tricks so we can recognise them.” CB is unnecessarily protective of me sometimes. CB has a panoply of things he tells me when he shares about some insider money boy stuff. I always tell him I am fascinated by knowing some of the things boys do, the stuff boys say, to get as much money from us. I encourage him to tell me this stories. I am sure he talks shop sometimes with his cohorts, and while I know that the boys he knows are not scammers, some of them have been around the block many times enough to see some of these in action. YMMV. Well it's actually very simple, the truth lies somewhere in between. Neither is Thailand a "Land of Scams" nor are all Thai boys honest. As for CB, I could imagine that he's been privy to quite a few stunts some of his colleagues have pulled off, so he thought it's a good idea to warn numazu in case he encounters one of these scams. That Thais tend to look down on Khmers and that many Khmers here aren't too fond of the Thais also isn't really a secret. Very true. Another fascinating thing to observe whenever I have intermingling between Thai boys and other SE asian boys. DTG is shocked (surprised with facial expressions) whenever I tell him about the boys I have had good relations with. I tell him about Xboy Guy, and then about Myanmar guy, and then he met CB. He is shocked that I liked a Burmese guy a lot, and when he met CB he then again made the mention of him being Khmer. With CB being prejudiced against Thais and Myanmar boy and CB hating being mistaken as Thai (to the point of tears sometimes), there is obvious inter-country tension between the three nations. I just want all of them to get along. Maybe not in threesomes haha. Although that would be great as well. traveller123, Aux1010 and Alexx 3 Quote
Jasper Posted August 5, 2016 Posted August 5, 2016 Hi numazu, Thanks for your brilliant reports. It's brutally honest thoroughly enjoyable and thought-provoking. I admire your honesty and courage to be open to criticism from forum members including me. I wish you a good luck next trip to Thailand and happy butterflying. PS Do you mind if I take DTG to a shopping trip with me. I am very curious what he is going to say to me. it's going to be "too expensive" or "yes please"? Am I evil and twisted? vinapu 1 Quote
fjeffmy Posted August 5, 2016 Posted August 5, 2016 Hi Numazu, Thank you very much for all the contributions to the forum.You articles are the best here and many are just waiting for you to write everyday.Do let as know your adventures back home in USA too and your travels to other countries as well.In the meantime take care we all in gaythailand are waiting for you to return to the land of smiles and you will also bring smiles to those who are reading your well written articles too,Maybe you may consider changing your job to become a gay travel writer.We definitely will buy your books.Thank you my dear bucknaway and vinapu 2 Quote
Popular Post numazu Posted August 5, 2016 Author Popular Post Posted August 5, 2016 Day 19 to present: Epilogue I wanted to wrap up the trip report by thanking everyone for the kind words left here as replies, or left as private messages in my inbox. I apologize if I cannot answer every message, but if you want to try to ask me again, I’ll try to answer your question. It is amazing that this thread has reached 20,000+ views as I write this. Has this thread really been clicked on that many times? While I did not write this for you (I wrote this for myself), it’s always nice to know someone out there is reading my crap. From the PMs I’ve received. I know some of you want to meet DTG or CB or even Xboy Guy. All I can say is I respect their privacy and don’t want them harassed. Possibly my main reticence is that I have been very personal with my experiences with the boys, and the last thing I want to happen is for a customer to expect the same treatment from the boys, the way they treated me, and then get harassed if they do something else. Maybe I am overly paranoid, but like I said numerous times that I am very protective of the boys, and vinapu is probably right when saying that me exposing them here may give them a lot of customer traffic, but they are popular boys anyway so maybe I am not too worried about that for now. A handful of you even told me they have met these boys. I am glad you were treated with as much respect and fun by them as I was. So I endured the 15+ hours to get from Bangkok to California, with a layover in Hong Kong. Flying Business Class meant I had the comfort to relax more in a bigger space and take stock of what happened. I had my laptop with me in my backpack so I was able to knock out a few chapters of the trip report. With thoughts still brimming in my head I was able to complete the last day, Day 