Guest Visseange Posted April 8, 2016 Posted April 8, 2016 Does anyone know this guy, he used to work in Phuket ? i had sex with him in July '15 and he's a great bottom, looking to fuck him again but seems not be in Phuket anymore, any guys knows his where about ? Quote
Popular Post NIrishGuy Posted April 8, 2016 Popular Post Posted April 8, 2016 I'm sure your Thai "friend" will just love his pic and sexual activity details, paid or otherwise posted all over the internet - or not! kokopelli, emailbroken, baobao and 4 others 7 Quote
vinapu Posted April 9, 2016 Posted April 9, 2016 Does anyone know this guy, he used to work in Phuket ? i had sex with him in July '15 and he's a great bottom, looking to fuck him again but seems not be in Phuket anymore, any guys knows his where about ? He looks as 'back to the school" material, so may be this is where he is now Quote
ChristianPFC Posted April 9, 2016 Posted April 9, 2016 Unfortunately, I don't know this boy. But you have my full support, and if you find him, please share! Quote
emailbroken Posted April 9, 2016 Posted April 9, 2016 I'm sure your Thai "friend" will just love his pic and sexual activity details, paid or otherwise posted all over the internet - or not! Yep we are back to the empathy deficit problem again. Such a pity some are not a little more considerate of these guys feelings. kokopelli 1 Quote
bkkguy Posted April 9, 2016 Posted April 9, 2016 To quote from the Message Center Policies The Gay Thailand Management takes very seriously the privacy of its members and recognizes the desire and in many cases the need for discretion. Personal information that can be used to identify a member, a user, or a go go boy or bar boy, whether or not a Gay Thailand member, shall not be permitted. No member shall publish or cause to be published such personal information. A violation of the Covenant shall be cause for immediate termination of Forum privileges. why is this thread still here and after his first post does Visseanage still have his forum priivileges? bkkguy kokopelli 1 Quote
Moses Posted April 9, 2016 Posted April 9, 2016 why is this thread still here and after his first post does Visseanage still have his forum priivileges? May be just because "personal information" has legal definition: US SP 800-122 Information which can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity, such as their name, social security number, biometric records, etc. alone, or when combined with other personal or identifying information which is linked or linkable to a specific individual, such as date and place of birth, mother’s maiden name California SB1386 "personal information" means an individual's first name or first initial and last name in combination with any one or more of the following data elements, when either the name or the data elements are not encrypted: (1) Social security number. (2) Driver's license number or California Identification Card number. (3) Account number, credit or debit card number, in combination with any required security code, access code, or password that would permit access to an individual's financial account. "Personal information" isn't "personal data" Quote
firecat69 Posted April 9, 2016 Posted April 9, 2016 To quote from the Message Center Policies why is this thread still here and after his first post does Visseanage still have his forum priivileges? bkkguy If we started banning members who posted Thai Boy photos that members have been with , we'd lose a lot of members. My rule is I don't post photos of any type unless they have them all over the Net on Grindr, Hornet, Jack'd Planetromeo etc etc etc. If they post photos of themselves available to anyone they give up any right of privacy IMHO. ChristianPFC and llz 2 Quote
emailbroken Posted April 9, 2016 Posted April 9, 2016 If we started banning members who posted Thai Boy photos that members have been with , we'd lose a lot of members. My rule is I don't post photos of any type unless they have them all over the Net on Grindr, Hornet, Jack'd Planetromeo etc etc etc. If they post photos of themselves available to anyone they give up any right of privacy IMHO. For me it is a matter of common sense and decency rather than a legal one. I don't think it is fair to post a pic of someone and then to announce underneath that they are a sex worker of some sort. It may well be true, but it is a violation of their privacy. vinapu, kokopelli and NIrishGuy 3 Quote
emailbroken Posted April 9, 2016 Posted April 9, 2016 I don't think anyone is arguing to apply legal tests here and not sure why we'd be applying American ones anyway. The issue is posting a very clear photo of someone and then announcing that they are a sex worker. We all know that most of the guys involved are not keen to have photos taken and certainly are not keen for their photo to be used to advertise the fact that they sell sex. I think if most of us were in their position, we'd feel the same. May be just because "personal information" has legal definition: "Personal information" isn't "personal data" Quote
