Popular Post numazu Posted March 15, 2016 Author Popular Post Posted March 15, 2016 Day 12 An evening of cuddling, sex, and talk-gesturing is tiring. We sleep late and wake up almost close to the hotel's free breakfast ending. Since by now you have figured out that breakfast is a big deal to me, we try to make the buffet, and thankfully we caught it with 15 minutes to spare. We are reminded by the staff that they will close soon, so we stock up on the things we want and happily eat to our heart’s content. We head back up to the room and shower together. We fool around the shower but no one cums. Not everything is about the happy ending. I am heading to the Aya Hotel today. I was prepared to just pay Xboy Guy and let him get on with his day, while I pack up my shit and take the baht bus back to Central Pattaya and the Aya. I tell Xboy Guy this and he says “I go with you hotel.” That’s cute. Does he not have another life? I ask him this, he says “I alone. I ok.” OK that’s fine. I am uneasy with always overstaying my welcome, but Xboy Guy does not seem concerned and no urgency to leave. So he watches me pack while he plays with his phone. I have a back pack and a roller bag. Xboy Guy takes the roller bag, without me even asking him to help. He deftly takes it down the corridor, the elevator, and waits for me while I check out of the Courtyard Marriot (no charges, all paid with hotel points). He knows which Baht Bus to take back to the Aya, and hails one that has only two people in it. He lets me sit, and he takes my roller bag and sets it on wide stair step on the bus, and stands with the bag between his legs. This is much better than me trying to navigate the streets of Pattaya with two bags. I remember this strategy for later (getting a boy to move me between hotels). We get to the Aya. Receptionist recognizes me from the previous stay. Xboy guy patiently waits in the side while I check in. When this is done, we go up to the room (no security to take his ID). He sets my bag and lays on the bed. He looks good there, so I join him. We start cuddling again, and just generally hang out. I ask him, when are you leaving? Don’t you have to go to Xboy tonight? He says yes he will eventually do that, but he tells me he “wants” to leave at 5 PM. I say fine, first time for everything. I decide to skip the gym and just hang out with this boy. We talk for a while, kissing, laughing, and just having a good time. No urgency from me to have sex, and I’m just enjoying the company. I tell him my plans for the rest of my days here in Thailand. I leave Sunday early, around 3 AM, to make a 7 PM flight back to the Los Angeles via Tokyo. He asks if I wanted to meet again before I leave. I think it would be good to see him Saturday night, before leaving. I’ll sleep during the day, see him in the evening, and just spend the rest of my trip with Xboy Guy (this will also enable me to get back to California time). We take a short nap, him more than me. I just check email and the news (the U.S. Presidential primary season depresses me). He wakes up, I suggest we go have coffee and a snack, so we go to the Coffee Club. I will forever associate this restaurant with Xboy Guy. We go back to the hotel. It’s 5:15 PM. He says that he will leave now. He kisses me, I count some money and give him 2500 baht. I thought it would be good to be consistent. Long time is 2500 baht. I did not want to pay him more just because he chose to stay longer, as well as helped me with my bags. Plus I have fed him three times this stay, so probably this is enough. This ends up roughly 105 baht per hour (OMG this is cheap). He takes the money no problem, hugs and kisses me, and leaves. Now alone, I check my messages. Lots of Line messages from Cambodia boy. He pleads that we meet again, because he needs money to eat food (blurring name and Line profile pic): This is a pretty standard plea for money from him. I am OK with him doing this while I am here in Pattaya. At least I can see him here and get something for my money. He is actually a lot of fun, and he is probably the handsomest boy that I’ve ever spent time with here in Thailand. I do not like him begging for money when I am back in the USA. I promise him I will see him tomorrow. Not sure if I will keep this promise. My calendar is getting full. I also make plans to have a pre-bar dinner with Forum Member 3 (FM3). I have been messaging FM3 since a week ago, but was not sure I had the time to see him, because of boys and sickness. But by extending Pattaya by three days, now I can meet another Gaythailand forum member. He is Malaysian, 32, and works at an office job in KL. He can not be gay back home, so he blows off some steam in BKK and Pattaya. He does not like going to bars, and prefers massage places but figures going with me to a bar would make the experience easier for him. We meet for dinner at one of the Second Rd restaurants close to the Aya. We order some delicious food. I’m not on a diet anymore, and prefer to get back to full health as fast as possible. We talk about Thailand, its various treasures, boys and otherwise. His spoken English is not as good as his text messages, but was a nice guy and kind of funny. He finds it interesting that I also meet free boys online here in Thailand. I tell him that its not all about bars and money boys for me, and I like to mix it up. We finish dinner and head over to Boyzboyzboyz again. I choose the bar because, again, Xboy guy might be a temptation tonight. The place is less busy tonight than previous nights. The peak season is slowly ending. We get good seats (center and middle of the