18, as a first one completed in the 2+ hour flight to Hong Kong. With the experience fresh and just hours behind me, I was visibly crying while I typed it. I didn’t care. I had to take out a few items that didn’t make sense to the whole piece, but the overall feelings are there. And putting my thoughts into paper actually made my feelings for CB more real. On and on in my head I thought, why was I leaving him? Can I really chart a future with him? What about my BF? I then write a chapter about DTG. Memories of how awesome he was come rushing in my head. I write how handsome he is, how smart he is, and how considerate he is. I slowly calm down from my CB haze. OK, this is just how its gonna be. I will fall in love with as many boys as I can that I develop deep connections with. Maybe I will not leave my BF. Maybe this is just a Thailand thing. Maybe when I see my BF’s familiar towering frame, smiling from ear-to-ear, and an expression that says “You’re home!”, I know where I truly belong. Hong Kong Aiport, as I wrote earlier, is like a shopping mall, so my layovers in this giant airport is like going window shopping. I love the business class lounge of Cathay Pacific. I especially love the noodle bar. I have my fill of alcoholic drinks and food, and my thoughts filled with boys and sex, so I sit back and continue on writing the trip reports. Pretty soon it was time to board my long haul flight. Business Class is always fun, and the 13 or so hours in the air is not as bad if you have a full reclining seat. I type some chapters of the trip report for a while before it felt like work. I take a break and get fed a very elaborate meal. After that I decide to enjoy the amenities my seat had, and just watch a movie. I pop in some sleeping pills, put on the available ear plugs and eye mask, recline my seat fully, and get a peaceful slumber. I dream about boys the whole way home. As with my first trip report, I will attempt to summarize my haul: Primary Goal: Be a butterfly – partially met. I was able to meet a lot of boys, but got distracted by two excellent boys, thus offing them multiple nights. B+ Secondary Goal: Have a threesome – success. Although the first one was a success, succeeding attempts were failures. A- Tertiary Goal: Get some tailored suits and shirts – success. I have had the chance to wear the tailored items at work for a month now and they just show the quality and craftsmanship of the tailors at AMAA Tailors in Pattaya. A+ New guys met: 6 - Boy, DTG (3 times), Tong (twice), Toy Boy Thai Guy, KB, TBoy Previous guys met: 2 - Xboy Guy, CB (6 times) Bonus item – If I was butterfly, I could’ve met: 12 (so sad, I could’ve had at least 12 boys if I were a butterfly everyday) Best app hookup: that Filipino guy but this was in Hong Kong Worst app hookup: N/A Best bar experience: Jomtien bar Worst bar experience: Hot Male (because the non-Thais were gone, the bar is actually nice, please go!) Most visited bar: Tawan Bar I wish I visited more: Xboys Pattaya, I did not have the chance to go at all Bar I need to visit again: Jupiter, and I need to off someone in particular (this is for that member who PM’ed me, thank you sir for the tip) Best hotel: that Soi 3 condo Worst hotel: that Pattaya condo, but really, both were excellent. Just had no choice but to put something here Fell in love: 3 times (Xboy Guy, DTG, CB) Hated the Guy: Soda from Tawan, did not off him, but my friend did. Biggest surprise: CB giving me that wooden figurine that sits proudly on my office desk, CB more confident, CB more lovable, Xboy Guy breaking my heart, Jomtien fun… OK a lot of surprises. But the figurine wins. Same same: Airports suck Best sex: CB, that last night Best boyfriend experience: DTG, that first night Best conversation: DTG, about everything This were my awards last February, for comparison: Primary Goal: To have as much sex as possible – Mission accomplished Secondary Goal: Exercise everyday, eat healthy – First week great, second week got sick, did not exercise towards the end Tertiary Goal: Get 2 suits and shirts tailored – Success, minor hiccup New guys met: 10 (6 offs, 4 free boys thru gay app) Repeat guys: 6 (4 offs, 2 money boy thru gay app) Short Time Offs: 7 boys Long Time Offs: 6 boys Best off: Xboy guy Worst off: Nice Boys guy Best app hookup: Hotel guy in Pattaya Worst app hookup: Older guy in BKK who did not look like his pics Best bar experience: Xboys Worst bar experience: Nice Boys, maybe I went on an off night Most visited bar: Boyzboyzboyz in Pattaya, best selection of boys Bar I wish I visited more: Tawan, but I cut BKK trip short in favor of Pattaya Bar I need to visit again: Nice Boys, and Sunee Plaza in general Best hotel: Crowne Plaza in BKK Worst hotel: Aya Hotel in Pattaya (not