firecat69 Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 On 4/12/2016 at 10:29 AM, vinapu said: and this is part which Esteemed Firecat doesn't get I get it !. That is his opinion and evidently yours. Some may have an opinion that taking photos from other sites and posting them on a Gay Site are acceptable. Some may not? Some consider taking advantage of poor boys in order to have Sex with them is unacceptable. Apparently you do not. You like many others travel thousands of miles not to see temples but to screw or be screwed by Thai Boys. I do the same. We all find ways to justify what we do but moral outrage about fully clothed photos being posted on a site where only people like you and I visit is just plain ridiculous. Where was your outrage of all the Tawan Photos being posted. Maybe their mothers and fathers and brothers will visit this site and see their photos. And if they are reasonably intelligent will understand they sell their bodies. ishfahan2 1 Quote
NIrishGuy Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 And it's the same reason why this and the other boards all have rules about not posting pics and or private details of other members just because we can after perhaps us finding out the identity of other farang from maybe seeing their pic on Grindr or we just happen to realise who people are as we talk to them or others when in bars etc. If so I think it's widely agreed that that fact alone doesn't necessarily mean that we should feel free to instantly post that "private" info - just because we can - as at some level we all understand and respect the fact that we would probably like to assume a certain level of privacy in our lives - and I can only assume that Thai people are no different. The one guy who did use the reason " oh but if it's on the internet then tough it's fine if anyone posts it" was of course Neal over on his personal bitch board - and we all know how that ended up. * Oh and before someone mentions good old BruceNYC and how his info seemed to eventually leak out on SGT I think most of that was purely down to himself as he certainly didn't try in any way to disguise who he was, he just seemed to forget to mention certain facts that others, once his identity was fairly much out there, called him on and THATS the thing that he didn't like perhaps, but if he hadn't of made it fairly obvious via about 3 clicks on Google who (and what his background was) then I doubt anyone would have posted anything re him either. Either way aside from the legality etc of such things, if the guy hasn't a post up saying "Hey I'm a money boy" then to post a pic with a caption saying "I fucked this "escort" ( or words to that effect) just simply isn't very nice nor considerate to another human being - and my own personal yardstick for such things is "if I was sitting beside the guy in a bar again would I show him the post" - if the answer is no, then probably best I don't post that thing in the first place ( or at the least I might well be risking a swift Thai boxing kick in the balls or worse the next time I pass his bar if nothing else ! ) DivineMadman, vinapu and kokopelli 3 Quote
firecat69 Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 OK Lets see if I got this right. You can post all the photos you want on this site as long as you don't mention that you had Sex with him. So if the OP posted the same photos and just asked if anyone knows how to contact him that would be OK? And it's ok to post all photos of Tawan Boys as long as you don't mention you had sex with them. How stupid would you have to be , to not understand that the poster had Sex with them. And if a non gay relative some how stumbled across this site , well no problem they might be surprised. I just think the Hypocrisy is unbelievable. Many members have copied photos and posted them here . I still maintain most of those boys did not consider they would end up on a Gay Site that is predominately about SEX for Money. And Irish you don't post any photos so I consider you pure in this discussion only . HeHe However most of the other members who have chimed in here have stolen photos and posted them here or have rushed to the Photo Shoots Thread to enjoy said stolen photos. Have I got it right? Quote
kokopelli Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 On 4/12/2016 at 10:50 AM, firecat69 said: And you are entitled to that opinion. But of course you know what opinions are like? Yes, I do know, and you are an exemplary example. Quote
firecat69 Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 Typical of a jerk like you. I said you had one vs. you said I am one. About what I would expect from you!! Just in case you don't know the correct phrase . Opinions are like Ass Holes and everyone has one. Quote
Guest Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 I suspect a good percentage of members would not want their money boys to post bedroom shots of the members on a forum. And we're not permitted to post photos of other members (I believe). So it follows that we should probably not be posting photographs that allow money boys to be clearly identified in the bedroom. Unless there is clear consent. The fact that you need to log in to view the pictures is helpful, but I think we should treat money boys with the same respect as members. Planet Romeo etc are an interesting complication. Of course the photos are already in the public domain and cannot be controlled. However, people may temporarily put a photo on their profile and choose to hide it when going back home. So there are 2 sides to that argument as well. I've never objected to the reproduction of such Planet Romeo screen grabs, but can easily see good reasons to object.. Quote