bar, good view). Mamasan immediately accosts me, says that since I get a lot of help from him that I should buy him drink tonight. I’m not biting. He then explains that tonight is a particularly slow night. Even so, he shouldn’t expect the current customers to pick up the slack. I don’t let this spoil the evening. Less boys tonight too. I guess the short timers have left. Show starts, and its pretty much same same. Sexy boy, big cock, b-boy, boy dance, more boy dance. I really should find myself new bars to go to. FM3 is transfixed. Glad he looks like he’s having a good time. I ask him if he is going to off someone. He says he is not sure. He asks on how to do it and what the prevailing wage is. I tell him what I know. He seems to be ok with it. Show ends, I turn my attention to the boys. I look at the dancers, I see a particularly dark-skinned skinny one that looks young. I make googly eyes, but then mamasan quickly recommends a different boy for me. It’s the boy's first night he says. He says boy has stunning face, and does everything. He says he wants me to be the boy's first, since he knows I am kind and not “afraid” (I thinks he meant scary). Mamasan is very insistent. He gets boy to sit with me, and Mamasan said no drink ok, I see if I want him without drink order. Guy comes, he is not dressed in underwear, but some baggy clothes. I wonder why this is, probably because his body is not as fit as the other boys. He tries to smile, but seems to be too nervous to be comfortable with me. He is cute enough, but not stunning, to me, like the mamasan says. Am I game enough to take my chances with this boy? If it is his first time, he is probably not very good at sex, and won’t know what to do. Kissing probably bad, he won’t know how to clean his butt to bottom, won’t be keen on sucking, or will be bad at it. I talk myself out of it, and give the boy 100 baht, even if he has not done anything to deserve it. I call mamasan and say I am just going with one of the dancers, pointing to skinny, dark-skinned, cute young dancer guy. Dancer guy sits down. He is 20, Thai, cute as hell. I ask him what he does in bed. Immediately says bottom, kiss good, suck good, everything. I ask how much, he says 2000 baht. Hmmm, this is weird. He knows exactly what to say. Like the guy before him. This is my third off at this bar, the first one asked for 1500 baht, and I gave him 2000 baht in the end. He knew I liked kissing, oral, topping. Second boy, asked 2000, and knew what I like. And this third guy, knew all of that and knew what to say. I guess I should be ok with this. At least the boys are talking to each other, and know how to make me happy, and know what I pay. FM3 was focusing on the more total top types. He picks one that is a total hunk, and he sits with us as well. Since my boy has told me what I wanted to hear, I focus on just looking at him, his body, and his bulge. He looks like he has a big one. He notices I was staring, so he gives me a peek. Yup, it’s big, bigger than the usual bottom’s dicks here. He is selling it to me. I told him he should be in the “big cock” show. He laughs. I tell him I’ll off him and to get dressed. FM3 seems to be having fun with his guy. His guy is very hot, but probably is total top, so I don’t get jealous (too much). My guy comes dressed, I bid goodbye to FM3 (he wanted to stay for the cabaret show), and we leave the bar. This would be my last Boyzboyzboyz visit this trip. I think I’ve gotten all I could from the bar this trip: two good bottoms, and this third one that looks like a winner as well, as he holds my hand on the way to the Aya. I ask him if he wanted food, he did, so we go to 7-11. While I wait for him to choose his food, I check my Line. I see messages from Xboy Guy. He said he wanted to meet tonight. He said he wanted to go to my hotel. I tell him no, I am busy. After a while he responds, insistent that he wanted to see me. Young Thai guy picks his food, and I pay it for him. I think about Xboy guy’s message. I guess since Young Thai is a first time guy, no Long Time with him, and I’ll probably be done by 1-2 AM. I tell Xboy Guy, yes I’ll see him tonight, but I’ll Line him when I am ready. He said the bar closes at 2 AM, so he can head my way after that. I say yes, and then try to focus on the (sexy) task at hand. I try to talk to Young Thai guy. He voice sounded so young. I ask for his ID before we get to the hotel, and confirms his age. When we get to the room, I ask him to eat, and start having a conversation with him. His English is pretty good for someone young. And I figure out why: he says he goes to school part time, and says he goes to Bangkok most days in the week for school. He says he is going to school for hotel management and English. He dances and is a money boy at BBB to help with the cost of school, since his parents do not have enough money to pay his way. I ask him does this mean he does not do Long Time. He says yes he does, but usually has to leave no later than 10 AM to be on time for his classes that start at 2 PM in Bangkok. He does not have to be back at BBB till 8 PM, so he just has enough time to get back to the bar after his class. He says that it’s a tough schedule, and he has no time for anything else but work and school, but he hopes that he can quit being a Money Boy eventually and just become a hotel or tourist worker when he finishes school. He finishes his food, undresses. I’m posting a pic of him (I’m still not comfortable posting faces, sorry). You probably recognize him and his build if you ever spend any time in BBB: He asks to shower together, and his cock