Moses Posted April 9, 2016 Posted April 9, 2016 Looks like nobody reading list of forums here... welcome: full sub-forum, 2 pages of topics with personal data, "clear photos" and etc of freelancers and "sex workers"... also with sizes/prices/preferences and so on... Quote
NIrishGuy Posted April 10, 2016 Posted April 10, 2016 If we started banning members who posted Thai Boy photos that members have been with , we'd lose a lot of members. My rule is I don't post photos of any type unless they have them all over the Net on Grindr, Hornet, Jack'd Planetromeo etc etc etc. If they post photos of themselves available to anyone they give up any right of privacy IMHO. "They" being just Thai's I presume you mean there ? Or can we also assume that you would be quite happy to also post farang pics should you desire / ever happen to have sex with them if they have their pics on their Grindr profiles etc too then ?? - Just out of interest..... kokopelli, emailbroken, vinapu and 1 other 4 Quote
vinapu Posted April 11, 2016 Posted April 11, 2016 Nirish , you are my hero ! Can't agree more with you. faranglaw 1 Quote
Popular Post NIrishGuy Posted April 11, 2016 Popular Post Posted April 11, 2016 Oh to take things from another perspective as this board is open to all to post on what about if a Thai (MB) logged on and started posting pics of all of his farang "customers", with notes attached giving them scores between the sheets and a comment on how much they tipped or if they were a cheap charlie and couldn't get it up. Adding that his logic for posting the info is that "hey, those Farang frequent areas that are known for having prostitutes around picking up clients AND they were seen going off with a known bar boy AND buying some condoms on the way to their hotel AND they posted their pic publicly on Grindr when here (although strangely did seem to change that back to just a blank profile when they returned to their own Country for some reason" so that makes it all all ok then by me" - Right ? So, would THAT be ok of them then or would we feel that they had perhaps over stepped the mark and broken the age old trust and accepted privacy agreements that seems to have existed between sex workers and customers from time immemorial. To me if someone ( anyone ) posts "hey I'm a MB / big farang slut with their pic attached and a come fuck me message ( for money or otherwise) then yes, one could assume they don't give a shit who knows that or not and can also assume they obviously don't care who (re)posts that info ( or do they forget the internet doesn't stop once they leave Thailand perhaps!!?). Either way if a boy simply choses to work quietly in a bar, under the assumption that what he's doing is flying below the radar ( at home or to his friends perhaps) then who are we to announce to the world his private business - and also if I'm being totally selfish here for a moment... all we are doing by posting same is perhaps restricting the number of guys who MAY chose to temporarily take up that line of "work" and so cutting off our own noses so to speak - but mainly - it's not our business to "out" bar / money boys if they don't publicly wish or chose to announce that that's their chosen line of work - IMHO anyway. splinter1949, traveller123, vinapu and 2 others 5 Quote
kokopelli Posted April 11, 2016 Posted April 11, 2016 Right on the money, IrishGuy. That post by Visseange was in the worst possible taste and anyone thinking otherwise is equally callous. Delete it!!! Quote
firecat69 Posted April 11, 2016 Posted April 11, 2016 I just don't get it. Sorry . There are only 3 type of viewers to this site. Those who have paid prostitutes in the past, those who currently pay prostitutes and those who want to pay prostitutes. Boy from Issan will not have his mother , brother , father etc coming to this site and discovering his photos. Boys who post Ass, Cock etc photos on all sorts of sites like Romeo, Grindr, Hornet, Jack'd etc etc etc should have no expectation of privacy. Same thing goes for Farangs. As I said before, if I met a boy in a restaurant , Big C etc and he allowed me to take a photo, I would never post it on this site without his permission because I don't get to assume he is a MoneyBoy and his photos posted all over the place. I actually have hundreds of photos taken on the street of boys who I asked would they pose for a photo next to a sign or a temple etc. I would never post their photos on this site. I have an enlarged photo of the best looking boy I ever saw in BKK and asked him to pose next to some Graffiti on the wall. It is my favorite photo of all time on my trips to Thailand. I would never post that photo here. Do you really think that a great % of the boys photos posted in the photo shoot thread gave permission for their photos to be on a Gay site? Of course not. Yet all of you rush to that thread to see the latest photos. Just the way it is and that includes you Vinapu who posts hundreds of photos a month without the boys permission. At least here certain types of photos are not allowed. Quote