firecat69 Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 Planetromeo is far behind the times. Hornet they post up to 6 photos and I can find hundreds of boys in Pattaya who have ass , cock etc photos. And this baloney about the boys don't understand is just ridiculous. Most Thai boys when they get on my computer can run rings around me in accomplishing anything they may want. They are far more tech savvy then 99% of the members on this Board. They know what they are doing when they post photos of themselves on apps and many freely send photos of their friends to see if I have an interest. They know everything about screen shots and sending the shots to Line or Whatsapp etc. And then they have no problem sending more photos on those apps when requested. Now all that said if I met a boy in a Bar even a Gay GoGo Bar or a 7/11 or Big C and he went home with me and I was allowed to take photos , I would not post them. Because I have no idea whether he has put his photos out for consumption by every Sex seeking person on this or any other forum. But when a boy posts his naked photos on Romeo, Hornet, Jack'd etc etc etc . Believe me he understands that they are there for anyone to see. He posts them for 1 reason , to get viewers to pay him for Sex. Last time i checked this site exists because men want sex with Thais. Quote
vinapu Posted April 13, 2016 Posted April 13, 2016 On 4/12/2016 at 2:28 PM, firecat69 said: So if the OP posted the same photos and just asked if anyone knows how to contact him that would be OK? exactly yes IMNSHO faranglaw 1 Quote
Popular Post faranglaw Posted April 13, 2016 Popular Post Posted April 13, 2016 On 4/13/2016 at 2:52 AM, vinapu said: exactly yes IMNSHO Agree. That would be OK. But the original post was thoughtless. We don't know their lives, as much as we may think we do. For example, Vipanu mentioned back to school, which is actually quite possible, if not terribly probable. Maybe the young man was making money temporarily on his way to something better in his life, and that something better could be jeopardized by exposure on line. He may well have some very good reasons not to want his line of work posted here, reasons we are not privy to. It's simple respect to err on the side of confidentiality. Also IMNSHO. baobao, kokopelli, ChristianPFC and 2 others 5 Quote
kokopelli Posted April 13, 2016 Posted April 13, 2016 On 4/12/2016 at 4:40 PM, firecat69 said: On 4/12/2016 at 4:40 PM, firecat69 said: Typical of a jerk like you. I said you had one vs. you said I am one. About what I would expect from you!! Just in case you don't know the correct phrase . Opinions are like Ass Holes and everyone has one. Not sure what you would expect from me? If everyone has an ass hole then guess that means we share something in common? Quote
firecat69 Posted April 13, 2016 Posted April 13, 2016 On 4/9/2016 at 12:58 PM, bkkguy said: To quote from the Message Center Policies why is this thread still here and after his first post does Visseanage still have his forum priivileges? bkkguy Nice try!. Too bad most of that is not in there. You just inserted it all, hoping nobody would bother to look. I did ! The rule refers to Members only. Has nothing to do with your ridiculous assertions that it includes Bar Boys , MoneyBoys etc. Quote
bkkguy Posted April 13, 2016 Posted April 13, 2016 On 4/12/2016 at 8:49 PM, firecat69 said: Now all that said if I met a boy in a Bar even a Gay GoGo Bar or a 7/11 or Big C and he went home with me and I was allowed to take photos , I would not post them. Because I have no idea whether he has put his photos out for consumption by every Sex seeking person on this or any other forum. so by your own standards you wouldn't post such pics here but in the original post or any post since then there is no evidence that this Thai guy had or had not posted his pictures elsewhere but you still find the original post perfectly acceptable On 4/13/2016 at 9:43 AM, firecat69 said: Nice try!. Too bad most of that is not in there. You just inserted it all, hoping nobody would bother to look. I did ! The rule refers to Members only. Has nothing to do with your ridiculous assertions that it includes Bar Boys , MoneyBoys etc. I don't know where you claim to be reading but I was reading this page which is the link at the bottom of every page as "Message Center Policies:§ion=boardrules and it definitely does include the text I quoted above including the specific reference you claim is not there! I quote again Quote Personal information that can be used to identify a member, a user, or a go go boy or bar boy, whether or not a Gay Thailand member, shall not be permitted bkkguy Quote
