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Guest alkoe

finally back in pattaya Oct-nov 2015

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A am another one to tell you there is no problem, whatever, walking to/from Sunee Plaza. I do it ALONE every day and have done so for 10 years. 

You will really regret it if you do not have a look. I dont want to read about that!


There is one caveat! Don't walk down Soi YaBa.  :diablo:


Soi YaBa was an informal name given to the Soi connecting  Soi 16 and Soi 17. It ends just near Colonial Bar close to Nice Boys and Power Boys. At one time many drug deals were taking place along this soi but not anymore. Although, even now, I avoid walking it at night on returning from drinking in the Plaza.


oh those at sunee plaza are arabic guys? no wonder i find them similiar looking.. however when  i asked him (i met one, huge cock and playful).. he told me he is from some parts of thai.. hmm.... he is cute tho 

Guest FossilGay
  On 11/12/2015 at 2:41 PM, crayontt said:

oh those at sunee plaza are arabic guys? no wonder i find them similiar looking.. however when  i asked him (i met one, huge cock and playful).. he told me he is from some parts of thai.. hmm.... he is cute tho


Similar looking to whom?  Thai guys?  You must be dipping your shawarma in tomyum again!

Guest FossilGay
  On 11/10/2015 at 12:41 PM, firecat69 said:



Never found the Arabs in Sunee area a problem.  For whatever reason they seem to fit in and not bother anyone.




Ditto.  No problem with them whatsoever.  They are in Thailand to have fun, just like we do and some of the young uns are great eye candy!  The only farangs I know who have problems with them are the hicks who've never been anywhere and who tend to have problems with other nationalities too, including Thais.  For me, variety is the spice of life!

  On 11/12/2015 at 3:21 PM, FossilGay said:

  The only farangs I know who have problems with them are the hicks who've never been anywhere and who tend to have problems with other nationalities too, including Thais.  

+1 man, +1

Guest anonone
  On 11/12/2015 at 6:15 AM, kokopelli said:

There is one caveat! Don't walk down Soi YaBa.  :diablo:


Soi YaBa was an informal name given to the Soi connecting  Soi 16 and Soi 17. It ends just near Colonial Bar close to Nice Boys and Power Boys. At one time many drug deals were taking place along this soi but not anymore. Although, even now, I avoid walking it at night on returning from drinking in the Plaza.


Wow.  Never knew that little soi had a name...or a reputation.  I walk down that soi alot, and have never had any trouble. 


Isn't that also the little soi where Monty had a short-lived bar, or am I not remembering correctly?

  On 11/12/2015 at 5:13 AM, vinapu said:

That is usual problem if we off boy and show up in the bar / massage next day. He assumes that we are there for him and it takes a lot of people skills  to balance our desire for a new adventure and to avoid him having bad feelings.

Yes either that, OR he's smart enough to work out some customers don't have the heart & people skills to decline his advances. The strategy works some of the time, so the boys will try it.

Been there, done that, learned the lesson.



Isn't that also the little soi where Monty had a short-lived bar, or am I not remembering correctly?

Yes you are correct. I think the problems have gone away now. I walk it all the time.

  On 11/12/2015 at 5:58 PM, anonone said:

Wow.  Never knew that little soi had a name...or a reputation.  I walk down that soi alot, and have never had any trouble. 


Isn't that also the little soi where Monty had a short-lived bar, or am I not remembering correctly?

Yes, same soi as Monty who referred to it as Soi Monty.  There was some sort of construction along that soi whereby a foundation for a building was dug and pilings installed but no further construction. Thus is became a dumping ground for trash and garbage. Finally a couple of weeks ago it was cleaned up and a fence erected.


When Soi YaBa served the drug pushers my bf was robbed when walking thru there. This was some years back. Even now I see some sort of unsavory characters hanging around there usually earlier in the evening. 


sorry guys - I was a little lazy to write reports about the last nights, but nothing really new happended, little fun with my friend "C" , BBB everynight, cuddling with the cute waiters there - same-same hehe


I get in better contact with the waiter "Boy" from Serena Bar - i offered him to go with me to Nong Nooch, he really owns a car and I´m a kind of fascinated of him, he is very smart, okay - he broke up his studies, but we are able to have a real conversation and we laugh about the same things - this is not easy to find in the boys scene of Thailand in my opinion. So he promised to pick me up on friday at 11 a.m. at my hotel - I was waiting till 12 a.m. - but no "Boy" was arriving. And this is what Thailand makes with me - sometimes I feel more than great, and sometimes I hate all. I was really sad - I thought to myself how I could be so stupid to think, that this sweety really will spend time with me.


I walked around senceless - whole beach road, Walking street till the Pier. Then it started to rain again - I was really asking myself, what the hell am I doing here?! But finally a message from "Boy" - he apologized, he got a flu, took Tiffy and he simply slept all time. He noticed, that I´m sad - but I´m not unforgiving, so all was okay few messages later.