is a pretty good size for being a bottom. I stroke it for the majority of the shower, and also during sex, since it was just a good looking and feeling cock. He definitely checks all the boxes: great kisser, great cock sucker, hole tastes great, cock fun to suck on, and bottoms like a champ. I would see him again for sure, but it wont be this trip. I pay him 2000 baht (like the other BBB bottoms) and send him on his way. I was tempted to give him more, because he is very good and cute, but fear that he lets his cohorts know about the increase and have them raise their rates on me. I shower, and then Line Xboy Guy. I don’t get a reply right away, but he replies eventually and confirms that he will head over to the hotel after the bar closes. I wait, and at 2:30 AM I get a Line from him telling me he is at the lobby. I tell him I am hungry, so we head over to Beach Rd and find a beef noodle place that looks nice. We sit down, he apologizes for being insistent on meeting, and explains why he wanted to see me tonight. Apparently, someone wanted to “off” him for 4 days, starting tomorrow night. He says it is not for sex, but the guy was looking for a tourist guide. Since we made a plan for me to off him Saturday night, this means we can not meet. I ask why him, he says it is because the guy asked the Xboy mamasans if they had one who knew Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai, and because Xboy Guy grew up between the two cities, he was the only one the bar could recommend. I asked that I thought that he told me he grew up in Issan. He said that he has spent time in that area as well. I have no reason to doubt him, and he certainly did not need to see me just tell me about his cancellation of our off on Saturday. And 4 days worth of tips is a lot of money, and I did not want to keep him from this opportunity. He looks apologetic, and I could not deny that sweet cute face. I say it is OK, and I hope I see him again next trip. We eat our meal, finish and pay up, and we start heading back to the hotel. I was expecting him to say goodbye when we reach the lobby, but he hands over his ID to the security guard and tells him my room number. I was a little bit surprised but let him come up with me. I wasn’t sure what was happening, he certainly was not showing any signs that he wanted to go anywhere but stay in my hotel. I tell him I am sleepy (it’s about 3:15 AM). He says he was sleepy too. So like clockwork, he takes a charger from his clutch bag and charges his phone, takes off all his clothes, and lays on the bed. I do the same (phone, clothes), and cuddle in bed with my boy for the fourth time this trip. It takes me a while to sleep, with my mind still wondering why he is in my arms again. vinapu, Alexx, lilbob69 and 3 others 6 Quote
vinapu Posted March 15, 2016 Posted March 15, 2016 It takes me a while to sleep, with my mind still wondering why he is in my arms again. perhaps because you like him ggobkk 1 Quote
ct2005 Posted March 15, 2016 Posted March 15, 2016 I had a good chuckle looking at your Line message with the poor girl crying. This kind of emoji can soften ur heart n loosen ur wallet. Quote
numazu Posted March 15, 2016 Author Posted March 15, 2016 I had a good chuckle looking at your Line message with the poor girl crying. This kind of emoji can soften ur heart n loosen ur wallet. I have become immune to his money begs on Line. He does make a better case for himself in person though. My guard is usually down when a handsome boy is up close and personal with me. ct2005 1 Quote
lilbob69 Posted March 16, 2016 Posted March 16, 2016 Young Thai guy has a very hot body.... I think I might need to venture into BBB next trip Quote
numazu Posted March 16, 2016 Author Posted March 16, 2016 Day 13: WARNING: This is a day where I don’t go to any bars or interesting places. Skip if you’re just interested in that. I go to Thailand to meet as many boys as I can, both money boys and free boys/men. I figure I can meet two new guys every day, one from online or a massage place during the day, and one from the bars at night. Invariably, it never turns out this way, as I pick my favorites fairly quickly, and tend to spend more time with them. I put a premium on boys that can and seem to like to talk to me, and them being attractive and sexually compatible with me goes without saying. At this point I have spent about 12 whole days in Thailand, so ideally I would have seen 24 new guys as additional notches in my bedpost. Instead I’ve had 3 repeats (from past trips), and another one that is new this trip, but I’ve already seen 4 times. I have fallen down on achieving my sexy goal. Variety is the spice of life after all, and since I have a long-time BF of many years, you would think I would be working hard in achieving this variety, especially with the freedom I get in Thailand. Instead, I fall into familiar behavior and spend too much time with a handful of boys. But it works for me, and because of the familiarity, getting a boy for a second, third, even fourth time, means that I have taken a certain fancy to the boy. I am always in danger of getting too attached with one boy because of this behavior. It’s hard to stay true to your real-life commitments, when you are thousands of miles away, removed from your own reality and what you know, and staying at a new place for too long makes the new place your reality for a while. When this happens, I look forward to going back home, to go back to the person I am committed to, and to the job that pays me enough to take these fantasy vacations. But right now, I wake up, with hottie Xboy Guy by my