bkkguy Posted April 13, 2016 Posted April 13, 2016 On 4/9/2016 at 11:54 PM, Moses said: Looks like nobody reading list of forums here... I have read the forum details thank you very much but as even firecat claims to understand there is a difference between someone who has posted an explicit profile online and someone who may have been more protective of his privacy bkkguy Quote
firecat69 Posted April 13, 2016 Posted April 13, 2016 You are inventing your own information and putting in things such as Users, Bar Boys, Money Boys etc etc. That does not exist nor did it ever exist. Inserting your own words into the text is at the least disingenuous and the most criminal. Anyone interested . Just scroll to Top of page and click on Help and Info. There you can read the actual policies instead of BS pulled from who knows where! Quote
Guest Stewart Posted April 13, 2016 Posted April 13, 2016 There is a MB of whose rear end (no face) I have posted on this forum in the Model Photo thread. His identity was not disclosed by me but forum members probably could work out who he was. Did I have/ask his permission ? No. Recently the same boy has sent me a Facebook friend request, which I duly accepted. However his cover photo is of the self same rear end (naked) but also showing his face. It has already been established that by posting a personal photo by yourself on Facebook or other social media sites you lose any reasonable expectation of privacy should that photo be reposted. My mother could see it should she decide to go on my page. Worse still my little prawn cracker in Pattaya will for sure see it and I expect any moment now to be accused of passive infidelity. Just taking a line call now !! Another trip to the gold shop ! The USA wrestler was not aware of a video taken of his sex session with another mans wife that was subsequently shown on a website. He got $100 Million for his embarrassment and shame. So Forum Members, be careful what you wish for !! Quote
firecat69 Posted April 13, 2016 Posted April 13, 2016 By the way. Lost in all this discussion, I recognize the boy in the photo and have seen him on Planet Romeo the last few years. I have no idea if he is still there and would certainly not waste my time searching for him through thousands of profiles. The OP can do that if it is important to him. If anyone finds him, I am quite sure there will be considerably more revealing photos or at least there used to be. Quote
kokopelli Posted April 14, 2016 Posted April 14, 2016 Now that the melee of opinions has settled a bit there is one thing missing. The missing link is Visseange who made the original post, his one and only post on this forum. Was his post just an innocent, albeit, naive post on his part? Or was he trying to be provocative or offensive in which case he succeeded. Or maybe just trying to smear the lad in the photo for whatever reason? Probably will never know? So far no word of explanation or apology or defense of his actions and likely there will be none. Time will tell. In addition his post and resulting discussion highlights the paucity of moderation by a forum moderator or owner or his surrogate. IMHO ChristianPFC 1 Quote
NIrishGuy Posted April 14, 2016 Posted April 14, 2016 Which isn't ALWAYS a bad thing of course as apart from the actual original post and it's intent ? the rest of the conversation has been generally "reasonably" civilised. emailbroken 1 Quote
firecat69 Posted April 14, 2016 Posted April 14, 2016 As usual Irish you have it right ( well most of the time). There was absolutely no reason for moderation here. The OP did absolutely nothing wrong according to the rules of the Board. Most including me thought he used poor judgement in just not posting only the photos. However if he had posted the photo in the Planet Romeo Forum and said he originally found the boy on Romeo and included all the same text, it would not even have been noticed. I don't know if that was the case but I do know I recognize the boy from Romeo and remember he used some pretty specific text in his ad. Quote
bkkguy Posted April 14, 2016 Posted April 14, 2016 On 4/13/2016 at 11:48 AM, firecat69 said: You are inventing your own information and putting in things such as Users, Bar Boys, Money Boys etc etc. That does not exist nor did it ever exist. Inserting your own words into the text is at the least disingenuous and the most criminal. Anyone interested . Just scroll to Top of page and click on Help and Info. There you can read the actual policies instead of BS pulled from who knows where! Anyone interested just scroll to the bottom of this page and click on Message Center Policies on the right hand side of the page. There you can read the actual policies I was quoting from with the text exactly as I quoted I gave you the link to the page I was quoting from in my last post but you didn't bother to read it so for you to claim that "it does not exist nor did it ever exist" is I assume at the least disingenuous and at most criminal as well? just because the site owner cannot keep links on his site up-to-date is no justification for your vitriolic attack, which is anyway a violation of the Code of Conduct on the page you so joyfully promote - or do you consider your posts above show "mature behavior, civility and courtesy" - and no I am not making those words up, they are on the page you linked to bkkguy DivineMadman and williewillie 2 Quote