In the late afternoon I was sleeping - so my night activities started later


15th night in Pattaya


I heard about big problems at home, became angry - and was in the mood to drink some alcohol. So i had a bucket "Sex on the beach" at the sidewalk of Beach road. I ask "Boy" if he took a day off, but he answered that this is not possible - if he don´t go to work, he owns the bar 400 Baht - hard rules. So I went to Serena Bar to speak with "Boy",I had a beer and bought him a hot tea for his cold. Then I offed him and we watched together the show at BBB. He was never in that show before and really surprised, hehe. Kind of funny were the reactions of the staff when I came in with him, the waiters just said "hello", no little kisses, no hugs, lol. My cutie "C" gave me just a smile and a small wave, also no hug or kiss. But friendly was the reaction of the mamasan - it was like a congratulation to that hot escort. But later the waiter "Boy" from BBB sat down beside me to cuddle.

BTW - I found out that this tipping game with the ping-pong balls is not really fair for the boys: the costumer pay 100 Baht for the ball, but the boy gets just 50 Baht - rest is for the bar. And for a boys drink the commission for the boy is just 40 Baht.


Anyway - my new friend "Boy" wanted to see the cabaret part of the second show - so we stayed at BBB longer than I thought. Around 1 p.m. we left the bar - and then I guess I made him a big surprise: I gave him a big tip and told him to go to sleep. And I asked him - if he still want to go with me to Nong Nooch on the next day, I would give that idea another try.


And guess what - this morning at 10 a.m. I received a message from him and at 11 a.m. he picked me up with his nice little car. We had a funny day together, i think he enjoyed the garden and the shows, the price for the entrance fee and also a little bus ride inside the garden was half of the price I had to pay, and when I think that we had early lunch in a small restaurant beside the street for 90 Baht together - spending the day with him was not really expensive, hehe. In the end I persuaded him to make photos together with the elephants - he was scared at first but I think he didn´t regret - the picture was added to his facebook few moments later.

I wanted to pay him for the time he was spending with me and also for the fuel, he didn´t want that, said 100 Baht for the fuel is more than enough - but I know he needs money - a car costs a lot - so I tipped him again.


Of course we will meet us together this night - and I guess you guys are curious now, that´s why here you find a photo of him:





@ fossilgay - is it really necessary to judge me? You don´t know me - so why the hell you think  I´m a hick? I own a bus company and travel agency - I think I traveled around in more countries than you will ever see in your life. From the beginning I wrote here about my feelings and my point of view - so stop the hate - if you don´t like what you read - feel free to ignore me ;-)

  On 11/14/2015 at 11:25 AM, alkoe said:

@ fossilgay - is it really necessary to judge me?

alkoe - I don't think anyone is judging you... but you do seem very naive to me (and i am sure others)

So most of us are hoping that you don't take taken advantage of...


Sunee plaza is very gentrified these days and probably more safe than any gay ghetto of any european city!


BTW going to BB every day is like visiting Disneyland and not going anywhere except the magic castle... Ye sit may be the "Jewel in the crown" - but there are plentyof other pearls to be found in Pattaya!


{By the way this is not a personal attack! Love your reporting style and would love to see your reaction (hopefully positive) to visiting the other great gay places in Patttaya!}


Great looking catch that Serene boy, true eye candy.


I'm surprised he is dressed so warmly - may be flu is not over or you guys had a spell of cold weather?

Hope he was cured last night in your warm embrace !


Thank you for enlightening us on ping-pong scheme at BBB, sure it's better to place that 100 in boy's briefs than going 50/50 with the bar.


Don't take Fossil's comment as directed at you, he said clearly that his comment is about farangs he knows.


Keep reporting , you are doing very well like colmx mentioned above.


He has a point with all those other places but I see also your point of camping at BBB every night - line up , show and general friendliness of both boys and staff  are making it best bar in Thailand in my not so humble opinion.


staying on the Arab scene theme, the disappearance of the hookah bars is startling.

The no smoking cigarettes law is ignored in many boy bars but the no smoking water pipes law is strictly followed.

Of course it's legal to smoke cigarettes in open air bar beers but the water pipes are not allowed even in outdoor places.

Hookah places are now deserted. I'm surprised at the absolute compliance, while cigarettes are still being smoked in

many air conditioned enclosed places. Like most, I don't miss the hookahs, which were starting to

be seen in the outdoor boy beer bars and are now all gone.

Guest abang1961

My one night only (9 Nov) was a non-event because I had unwittingly led a group of penny-pinching mainlanders.

The 4 of them were the worst of travelling companion..lucky the 2 girls left after 4 hours.


The guys were villagers from some remote parts of China and if not, for business-related reasons, I would have abandoned them at the first instance.  They were so uncouthed, super-conscious of their spendings.    Even the Alcazar show (THB 500) was expensive!