really bad, and will stay again) Fell in love: 3 times (numerous times with Xboy Guy and Cambodia Guy, 5 minutes with FM2) Hated the guy: Older Grindr guy, Nice Boys off Biggest Surprise: Xboy Guy not charging for company from 3 AM to 5 PM on 4th time Same same: Cambodia guy trying to get more money from me Best Sex: Xboy guy (Cambodia guy close second) Best boyfriend experience: Dreamboys Thai guy Best Conversation: Cambodia guy I had plenty of fun writing these reports. As paulsf has told me, this is a form of therapy for me. And its true. It has allowed me to gain the gift of perspective about what happened to me those two magical weeks. It has made me realize what I want out of Thailand. And it makes me want to go for more. Since now I have had many requests to write about my next trip, maybe I will. As a starter rule, I thought I would write about every other trip. Every trip I have in Thailand has an element of sex in it, but not every trip has anything to do with the sex industry. Last April was a sightseeing trip, and hung out with BF and then Myanmar Boy the whole time, so it would not be as exciting to write about as this trip. My next trip is in September, for about 9 nights, and again it is more a sightseeing trip as well, with just one guy the whole time. Maybe I’ll write about it. We will just have to see. Maybe there will be more than guy. Maybe I just cancelled my one-bedroom AirBNB condo to get a three-bedroom AirBNB condo. It may be a bigger condo to house more than one boy. We shall see. I get to LAX, and as expected, the real love of my life is waiting for me. He hugs me and kisses me in the cheek; he takes my luggage cart, and asks me if I had a good flight. I tell him Business Class is awesome. And then he tells me what was going on at work and with our friends. And that was it. No questions about Thailand, how many boys I got, how much money I spent. He doesn’t ask. I think he doesn’t want to know. He just loves that I am back, and we can go about our lives like Thailand never happened. That Xboy Guy did not break my heart. That DTG fixed it back up and lifted me up. That CB made me whole and dared me to dream about a forever with him. This is why I write about it. I can’t tell my BF, my friends, or my family. They won’t understand why I do the things I do in Bangkok. But you do, right? Thank you for understanding. You’ve been great. I get home and start the tedious task of unpacking from an international flight. As I get settled in the house, and start unpacking my suitcase, I take out the contents of my pocket. I have these items in one of the big pockets in my cargo shorts: A condom wrapper, an unused premium lane ticket, the G’s German-Thai Restaurant owner’s business card, some leftover baht, and a flyer from Tawan - Think of happiness, think of Thailand. bucknaway, paulsf, ishfahan2 and 6 others 9 Quote
Guest Jason105 Posted August 5, 2016 Posted August 5, 2016 You are not only a talented writer, you are an astute observer of the human condition. Your insights and conclusions go far beyond who was or was not good in the sack. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading, not just because of the reminders of LOS but because of the incredibly interesting word portraits of the people you spent time with and came to know in a more intimate fashion than the majority of reports/posts that I have read. Your sincere appreciation of these young men and your honest attempts to get to know them beyond their professional "act" has been revealing and heartwarming. Yes, I realize that we are discussing transactions that involve money but they also involve human beings with all their complexities and paradoxes. Thank you for taking the time to provide this reader with fascinating reports. All the best. Quote
vinapu Posted August 5, 2016 Posted August 5, 2016 Like all above I will miss my daily dose of your reports. Congratulation on hitting 20000 views mark and that fast, all hard work you put on those reports paid off. Many readers may not realize how time consuming reporting is but I'm sure all appreciated your efforts Hope you will change your mind and will report from every trip , not every second one 1. vinapu is probably right when saying that me exposing them here may give them a lot of customer traffic,2.Think of happiness, think of Thailand. don't read my quoted comment as encouragement or nosiness. In fact with amount of information about them in your posts I firmly believe you are correct by hiding their identities. Somebody motivated will find way to get them. about second part my word is : don't think, just book your ticket and count days to departure. Thank you again , definitely summer 2016 on the forum was numazu's summer ! paulsf and bucknaway 2 Quote