firecat69 Posted April 14, 2016 Posted April 14, 2016 I'm not sure whether you have trouble reading or just hopeful that the members here are stupid. "Personal information that can be used to identify a member, a user, or a go go boy or bar boy, whether or not a Gay Thailand member, shall not be permitted.?" This among other assertions do not exist or has ever existed anywhere in the polices of this Board. You can say it over and over again and all it does is make you look delusional or a liar. Period end of my comments on the subject . Most of the members here are capable of reading the small print and discovering you are full of s--t. Quote
DivineMadman Posted April 14, 2016 Posted April 14, 2016 I hate to weigh in on this conversation, but I clicked the link on the bottom of the page to "Message Center Policies" and it clearly includes the text " Personal information that can be used to identify a member, a user, or a go go boy or bar boy, whether or not a Gay Thailand member, shall not be permitted. No member shall publish or cause to be published such personal information." [The quoted text is a cut/paste] I only mention it because it seems a seems a good sort of rule to have. Quote
firecat69 Posted April 14, 2016 Posted April 14, 2016 Unfortunately you need to continue to read! "Photos of subject or subject's family/friends/pets/place of residence or employment/study, automobile*, or auto license plate. - IP address - age or any other specific information which clearly identifies an individual. All GoGo and Host work-related information is exempt provided the guy, with intent, has made that information publicly available or has given tacit approval for such information to be made available." So the only question did the boy make photos of himself publicly available. He most certainly did and I remember sending him messages. That is why the entire Romeo etc Forum exists because there is no restriction. So now the only question is how many would like the Photo Shoots thread stopped. It is by far the most viewed thread and 99% of the boys pictured there may never know their photos were posted on a Gay Site that loves Prostitution.. And more and more of the photos are obviously not professional but taken by the poster. If anyone knows how to do one of those Poll Threads , please start one. Meanwhile everyone rush to my latest photo additions in that thread. Quote
DivineMadman Posted April 14, 2016 Posted April 14, 2016 On 4/14/2016 at 1:51 PM, firecat69 said: Unfortunately you need to continue to read! "Photos of subject or subject's family/friends/pets/place of residence or employment/study, automobile*, or auto license plate. - IP address - age or any other specific information which clearly identifies an individual. All GoGo and Host work-related information is exempt provided the guy, with intent, has made that information publicly available or has given tacit approval for such information to be made available." So the only question did the boy make photos of himself publicly available. He most certainly did and I remember sending him messages. That is why the entire Romeo etc Forum exists because there is no restriction. So now the only question is how many would like the Photo Shoots thread stopped. It is by far the most viewed thread and 99% of the boys pictured there may never know their photos were posted on a Gay Site that loves Prostitution.. And more and more of the photos are obviously not professional but taken by the poster. If anyone knows how to do one of those Poll Threads , please start one. Meanwhile everyone rush to my latest photo additions in that thread. By so kindly suggesting that I continue to read you are raising the question - which is a fair one - as to whether the OP violated the personal information policy. Fair enough. The point I was making was to correct your statement that no such policy existed at all. Your post #46 states, in no uncertain terms, immediately following the quoted language about the basic policy: "This among other assertions do not exist or has ever existed anywhere in the polices of this Board." So I corrected that misstatement. Again, because I think it's a good rule to have and worth correcting any misimpression that no such policy exists at all. Peace. emailbroken 1 Quote
firecat69 Posted April 14, 2016 Posted April 14, 2016 The assertions don't exist if in the next sentence it says Bar Boys, Romeo Boys etc do no fall under those protection. Long before in this thread I said I recognized the Boy from Gayromeo. That means he has no protection. I am pretty sure in the past you have posted personal taken or copied photos of boys. I might have you confused with many others but I don't think so. The discussion is fine but trying to move the line to where it does not exist is not. If you post personal photos or screen shots of boys you may have been with and then post them, everyone understands you had sex with them. Whether you write it in the post or not. This Forum is about SEX, mainly Gay for Pay. Whether a Bar, Show, Massage Parlor etc is discussed everyone understands it is about SEX. Just because you don't put a few words next to the photo does not change the implication. I find little difference between the 2. Quote