emailbroken Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 I just don't get it. Sorry . There are only 3 type of viewers to this site. Those who have paid prostitutes in the past, those who currently pay prostitutes and those who want to pay prostitutes. Boy from Issan will not have his mother , brother , father etc coming to this site and discovering his photos. Boys who post Ass, Cock etc photos on all sorts of sites like Romeo, Grindr, Hornet, Jack'd etc etc etc should have no expectation of privacy. Same thing goes for Farangs. As I said before, if I met a boy in a restaurant , Big C etc and he allowed me to take a photo, I would never post it on this site without his permission because I don't get to assume he is a MoneyBoy and his photos posted all over the place. I actually have hundreds of photos taken on the street of boys who I asked would they pose for a photo next to a sign or a temple etc. I would never post their photos on this site. I have an enlarged photo of the best looking boy I ever saw in BKK and asked him to pose next to some Graffiti on the wall. It is my favorite photo of all time on my trips to Thailand. I would never post that photo here. Do you really think that a great % of the boys photos posted in the photo shoot thread gave permission for their photos to be on a Gay site? Of course not. Yet all of you rush to that thread to see the latest photos. Just the way it is and that includes you Vinapu who posts hundreds of photos a month without the boys permission. At least here certain types of photos are not allowed. But it isn't just about this site. Material posted here can end up anywhere. Quote
firecat69 Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 Really? That is the point. Boys who post their photos on any social media site can expect they may end up anywhere. And the photos that started this discussion may or may not have come from one of those sites. If you want to limit where your face or body is seen then you don't post your photos anywhere and you don't allow photos to be taken by strangers. Quote
vinapu Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 I just don't get it. no doubt about it , no doubt. there's difference between posting photo of somebody with comment 'this is farang I spot in the Lumpini this morning' and posting the same photo with comment ' this is farang I spot fucking the goat behind the gym in Lumpini this morning". I believe even those who are posting photos of cocks , asses etc in apps have full right to expect their photos to stay where they were posted the same way we expect what we post on this forum to stay here and what we share by way of PM to stay in PM department . kokopelli 1 Quote
vinapu Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 Boys who post their photos on any social media site can expect they may end up anywhere. what we say around dinner table can be expected to be repeated elsewhere but we hope that it will be not because we are around of decent people biguyby 1 Quote
firecat69 Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 Interesting that you don't address the point that hundreds of boys photos that you have taken off Non Gay sites and posted on a Gay Site that basically is about Money Boys. Why are you able to justify in your mind that you are not doing anything wrong and yet somebody else is. I'll say it again this site and others like it are about Prostitution Period. There are far better sites for searching tourist attractions, hotels , restaurants etc etc etc. This site is about Gay Sex in Thailand most of which is for Money. Along the way there are other things that are discussed but they are tangential. I'd be willing to guess that a great majority of the boys photos you post are boys who are not Gay and do not sell their Bodys for Sex. Yet you have no problem posting their photos without their permission on a Gay Site. Until you can explain that the rest of your protests are just plain meaningless! Quote
kokopelli Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 Personally I found it despicable for anyone to post photos of sex partners even if they have their "so called" permission to do so. DivineMadman and vinapu 2 Quote
vinapu Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 Personally I found it despicable for anyone to post photos of sex partners even if they have their "so called" permission to do so. and this is part which Esteemed Firecat doesn't get Quote
firecat69 Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 Personally I found it despicable for anyone to post photos of sex partners even if they have their "so called" permission to do so. And you are entitled to that opinion. But of course you know what opinions are like? Quote
Guest abang1961 Posted April 12, 2016 Posted April 12, 2016 Well to alleviate the issue, simply crop off the non-essential part. For example, artistic nudity means no direct revelation of genitals. When a member wants to find a particular person, a face picture speaks a thousand words as the boys "hop" from one bar to another quite frequently. Quote