side. He looks like he belongs in my arms. I pull away to check my phone. Some Line messages from Cambodia guy and Hotel guy. I respond to Hotel guy with some cutesy responses, this is probably not going anywhere, especially since I am leaving in two days. I am conflicted with Cambodia guy. I told him I am spending time with him today, but with Xboy Guy here with me now, it means it might have to be later afternoon or tonight. This means that I will not be able to get a new boy tonight. I think about that for a minute, and realize how ridiculous this problem is. A very Thailand problem: I’m not going to be able to meet a new hot boy tonight because I may be forced to spend time with another handsome hot boy, all the while currently cuddling with yet another hot boy who just spent the night. Once I pull myself back and realize that this is all ridiculous, a fantasy, an elaborate way to get more sex, I relax, and just not worry about things. I message Cambodia guy and tell him to meet me at 6 PM for dinner. No reply, might still be asleep. Xboy guy starts to wake up. No urgency this morning. I just enjoy his naked body next to me. Posting a pic of him. Covering the face really takes away from the overall effect, but understandably, I am still protective of him. I figure this photo is generic enough as to not reveal his identity: We roll around the bed for a while, and pretty soon, we get hungry, so we head down to the Lek Hotel buffet, which ends around 1 PM. We eat, we have fun. I ask him what his plans were today. He tells me he needs to meet up with the customer around 5 PM or so to buy the plane tickets, and from there he needs to pack for the trip. I ask him when he wants to leave my company, he says at 5 PM. I do not object to this, and let him know I had evening plans. We head back to the hotel. We shower together. We have fun together. It is familiar, it is still hot. We still have plenty of time, so I tell him I wanted to go to Mike’s Shopping Mall to look at a few things. We walk over there and I buy a few items of clothing. I tell him if there was anything he wanted me to buy for him, just let me know. He says OK, but ultimately never points to anything. We head back to the hotel because it was almost 5 PM. We get back to the room and I counted some money to give him before he leaves me for the last time this trip. I hand him 2500 baht, my usual long time rate with him. He declines the money! He said "No money, it ok". This is a first for me. I think about it for a minute. Maybe this is a way for him to say sorry about cancelling. Maybe he thinks his upcoming 4-day off will be a money maker for him so he doesn’t need the money. Maybe he stole from me and thus I already paid him (highly unlikely). I offer it again, ask him if he was sure. He says yes, he says “You friend me.” I offer again, he does not accept. I take a 1000 baht note and hand it to him and say “for taxi”. He still refuses. I do not force the issue any further. I did not want to hurt his pride. But It is unprecedented for me. I'm still a little bit confused, I walk him down to the lobby and then to Second Rd. We say our goodbyes. He gets a mocy taxi and rides away out of my life. I instantly feel guilty and want him to take my money. He has provided a service; I need to pay for services rendered. I can’t worry about this too much. Cambodia boy is going to be at my doorstep any minute. I get to the hotel, take a quick shower, and wait till Cambodia Lines me. While I wait, I check my Grindr again, and see this: Not blurring any pics, but strike out some phone numbers and screen names. Again, from the top with MB Status (MB Status – Money boy or not): African who wanted to meet, but I do not meet with him, MB Status: No; Malaysian who was staying at adjacent hotel, contacted me on WhatsApp, talked for a while but I stopped eventually , MB Status: No; Cute guy who was asking for 1000 baht to do everything, I do not meet with him, MB Status: Yes; Hot boy who was offering 1200 baht for everything, no meeting, MB Status: Yes; Cute Thai boy who was visiting and added me on Line and we talked for a while, stopped talking, MB Status: No; Hot guy who wanted to date, I can't obviously, MB Status: No; Thai guy who added me on Line, unemployed, and wanted to go with me to BBB and wanted me to pay his drink, then said that he is fat now, immediately turned off by that, MB Status: No; Very hot guy who messaged me first, bewildered now why I did not talk to him further, MB Status: unknown. Lots of possibilities with these guys, but you know what they say: so many boys, so little time. Cambodia boy arrives at 6:40 PM, 40 minutes late from appointed time. I do not mind his tardiness, and have come to expect it. I meet him at the lobby. He is wearing better fitting clothes, and is looking quite handsome. He gives me a long, lingering, full bear hug, not caring about the people around us (though I do not think anyone cares around here, just my American puritanical instincts). I ask him what he wanted to do. He said to go to the room for now. At the room, we cuddle in bed with clothes on. He tells me it’s been a rough week for him and his fellow Cambodian money boy cohorts. There have been police raids almost daily at his bar, so the bar is closed for now, so he does not have a place to earn money, and has to rely on the Gay apps for his living. He says business has been slow anyway, because most people just go to Boyztown nowadays. Now with the police raids, no one will think of going back to his Jomtien bar for a while, till the raids stop. He says there was a time when police