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Offing a massage boy

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Hi Guys


Just wondering what the etiquette is for offing a boy from a massage place. I don't know if they get paid to be there regardless of how many massages they do etc... or simply get a cut of the massage and their tip.


Anyway I met a nice boy on my last trip and would quite like to spend some more time (and nights) with him. Has anyone taken a boy away from the massage place for  a night? Did you pay an 'off' fee to the establishment?


All advice appreciated 






No..you cant off massage boy from massage place..not until they finish their shift..but you can off gogo boys from the bar..that is sure..its all i know..sorry if im wrong..


The first thing I would do is scour Planet Romeo to see if he has a profile or simply ask him if he has a profile on Planet Romeo or any other hookup site.  That way, the massage shop would have nothing to do with it.


Failing that, I would ask him for his phone number and/or give him mine and ask him to call me during non-working hours, or call him, which would also eliminate the massage shop as middle man.


If none of that works, then you're going to have to go through the massage shop.  I disagree with Alizouzou.  Whether you can off a boy from a massage shop depends on the individual massage shop.  Many do have out-call service, but I have no idea how much to expect to be charged or how to go about paying for it if you're arranging by phone.


If all else fails, you could always hang around the massage shop at closing time and catch him after he leaves and is on his way home . . .


Seems to me the easiest thing to do is not to off him at all.  Why not just get a 'massage' with him at the shop?  That way you'll be alone with him, have a chance to find out whether he is what you were hoping he would be, and make whatever other outside arrangements with him when it's just the two of you in the room.


By all means ask if you've found someone you like.  The smaller the shop the more likely it will be a problem for them if the boy leaves, so the more likely they would be to charge you for the privilege.


I think at most shops it won't be a problem, assuming of course that the boy/guy agrees.  Some places, particularly those with lots of boys might not care at all.  Pretty sure that one member in the past has reported on offing with no extra fee.   I think most, however, charge an off fee under the theory that the guy might earn them another 1-2 hour massage fee that night.  Others might say you have to pay the outcall rate, which typically includes the tip and then they will take their share.  At some places this is insanely high - I think Senso asks for 5,000 (tip included).  Other places start at a more reasonable 2.500 for outcalls.  Unfortunately not everyplace has a publicized outcall rate.  But again, these include the tips.


Maybe it was just me, but at the now-closed Adonis and Fan Club standard operating procedure half the time seemed to be for the boy to try to turn it into an off.  


If you first ask the boy if he's interested you might be pleasantly surprised that he will tell you how to do it without involving the massage shop.  exchange line info, meet later, whatever.  I think at many of the larger shops, but probably not all, it's ok for the boy to leave and give the other guys a chance.  If you want to walk arm in arm out of the massage shop, however, then his bosses might want some money.  


Some massage guys have profiles in Grindr, Hornet, etc and are willing to come to your hotel room after work or whenever they are free. I've been consistently quoted 1,500 baht in Pattaya, the same amount I would have to pay for them at the massage places i.e. 500 baht for massage & 1,000 baht for sex. Of course it's better to see the real person at the shop if you don't trust the face & other revealing pics in the apps.


Let's divide massage shops and "massage" shops for gays.


If you are talking about normal massage shop, then situation is quite simple: you should talk with boy and make offer. He will explain you how to act. Usually shops have off-duty fine about 250-300 baht per day. So if boy will miss working days he will must to pay such penalty on daily basis. But staff usually have 2-4 days off monthly + 2 week for vacations yearly. Many boys are working nonstop and accumulate days off for to visit family at holidays, so if you will make rich offer then boy can choose to spend accumulated days with you.


Dealing with "massage" shops for gays is another story: owners are quite suspicious and jealous when boy misses duty. So shop fine can be high.  Anyway, first step is the same as in normal shop: to talk with boy and to make offer. If he will like you and your offer - then he will tell you how to act.


Also you should to take in account time when you want to be with boy and how long you want boy to stay with you. In front of beginning of high season or at the beginning of high season boy can choose just to leave his job for to spend time with you and after end of your vacation just to get new job - at high season everyone shop wants masseurs. But at the end of high season or at the beginning of low season mostly boys will try to keep their position in the shop cuz nobody hires new masseurs at that time.


Dealing with "massage" shops for gays is another story: owners are quite suspicious and jealous when boy misses duty.


That's right.  That's why all anyone needs to do to avoid that type of a problem is arrange to see the boy during his non-working hours.  Then he won't be missing duty.  Of course, there may be a little problem if the boy is expected to be present and working 24 hours a day . . .


One can also opt to use the massage service offered by the link in your own posting signature.  Somehow I doubt many bosses are going to be suspicious and jealous of that.


I like the relatively new euphemism I see popping up every so often regarding having a boy drop by to spend a little time with you - "compensated dating."


I offed a boy from a massage place on my last trip he said he needed 400 bht for his boss seemed like a truthfull kid he joined me a couple of times when he had the day off 


That's right.  That's why all anyone needs to do to avoid that type of a problem is arrange to see the boy during his non-working hours.  Then he won't be missing duty.  Of course, there may be a little problem if the boy is expected to be present and working 24 hours a day . . .


