Guest alkoe Posted October 31, 2015 Posted October 31, 2015 well guys, i try to write my first trip report - just to say "thanks" for all the information i have received from this forum in the last year. After a night flight from Germany to Bangkok with no sleep (Economy) and 30mins waiting time at the pass control i took a taxi and arrived yesterday late afternoon in my hotel in Pattaya. Like last time i stay in a "non gay hotel" oposite big C center - i don´t live open gay at home - so gay life all day is a little too much for me, lol I was thinking to stay in a rented condo this time - but at the end i choosed this hotel again - i like that my room is well cleaned every day with new towels and bed linen. After a shower i dressed up again and had a little diner in the mall of big C. After so much sitting in the aircraft i was in the mood to walk - so i walked down to beach street (Teddy Bear Museum) and the beach promenade to boyztown. The beach area was full of female prostitutes and rats - you have to love Thailand. There is some construction work on the promenade - not sure what they are doing - but i needed pay more attention than usual to my steps. Funny moment when i arrived in boyztown - i reached BoyzBoyzBoyz in that moment - when the boys made their hands clapping parade at 9pm - was little strange: me between the boys and all guys watching. Well i had a drink at BBB outside (beer for 140) - guess at Oscars it would maybe be cheaper, but i was in the hope to meet some of my favourite boys from february trip at BBB - but no luck yet. At 22:15 i decided to go inside to watch the show - as usual 250 Baht per drink - many visitors in the audience, but i found a good place - later it was nearly full. A crazy asian girl (drunk i guess) took many boys from the stage to sit with her and to take a drink. Funny - some boys was not amused - but business is business. Over 25 Go Go Boys on stage before the show - from skinny to muscled, from axe murder to really cute. But just a few of which i know from february and still no one of my favourites, Show was starting at 22:35 with few boys dancing with skeleton costumes, masks and fake dicks. Okay - was a kind of fun, but in my eyes not erotical. Next number of the show was a hard Boys show - but with masks again - i will praise the lord when this fucking Halloween is over. For me the face is the most important part of a boy - I get not turned on from a dick with a horror mask, hehe. Normally i always tip the guys with hard ones when they go trough the audience - but this time not because of the masks. Next part - the BBoys Show - unbelievable dance skills as usual, but just 6 boys and the cute twins were missing. Mr. John said that they were at a competition in Germany few days ago - too bad i missed that. I gave 100 Baht tip - many others too. When i remember right the following show part was the candle show - also with hard ones but in underwear. Two boys and hot wax - one was moving better than the other one - this part of the show was nice too, but i missed my favourite boy T. from february - normally he was every day in the candle show and a very good performer, but as i said no luck with "old friends" yet. Next part the soap / shower show with 4 Boys - hard and just wearing a condom behind a transparent curtain. And now - one known face - a guy who was working in funnyboys is now working at BBB and part of the show. I just offed him one time in february - but not for me, for my favourite Boy K. - he wanted to get fucked that night and i was not in the mood - so i was just watching - a hot experience - it was like "live porn". But back to the evening - next show-part was more showering - at first the "soap boys" and then other boys hot and hard showering. At the end of the show many Boys come on stage with hard dicks - and the mandatory drum Show with hard dicks started. But Mr." too big-too long" was not there - but others can do this well too. After the Show i was leaving and on my way back i was still not tired - so i decide to go to X-Boys. Their Show was already running - drink was 260 Baht and when i moved in 14 nude Boys on stage "fucking" . No real fuck but still nice. Also many type of boys - some more cute some not - but this lies in the eyes of the beholder. The big problem at X-Boys - nearly no clients / visitors - maximum 15 People except the staff. I dunno why exactly - the music noise Level was okay this time. And the phantasy and ideas of the show are well - for example a show-part with recruits like in the army. Of course also the BBoys were performing on X-Boys - but just short, i guess because not much visitors - i tipped again 100 because not so many people there who could tip. At the end of the show real sex on stage - the (in my eyes) best looking boy received a blow job from a fem gay and then they start to fuck. They were also going fucking through the audience to get some tips - i tipped 100 again. After the show i took the baht bus to drive home - finally i fell in deep sleep. Today i was in big C to buy some drinks and a SIM for my Smartphone, then i walked to the beach - swiming, reading a book, drinking a beer, doing nothing - things i really needed. After writing this i will go out of course - it´s saturday night - BBB again - even when today is again a Halloween Show - tomorrow this mask shit will be gone - i hope. Hahaha - thats typical me - I´m writing and writing and writing - hope that was not too boring! Greetings from Alex PS: Sorry for my bad english - please blame it on my teachers in school or Google translator ;-) Quote
firecat69 Posted October 31, 2015 Posted October 31, 2015 Good first report. Keep them coming. English is fine! Quote
halfhansum Posted October 31, 2015 Posted October 31, 2015 Good trip report Alkoe .... Thanks for sharing .. Always good to hear what's going on in Pattaya. Quote