would raid his house and his landlord would warn him and his Cambodian roommates so they could run away and hide. This would go on almost daily for a few days. One time it got so bad that they had to stay at the beach for the night. It’s not a place to sleep, obviously, and they had to wait there till the coast was clear. So lately they have not been having a lot of sleep, and with their tenuous housing situation, they’ve had to change rooms a lot, and this has costed them money. He says since they are all friends, they share money and resources. He tells me this with some tears streaming down his handsome face. I have no doubt that this story is true. I’ve read some forum threads about the raids. I have no idea why the police are doing this, or if these Cambodian guys even have a legal status to work in Thailand, and wonder why they are targeted. I am used to getting doom and gloom from Cambodia boy, but this tale is especially bleak. It seems that it is almost not worth it to be a money boy in Pattaya anymore, and surprised that this is still a step up in pay to what they can get back home in Cambodia. He tells me that he is thinking about getting out of the money boy business because of these raids and drought in customers. I let him talk and express his frustration about his current situation. I feel that this is more of him venting about his misfortunes, that it is trying to get money from me. I try my best to put a positive spin on things, but I admit it is fairly hard to do. He is (to me) very handsome, charming, great English, and I would believe that he would be one of the more popular Money Boys in Pattaya. But for all I know, he might be just one of many equally or more handsome, more charming, better english, sexy boys out there. I tell him we should eat. He asks that we go to Food Wave again at the Royal Garden Plaza, since he said he likes the variety there. So we go, and let him get anything he wanted. In the grand scheme of things, it’s just money, which I do not worry about as much as he does. I try to lighten things up. I encourage him to get some alcohol, and he does. We eat, we drink, we talk about general things. I am glad that he can at least forget about his troubles for a night. We get back to the room. He knows what is coming next, the main reason why I wanted him here. Shower together, sex together, cuddle together, shower again, and cuddle again. He tells me that he knows that I have a lot of boys I see when I go to Pattaya. I don’t know why he just said that out of the blue. Last trip he asked if I could be his boyfriend. He tells me that we should eventually marry so he can move to the USA. I tell him the truth: that I can’t because I already have a BF. Me telling him this felt like I was breaking up with him. He pouted for a while, but took it better than I thought he would. He is made of sturdy stuff. We cuddle till we fall asleep. jacquet, vinapu and Alexx 3 Quote
TomNg Posted March 16, 2016 Posted March 16, 2016 Numazu, It seems like you are falling in love again :-) I am feeling so jealous but also very happy for you :-) Compared to life in the US (stressful and overworked, etc.), this is truly heaven. Enjoy it to the fullest if you can and be safe :-) Quote
Guest abang1961 Posted March 16, 2016 Posted March 16, 2016 I am sure that Cambodian boys and his friends entered Thailand legally. I can understand the raids at the bars but raid the rooms where they sleep? This is a little strange... I, for one, had been visiting Thailand regularly and had never was short of platonic Farang friends. Never once was I checked in the streets for "prostitution" - in fact, that would be a complement! Yes for him, the fear of deportation is always there and the lack of clients and funds are making the situation worse. Hopefully with his looks and ability to speak better English than most of the Thais, business will pick up... Quote
Popular Post numazu Posted March 17, 2016 Author Popular Post Posted March 17, 2016 Day 14 So I can’t believe it, it’s my last full day in Thailand this trip. Time flies when you’re having fun. I think I am ready to go home. I don’t sleep well tonight. I wake up many times. The Aya Hotel door slamming (due to flimsy doors) is a concern. Though I am in a studio room, which is not facing the crazy party courtyard, there is still some noise at times. I wake up at 5 AM, I see Cambodia boy is up as well, playing with his phone. I ask him if everything is OK. He says yes, he is just messaging his Cambodian friends. I ask him if they are OK, and why they are up this late (or early). He says they have been drinking and hanging out. I ask him if he wanted to join them. He said no, he wanted to stay with me. We talk for a while. About how life is like in Cambodia. Why is it hard to get a good paying job there (it is for non-College grads), why Pattaya and not Bangkok (friends are here). He tells me about his farang ex-BF in Phnom Penh, and farang ex-BF paid for his English lessons. He tells me about the pain of getting dumped for someone else, and left with nothing, no money and resources. How this forced him to try Pattaya. I tell him about my job, my life, my BF. I tell him my BF is coming with me next trip, and the possibility of meeting him. He doesn’t like this idea. I am sweet, cuddly, kissing him all over. He puts away his phone and responds in kind. We fool around a good while. I get horny, he gets horny. Kiss, suck, fuck. I can’t get enough of this guy. We shower. We dry off. He looks out the window, I take this pic (generic enough to protect him): It’s almost 8 AM. We decide to get a few hours of sleep, and I set the alarm. Alarm wakes us up, we put on clothes, and head over to Casa Pascal again, the same place we had breakfast the last time. Bacon, made-to-order eggs, cheese, breads. Thai rice dishes, beef soup, rice porridge. 