I doubt if boy will be more loyal to his boss than to own wallet. As per "non-working hours": it is really short time - usually work starts at about noon and ends about hour or two past midnight - it is 12-14 hours of sitting in shop and 1 hour duty every 3-4 hours to sit in front of shop and call "masssaaageee mister"... I'm writing about normal shops now. Never had close friends from gay "massage" shops, but I think there is the same story with length of working-hours, just may be it is more shifted from morning to afternoon.


The Copa guys are self-employed; they decide when and how long they work and receive nothing from management....or that was the case a few years ago.


Those are freelancers and it's by no means just the now former Copa.  Many bars have freelancers doing the same thing.  Some bars pay a freelancer 100 baht a night when they show up.


Since so many go-go bars are currently in a state of decline or on the verge of going out of business, freelancers are welcomed - especially if they are good at getting customers to buy them drinks or, better still, good at getting customers to take them off.


What the go-go bars and beer bars want is the presence of loads of boys.  The more the merrier.  That's a big part of what attracts customers and that's why freelancers are not only welcomed, but the way thing are going these days, vital.


From what I see, the bars that get the most customers are the bars that have a lot of boys.  If someone walks into a bar and sees a large number of boys, they're likely to sit down and at least have a drink.  On the other hand, if someone walks into a bar and only two or three boys are there, then he's much more likely to turn around and walk right back out the door.


The Soi Twilight massage places charge 1200 for an off. There is a boy I see quite often at Hero, I have had him come to my apartment a couple of times. But he gets off usually around 8 and then we meet up, so I don't know what the official policy is.

I agree with Divinemadman, the boys at Adonis used to bring it up regularly. I do out calls.


It should be no problem to off a boy at most places, inquire details at the place or with the boy.


Off-fee might be higher than in gogo bars.


I once had massage at Playboy (Silom) and it was around midnight and the boy asked me if I want to join him for disco (meaning: if I would like to take him and pay for taxi and drinks). I hadn't been to that place, so I agreed. Details here http://christianpfc.blogspot.com/2014/03/thai-straight-nightlife-tamnan.html When we said goodbye, he asked me if I could give him 1000 Baht for the shop (i.e. off fee). That came as a surprise, I tipped him 1000 for massage already, and thought it's end of shift, and he should have told me before, so he got only 500.


That was my only personal experience; I vaguely remember reports by others that quote similar numbers.


Thanks for the replies guys. 


My cute massage guy works just around the corner from my apartment and has in the past slipped away from work for some ST fun. I guess the best way will be to discuss with him and see what his obligations are.


Pattaya here I come


my advice would be to talk to boy directly during massage and arrange for him to visit you after hours or on his day off.


Some massages are charging extortionate off fees and on top of that they may require to pay boy's tip in advance.


On few occasions Arena did not charge me off fee when I was taking boy out  at end of shift as long as I had paid massage during the same day but even this seemed to be at whim of mamasan , not their policy. Bangkok Massage soi Twilight always charged me 700 off fee / price of 1.5 hr massage / , Bonny was more extortionate , they wanted 1200 so I told boy see me after hours when you are done , it worked.


Mercifully massages are closing earlier than bar so it easy to get a boy after hours which I did on many occasions.


Just to confirm that you can have a massage boy come to you instead of having to go to a massage shop, today I was on Planet Romeo and saw this profile on the new users list:


Profile name:  MassagePattaya

Profile number:  28668366

Headline:  "Let's me know if you want to Massage! in shop or room service!"


I've seen many similar profiles offering the same choice.


Interesting that the last 50 new Romeos , all have their Guestbook disabled.


Until your post I hadn't noticed that.  I had a look.  You're right.


In some cases I can see why.  One of the "new Romeos," for example, is K-Romeo69, profile number 28653026.  Meanwhile he's another one who deletes his old profile and starts a new one so often that I've lost count of how many times he's done that. 


I've never met him and I don't intend to.  For all I know he might be one of the most fabulous guys around, but my eyebrows raise when they constantly delete old profiles, start new ones and disable their guestbook.  I keep away from those guys.


As for the others who really are new to Planet Romeo, I have no idea why they disabled their guestbooks.


Considering that most Thai internet users aren't too keen to bother with pesky things like "settings", I'd say it's safe to assume that those who do make an effort to disable their guestbook have a pretty good reason for that.


Just what reason it is, we cannot know. He might be a good guy who has been stalked or falsely accused (of theft, of having HIV, whatever) in his guestbook before. Or he might be a less-than-good guy and didn't like the fact that others told the truth about him.


Considering that most Thai internet users aren't too keen to bother with pesky things like "settings"


It's been so long since I registered on Planet Romeo - back when it was Gay Romeo - I can't remember whether the guestbook is enabled automatically unless the user intentionally disables it or whether you have to do something to enable it in the first place. 


If you have to do something to enable it, I can understand why the Thais don't.  If it enables automatically upon registration, then I'm at a loss as to why so many of them do indeed disable it.


I 'm pretty sure nothing has been changed since Romeo is good at sending you changes.


It looks like to me that the word has spread to disable it which is extremely simple to do.


Kind of foolish because I think in general there are many more positive comments in the past then negative. And many of the negative comments were from the same jerks who have nothing better to do.


And don't forget the Thai boys can make the entire site in Thai so easy for them to understand what options they have.

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