I did have a walk around Boyztown after sending them to their rooms.  By that time, it was all quiet. 


So this is my last report - in few hours I have to fly home ;-(


what can I say - it was not a perfect trip, the weather was not like I expected, I was sick few days - but I had fun and at the end a kind of romance, and the last make me more than happy.


my 16th night in Pattaya - to make it short, I was just sitting with "Boy" at Serene Bar, we spoke a lot, but his flu was more badly then before and he was not in the mood for nothing - very understandable.


And I was not in the mood to off another boy - I´m a little in love, hehe.


On sunday I spend the day at the beach in Pattaya, had the first manicure in my life (I know - I´m a hick lol) - and had the luck that the rain just started when I reached my hotel.


17th night in Pattaya


Well for my last night I wanted to invite my "Boy" from Serene for dinner and to spend a nice evening together. So I took the baht bus to Boyztown - but no cute little sweety in Serene. I asked the other staff, they said he will not work that night, he is too sick. I was sending him a message, but his phone was switched off. Okay, looked like bad luck for me - so I leaved my comfort zone ("Magic Castle" lol) and went to Sunee Plaza. I WALKED - it was still early (19:30 p.m.) - so not many people on the streets and I felt SAFE, hehe. I had dinner at Eldorado Guesthouse - the food was really good, but the two waiters very very uninspired. No smile, no friendly word, very slow - really strange. And the farang owner was there that day... - anyway the food was delicious. Then I sat down in a busy (and cheap) beer bar and watched the scene. In the bar few underage boys were playing billiards - they tried to get cigarettes and free drinks from the other costumers - and were succesful :-). Really a lot of cute boys in the open bars - but nearly all playing with their phones. "All of me Bar" was busy, in other bars not much or no costumers, But it seemed to be still a little too early, at 21:30 the area gets more and more busy. I saw some guys who had a look inside at Sunny Boys - so I was sure not to be the only costumer there and wanted to go inside - but in that moment I got a message from "Boy". He took some medicine - was sleeping all day, woke up and saw my message. His message was like this: "I will not work today but I will come to your hotel". What a good idea, hehe. I told him that I want to go to the main attraction of Disneyland (BBB rofl), because I promised to say "good bye" on my last night. So we was meeting at Serene, I went to BBB, he was eating in the meantime and then he needed to wait for me. I was sitting with "C" during the show and made him drunk (1 glass wine and 1 Whisky Soda was enough, hehe). He said he just came to say "good bye" to me, I didn´t care if this was the truth - I explained him that I already made a "off", but I gave him a sexy shirt as gift plus a big tip and we cuddled till the show was over. Big kiss at the end - I will miss him and promised him to come back in february. The waiter "Boy" from BBB made me a big surprise - he was not working yesterday but came to meet me and gave me 2 CD as gift. I really like the music in BBB and asked him few days before, where I can buy this - and he said he will organize that for me. I saw in his eyes that he was sad, that I was sitting with "C"- so he leaved like in panic, that made me little sad.

I gave Mr. "Elephant Boy" a funny tanga as gift, this tanga looks like a mask of an elephant and in the trunk you put the dick. At first he was wondering a lot - but at the end of the show he weared the tanga on stage, very funny.

But of course - I could not wait to take my "Boy" to my hotel. we had a great night, he wanted to stay at my room over night, normally I´m more into short time visits, because I like to sleep alone - but for this sweetheart I changed my mind - not that he asked for my decision, hehe .Not so much sleep for me this night - I love to watch his cute face while he is sleeping and I was scared that my snoring maybe will wake him up. After some morning fun we had breakfast together - he had two different meals and I guess, the girls in the restaurant were curious what him made so hungry, lol.

Now he leaved to sleep little more at his home - and later he will drive me to the airport in Bangkok. I better not think on that right now - I´m sure I will cry like a baby when we have to say good bye. I think he will not work so long in this business anymore, he miss his family a lot and he thinks to go back at his home town soon. But he promised to come back to Pattaya for me during my next vacation. I dunno if this is the true - maybe I´m just naive like usual - but the hope never dies.


Thanks guys for reading, your comments and likes - and your patience with my limited english, hehe!


Thanks for the report.


As for the weather, what was wrong with it ?


The following is a graph showing Pattaya climate variation by month.  There are various different graphs around, but the rough trend by season is the same.



  On 11/16/2015 at 5:59 AM, alkoe said:


Now he leaved to sleep little more at his home - and later he will drive me to the airport in Bangkok. I better not think on that right now - I´m sure I will cry like a baby when we have to say good bye


Thanks guys for reading, your comments and likes - and your patience with my limited english, hehe!

Thank you for tasty reports. Enjoy your trip home, don't cry too much on departure but rather start dreaming about return soon like most of us. 

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