480 baht for the both of us. Delicious as always, doesn't compare at all to the Lek or Apex Hotel buffets. It’s 11 AM, so I decide on our walk back to the Aya that we go to Royal Garden Plaza. I tell him to pick a shirt that I can buy for him. I won’t tell you where or what and how much the shirt cost, because I got in trouble on here before (LOL). Sufficed to say that it is not cheap, at least by Thai standards, but is pretty standard price for what I am used to in the USA. And the happiness and gratitude I get from him is priceless. We get back to the Aya. He showers quickly, and gets dressed. I pay him 2500 baht, which he receives happily. He tells me to let him know if he wants to meet in April. He leaves. I think: He will forever remain the best Grindr Money Boy that I’ve ever chosen. Handsome, charming, interesting, infuriating, and ultimately, infinitely lovable. I hate that he continues to ask for money when I am back in the USA, but I am inexplicably drawn to him when I see him. I check my Line, and see a photo from Xboy guy. He took a picture of the queue at Suvarnubhumi airport check-in counter to catch his flight to Chiang Mai: I’m glad he updates me on his activities. Again, no reason to doubt his story that he has a 4-day off. Hope he earns a lot of money from this off. At this point, I decide that since my flight to my Tokyo layover tomorrow is at 7 AM, the car service is picking me up at 3 AM to get me at Suvarnabhumi at around 5 AM, so I am thinking of sleeping the rest of the day and wake up around 8 PM or so to pack, and then go to one last bar (I am thinking Xboys, since Xboy guy is not there tonight to tempt me), and get a new boy tonight. I pre pack some of my things (which is not a lot), and then I go to bed. I get into a Line conversation with Hotel guy (remember him? 25 year old Thai guy who works at the Hilton. We have been talking for a week, no meet). I tell him I am about to sleep because of my flight time tomorrow. He then responds (one line censored because it contains his name): I check his Line profile again. Handsome, tall, fit, happy pictures, active pictures. I then ask him what were his plans later. He says it is his day off, and no plans yet on a Saturday night. I tell him, sure, do you really want to sleep beside me? He says sure why not, he was going to sleep too because he had to work the night shift the night before. I ask him if he wanted to join me now. He says no, he does want to sleep, but he says we can try tonight. I like this plan. I can sleep, which was my plan all along, and I can go to Xboys if Hotel guy does not deliver on his promise. I turn on the “Do not disturb” button at the door, and don’t care if I don’t get maid service today. The lack of sleep the night before gets me to sleep in no time. I wake up at 7 PM, not too bad. I hunt for food, craving a Thai Omelet tonight. I find a cheap Second Rd restaurant that has it, and order some Chang beer, Pad Thai and fried rice as well (I did not have lunch). Fantastic food, and quite enjoying some rare alone time before some possible boy time tonight. I go to Boots and buy some Thai and Asian toiletries for me and my BF (Snail cream! He loves them). I get some last minute souvenirs from street vendors. I head back to the Aya and finish packing. This is not a shopping holiday, as my suitcase is light and still had room. This is not a tourist holiday, as my camera roll does not have any pictures of beaches or temples. But this is definitely a sex holiday, as I see that I am almost out of lube and condoms, and my camera roll is full of boys: cute, smiling, mostly naked. It is 9 PM. Line lights up. It is Hotel guy. He asks what I am doing. I tell him I was packing. He said he was ready to meet. I am conflicted. I wanted to be the good sex tourist and see a fuck show and get a prostitute. But here is someone free who looks like he belongs at Xboys. What if he was not what he looks like in his pics? At least it is what you see is what you get at Xboys. I roll the dice and tell him to come to Aya. It will be early enough that I can still make the second show at Xboys if I need to. I take a shower and wrap up my packing. He Lines me and says he is at the lobby. Guard asks for his ID. I guess the guard thinks he looks like a money boy as well. Hotel guy complies without hesitation. We wait for the elevators. He really is tall (about 6 foot), handsome, nice dark skin, and has a nice smile. I instantly get nervous. I feel that I am out of my league. But he puts me at ease by giving me a kiss on the cheek. I feel that I made the right choice. We get to the room. We talk for a bit. We instantly try to get close to each other, skipping the usual awkward first minutes of a hookup between strangers, when you don’t know whether you should make the first move or not, so you initially keep your distance. The conversation is fluid, and his broken but decent English is both disarming and charming. We start to kiss, and off to the races we go. I won’t bore you with the details of the sex between hotel guy and I. It was good, it was fun, and it was a great finish to my holiday. No, I was not able to get to Xboy, and yes, he stayed till my PT Taxi car service was waiting for me. The conversation was good, and we managed to get street food in between. I get to know a little bit about him (he just started with Hilton after