biguyby Posted November 6, 2015 Posted November 6, 2015 A couple of days ago whilst having breakfast I was asked by a fellow Brit if he and his Ladyboy Girlfriend could sit at my table as the place was busy and no epmty tables. Yes if course I replied. We chatted whilst we ordered and the ate our food, all nice and friendly about how long we'd been enjoying the delights of or trips to Thailand/Pattaya etc. All was going well until I happened to say that I thought that Pattaya had one of the best gay entertainment scenes in the world. Well the shit really hit the fan, the guy went crazy saying "I'm f###ing sick of people assuming that I'm gay just because my girlfriend happens to be a ladyboy" I replied that I wasn't assuming anything I was just saying from my point of view Pattaya had a great gay scene. Thinking about it logically I suppose he thought I was disrespecting the trangenger thing and his relationship with what he thinks of as a woman. Anyway he scared the shit out me with his reaction I thought he was going to hit me. Quote
NIrishGuy Posted November 6, 2015 Posted November 6, 2015 Sounds like a man with "issues" - the man he doth protest too much I think ! Quote
forky123 Posted November 6, 2015 Posted November 6, 2015 Major over-reaction on his part but it seems to me that the transgenders and their boyfriends get more snide remarks and general crap than most, even in Thailand. Obviously not the case on your part, just my observations on how they are looked at generally. They still get treated far better here in Thailand than in the UK where daily abuse is a fact of life for many. Such a shame we still live in a world where making people feel bad due to their sex/race/orientation seems to give enjoyment to some very sick individuals. Quote
bkkguy Posted November 6, 2015 Posted November 6, 2015 "I'm f###ing sick of people assuming that I'm gay just because my girlfriend happens to be a ladyboy" "ladyboy" is a term as much abused as ladyboys themselves, it means different things to different people and sexuality, sexual preference, gender and gender disphoria are difficult and often misunderstood concepts so it is no surprise there is confusion over gay Vs transvestite Vs transexual Vs transgender Vs just plain kinky etc - not just in straight society! to know what assumptions may or may not be justified in this case we would need to know was the "girlfriend" an effeminate male? a pre-op M-F transgender? a post-op M-F transgender? and I suppose who put what where during intimate moments? does a "straight" man who gets fucked up the ass by a pre-op transgender need to think a bit more about his position on the sexual orientation scale? does it make a difference if the fucking is done by his "straight" (born a) female wife wearing a strap-on? is a "straight" man with a post-op M-F transgender partner perhaps just a misogynist (as suggested by Germaine Greer) for thinking trans men make "better" women? or do we go the whole ultra-feminist hog and claim that hormone tablets and plastic surgery does not make a man a woman? (though I have never seen anyone on either side of this debate define what is a "woman" - leaving aside Greer's "having a big hairy smelly vagina"!) if I take meds to make my skin yellow, have facial plastic surgery and start quoting Confucious should we expect this to end my Chinese boyfriend's mates ribbing him about dating outside his ethnic group? or am I just being transphobic for thinking this is a reasonable comparison? bkkguy biguyby and vinapu 2 Quote
witty Posted November 6, 2015 Posted November 6, 2015 The man was probably a dyke who inadvertently betrayed her own gender. I guess Germaine Greer was right about that big hairy mess of pubic hair for a vagina. biguyby 1 Quote
Vessey Posted November 6, 2015 Posted November 6, 2015 Mostly my Pattaya world is straight, but with quite a proportion of my farang friends being attracted to ladyboys - ladyboys can look more feminine that real girls at times. Some guys will 'take the plunge' - initially perhaps just a blowjob, but then sex as well. Whatever the logic, most guys will still consider themselves straight - as it was the femininity of ladyboys that attracted them. One you start giving blowjobs to them and getting fucked by them the lines blur somewhat, but still few would admit to being bisexual yet alone gay. So the reaction of your fellow diner was over the top, but I can understand why he didn't want to be confronted with the implication that he was gay - because he would not consider that he was. I still have a penchant for ladyboys (as well as girls and boys); I try not to think in terms of the labels that places around my neck, in fact I try not to 'think too much' about it at all. Its easier just to follow where my cock leads! LOL halfhansum, biguyby, monsoon and 1 other 4 Quote
forky123 Posted November 7, 2015 Posted November 7, 2015 If you start with the premise that everyone is bisexual and that it's just a matter of degree from person to person, there is then much less of a need to give everything a different label. Simply go with the flow and if it feels good then who gives a damn what others think as long as it's harming no one. biguyby 1 Quote
vinapu Posted November 7, 2015 Posted November 7, 2015 Well the shit really hit the fan, the guy went crazy saying "I'm f###ing sick of people assuming that I'm gay just because my girlfriend happens to be a ladyboy" old advice not to discuss politics , religion and sex, however cursory, with strangers had proved it's value again. I'm going to Thailand for shopping and see temples, i'm in Thailand to shop and see temples and I was in Thailand shopping and visiting temples, this is version I stick to when talking to strangers. Only sex related subject I can tough with strangers in LOS is to point how to get to Nana Plaza or soi Cowboy or what BTS station is closest to the Patpong. Even when sitting at Maxi's or Dick's in soi Twilight and chatted by other patrons I steer clear from those subjects, inside of Go-go it's another story, there I feel on my territory. biguyby 1 Quote
williewillie Posted November 7, 2015 Posted November 7, 2015 I knew a self proclaimed straight farang who had a ladyboy that he had sex with. He felt the need to tell anyone that would listen that he was straight. He was also an ugly racist and chain smoker, who died of lung cancer. Very very queer man. biguyby 1 Quote
bkkguy Posted November 7, 2015 Posted November 7, 2015 If you start with the premise that everyone is bisexual and that it's just a matter of degree from person to person, there is then much less of a need to give everything a different label. according to a study led by Doctor Gerulf Rieger from the Department of Psychology at the University of Essex (and reported on in just about every newspaper - mainstream or gay - in the last few days) all women are "either bisexual or gay, but never straight" though that is probably a bit beyond most of our fields of interest, and the study didn't include ladyboys! bkkguy biguyby 1 Quote