working at another hotel, loves beaches, which explains the amazing brown skin, wants to travel more), he gets to know about me (job, how L.A. was like, I don’t tell him about the BF, not relevant to tonight I think). We talk till it is almost 3 AM, and he helps with my bags and I check out. My ride is waiting for me. I tip the guard 100 baht (for protecting me and being a good sport with my boys). I hug Hotel boy and leave. On the ride to the airport I think about my choice. Yes, I probably saved about 3000 baht tonight (drink, off fee, tip) by not picking an Xboys boy. The chances of getting someone who can speak good English at that is slim, let alone a guy who wants to talk to me. But I had to work Hotel boy, because I had to Line him everyday, flirting, exchanging emojis, feeling him out, for more than a week. Is it worth the wait? I feel that the time I spent on Line to get Hotel guy is more valuable than a measly 3000 baht off of an Xboys boy who probably is as good or better looking than Hotel guy, and probably as good or better in bed. I did miss the boy show though, something that cannot be replicated in my hotel room, no matter how talented the boy is. In the end, I just think that I am the luckiest guy in the world. I get to pick between two hot choices, and both choices will end up with me getting great sex, and great memories. It's time to go home. jacquet, lilbob69, paulsf and 2 others 5 Quote
vinapu Posted March 18, 2016 Posted March 18, 2016 I will miss your daily updates, XBoy boy look really cuddly! thank you for a great reports Quote
numazu Posted March 18, 2016 Author Posted March 18, 2016 Day 15 Not really a trip report per se, because my time in Thailand has come to an end. I check-in with ANA for my flight to Tokyo, sadly there was a but of a line, and it takes me 30 minutes to get to the counter: I am then taking United Airlines from Tokyo to Los Angeles. I don’t dread the flight this time as I did going to Thailand, because its usually shorter (2 hours less to Tokyo, about 2 hours less to California, due to help from the jet stream direction), and because my BF is in the other end of my flight, waiting for me. I figure I’d use the time at the airport waiting on my flight to reminisce and figure out what worked and what didn’t this trip. THIS TRIP: Primary Goal: To have as much sex as possible – Mission accomplished Secondary Goal: Exercise everyday, eat healthy – First week great, second week got sick, did not exercise towards the end Tertiary Goal: Get 2 suits and shirts tailored – Success, minor hiccup Did not happen: did not go to any new places or tourist spots, did not shop too much, did not go to massage shops NEXT TRIP in April: Primary Goal: Tour more places with BF, go to Phuket with Burmese friend Secondary Goal: Check out new gogo bars with BF/Burmese guy Tertiary Goal: Get pampered with facials, wholesome massage, body scrubs with BF/Burmese guy Will probably not happen: Will not off any new guys due to BF/friend L. Meet free guys on Grinder/Hornet/PRomeo, will not go to boy massage shops New guys met: 10 (6 offs, 4 free boys thru gay app) Repeat guys: 6 (4 offs, 2 money boy thru gay app) Short Time Offs: 7 boys Long Time Offs: 6 boys Best off: Xboy guy Worst off: Nice Boys guy Best app hookup: Hotel guy in Pattaya Worst app hookup: Older guy in BKK who did not look like his pics Best bar experience: Xboys Worst bar experience: Nice Boys, maybe I went on an off night Most visited bar: Boyzboyzboyz in Pattaya, best selection of boys Bar I wish I visited more: Tawan, but I cut BKK trip short in favor of Pattaya Bar I need to visit again: Nice Boys, and Sunee Plaza in general Best hotel: Crowne Plaza in BKK Worst hotel: Aya Hotel in Pattaya (not really bad, and will stay again) Fell in love: 3 times (numerous times with Xboy Guy and Cambodia Guy, 5 minutes with FM2) Hated the guy: Older Grindr guy, Nice Boys off Biggest Surprise: Xboy Guy not charging for company from 3 AM to 5 PM on 4th time Same same: Cambodia guy trying to get more money from me Best Sex: Xboy guy (Cambodia guy close second) Best boyfriend experience: Dreamboys Thai guy Best Conversation: Cambodia guy As a parting gift, here was my first off this trip, the Screwboys guy: TMax and vinapu 2 Quote
hurstwickham Posted March 18, 2016 Posted March 18, 2016 Thank you for your trip reports. I really enjoyed and was always waiting for the next instalment. Quote
Guest Jason105 Posted March 18, 2016 Posted March 18, 2016 Thanks for your great reports. For those of us who have to wait for our next visit to LOS it was really fun to picture the places you visited and imagine the guys. Hope you and your BF have a great trip. all the best Quote
numazu Posted March 19, 2016 Author Posted March 19, 2016 Thanks for your great reports. For those of us who have to wait for our next visit to LOS it was really fun to picture the places you visited and imagine the guys. Hope you and your BF have a great trip. all the best I agree. Great reports! Thank you for your trip reports. I really enjoyed and was always waiting for the next instalment. Thanks guys. It was fun recounting all the fun stuff that happened. I think it was better to do all of this after the trip was over, since I barely had time to focus on anything serious (like writing) while I am having fun . If I was to do it again, I would probably include photos in all the posts. I usually take photos of all the boys, and the hotel. Also, I wish I started earlier, with my previous trips. lilbob69 and Manly69 2 Quote
vinapu Posted March 19, 2016 Posted March 19, 2016 Also, I wish I started earlier, with my previous trips. and so do we ! Quote
Guest tom2014 Posted March 20, 2016 Posted March 20, 2016 Thanks for a great report - love the detail and your honesty. As well as wanting me to return it inspires me to write up highlights of my last trip - will try to soon, and then make notes and take some more pics during the next one later this year! Top European guy here, keen for a chat and drink if ever we are in BKK at the same time. Thanks again. Quote
anddy Posted March 20, 2016 Posted March 20, 2016 best reports ever, great reading - almost like a string of mini-love stories with all the emotion, not just descriptive of the acts. See you in BKK in April, I'll be around numazu 1 Quote
Alexx Posted March 21, 2016 Posted March 21, 2016 Thanks for the great reports, I enjoyed reading them a lot. Heck, even reading the criticism was fun, seeing a fossil with egg on his face isn't exactly an every day occurrence. vinapu, captainmick and numazu 3 Quote
numazu Posted March 21, 2016 Author Posted March 21, 2016 best reports ever, great reading - almost like a string of mini-love stories with all the emotion, not just descriptive of the acts. See you in BKK in April, I'll be around Cool, I'll be in April 6 with the BF and some friends from Cali. Might be hanging out with them through Songkran but things will slow down for me by the 17th or 18th. If you wanna grab a bite or coffee, I'll be down for sure. anddy 1 Quote
numazu Posted March 21, 2016 Author Posted March 21, 2016 Thanks for a great report - love the detail and your honesty. As well as wanting me to return it inspires me to write up highlights of my last trip - will try to soon, and then make notes and take some more pics during the next one later this year! Top European guy here, keen for a chat and drink if ever we are in BKK at the same time. Thanks again. No problem. I'm glad this is of use to some of you. PM me when you know your dates. I have 3 more trips planned this year, including next month. Quote
steveboy Posted March 24, 2016 Posted March 24, 2016 Day 8 I feel like the worst boyfriend in the world. Today is Valentine’s Day. And five months ago I booked this Sex Tourist Vacation without regard to the most sentimental of all holidays. And now I wake up in the arms of a money boy, and my boyfriend is alone, 7,500 miles away, probably wondering what I am doing on Valentine’s Day. OK, in all honesty, I don’t feel that bad. My BF and I are both unsentimental people. We don’t care (as much) about Valentine’s as we do our actual love for each other. He knows about my ways here in Thailand, and he probably has company at our house right now. Knowing him, he probably doesn’t have company (really). He’s a saint, I am not. He knows this about me, and he loves me anyway. That’s modern relationships for you. That's it! You are a really smart guy, and your BF too! Your relationship is not "modern" but it has been a win-win for many happy people throughout the ages. When I make my trips to LOS, my BF of 19 years (now more of a friendship) wishes me a lot of fun. After taking me to the airport he returns home to much peace and solitude only interrupted by a few friends, with as much sainthood or not as he pleases, and we then chat every one or two days over Skype until I return. Life is good... splinter1949 1 Quote
numazu Posted March 25, 2016 Author Posted March 25, 2016 That's it! You are a really smart guy, and your BF too! Your relationship is not "modern" but it has been a win-win for many happy people throughout the ages. When I make my trips to LOS, my BF of 19 years (now more of a friendship) wishes me a lot of fun. After taking me to the airport he returns home to much peace and solitude only interrupted by a few friends, with as much sainthood or not as he pleases, and we then chat every one or two days over Skype until I return. Life is good... Well, I wouldn't say we are smart. Lucky, more likely. We were both lucky enough to meet almost 8 years ago, both after the end of disastrous relationships. I could not believe how low-maintenance he was (still is), and not needy at all. He is still very much a lover to me, as well as a best friend, but the difference is just my sex drive is running at 100 miles per hour, whereas his is a slow-burn, thus my predilection to get more sex elsewhere. This difference in libido has never been an issue for us. Some of our friends don't understand how the relationship works. Sometimes I don't know how as well. It just works. It does sound that I am having my cake and eating it too. I see it as a cake made of my BF as the cake bread part, and the Thai/Lao/Cambodia/Burma boys as the icing. And there is so much icing to be had LOL. It's funny you mention Skype while you are in LOS. I don't think I video-chatted with my BF the whole two weeks I was gone during this trip report. He is just that low maintenance. In contrast, Xboy Guy has video chatted with me numerous times already since I've been back here in the USA, mostly at X-Boys during the show. XBoy Guy usually Lines me at around 10:05 PM Thai time (8 AM in California), when they are done parading onstage and the first show starts, when most of the boys are either in the show or just backstage or with customers. Many times when I ask about the show, if he is not with a customer, he video calls me in the bar and streams the show in progress. I can only take 5 minutes at a time of this though, since video streaming a bar show through a phone camera is not exactly hi-def video, and the sound sucks. A screenshot of one of his streams (you can see how crappy the quality is): Alexx 1 Quote