vinapu Posted November 1, 2015 Posted November 1, 2015 Over 25 Go Go Boys on stage before the show - from skinny to muscled, from axe murder......... I'm glad to hear that. great report and nothing wrong with your English. I second your comments about stupid masks, nothing erotic with naked body without a face biguyby 1 Quote
a447a Posted November 1, 2015 Posted November 1, 2015 I visited Boyzboyzboyz around July this year and posted on another forum that I thought number 77 looked like an axe murderer. But I must say he's the most handsome, gorgeous axe murderer I've ever laid eyes on. Oh, and I was also impressed by his massive piece of Isaan meat! I wonder if he's still there? In one of the cock shows the boys wear masks. Why?? It just spoils everything. (Not that I spend a lot of time looking at their faces!) biguyby and ChristianPFC 2 Quote
biguyby Posted November 1, 2015 Posted November 1, 2015 In one of the cock shows the boys wear masks. Why?? It just spoils everything. (Not that I spend a lot of time looking at their faces!) When I watch the cock show the boys could be wearing a bucket on their heads and I wouldn't notice with all those nice big cocks. ChristianPFC 1 Quote
Guest alkoe Posted November 1, 2015 Posted November 1, 2015 thanks for your kind responses guys! second night in Pattaya was starting - i had dinner at Central Festival Mall, Level 5, Steak buffet all seasons - probably not the best food in town - but sometimes fat guys like me need MEAT - and 300 Baht for all you can eat including buffet, salads, pizza, softdrinks and ice cream is a good value in my eyes (should ask them for a commision lol). Then i had to hurry to go to BBB - the baht bus ended in traffic jam so i walked the rest. I arrived at 22:15 - but not so much clients as i expected on Halloween/ saturday night. Most of the stuff had to creepy costumes and make-up were accordingly. They had fun - i told you my opinion about Halloween - but little strange was, that i didn´t recognised some of the stuff! I didn´t made photos - but on FB under BoyzBoyzBoyz you will find a lot of funny photos. As usual the stage was full of boys - and i was more than happy to see my favourite boy from february trip, called "C" (nr. 5), again. He is such a cutie - normally i´m not into fem boys - but i can´t do nothing: when we are together he make me smile all time. Crazy - he looks in every mirror to check his hair, face and body, he ask me every few minutes if he is too fat - but when he smiles... Of course i invited him for a drink, to sit with me during the show and then i offed him. Well he had 2 drinks and they changed the price strategy for offs, in past it was reduced from 500 to 400 if you had a drink, this time not - but i was not asking because i was just happy to see "C" again. I really liked the show - not so much Halloween things - and just the muscle boys had masks on - I´m not so into muscles, so no problem. Next beautiful surprise that night: another boy which i admired in february was also on stage last night - i really like the way he is moving, perfect body and cook, nice hairstyle - he is a friendly guy and good performer - so i don´t care about his braces. In february he was also on stage for offs (nr. 28) - but yesterday i thought he was just there for the show. He is straight and in february he was one time in front of BBB with a girlfriend, so maybe he stopped that gay for pay thing. Next hot surprise during the show - the twins from BBoys were back - always an eyecatcher - looked like a perfect evening. After the show so unbelievable many boys on the stage - no place there for all the boys - i would say minimum 40 boys available for offs. I was leaving with "C" - on the way to my hotel we stopped at a street bar to have a bucket "sex on the beach together" - it´s always funny to see how fast this little boy get drunk. One glass of wine - good, two glasses - drunk, 3 glasses - totally drunk, hehe. So he was a little drunk, but still a sweetheart. He remember my "fetish" - i bring a lot of sexy underwear for the boys, normally to make hot photos of them wearing that - but "C" is to shy to let me make nude photos of him. But he got a lot of fun to try all the underwear and watch himself in the mirror - of course he got one piece as present and i promised him to make him also a Shirt for present - but this he will get before i fly back - i will need that for photo sessions with other boys. Of course we had sex after that - i don´t want to go in detail so much - but it you search for a cute bottom - he is your boy. (i should ask him for commission too - lol). Btw - when he was totally drunk in february he told me his real age - i thought he is max. 20 and was totally surpised - really good genes. We was tired after that fun - i paid him, too much as usual for short time, but i like to spend time with him - so i don´t care the price. Today i just was at the beach again - and now i will prepare to go out again - see ya. Quote
Guest alkoe Posted November 1, 2015 Posted November 1, 2015 @ a447a i looked for nr. 77 tonight - but he was not on stage. I will be nearly every night at BBB in the next weeks - if i see him i will let you know hehe Quote
vinapu Posted November 1, 2015 Posted November 1, 2015 I visited Boyzboyzboyz around July this year and posted on another forum that I thought number 77 looked like an axe murderer. it looks your axe murderer is not mine so they have more than one in the store - good to know. Quote
vinapu Posted November 1, 2015 Posted November 1, 2015 i told you my opinion about Halloween - good to know I'm not only one who considers Halloween crap. Even better to know that you have a good time in PTY , keep your reports coming ChristianPFC 1 Quote
a447a Posted November 2, 2015 Posted November 2, 2015 Alkoe, how about going one further and offing number 77? Then I can look forward to a report! If he's any good I'll off him every night on my upcoming trip. He's a god! Quote
Guest alkoe Posted November 2, 2015 Posted November 2, 2015 3th night in Pattaya - sunday night and Halloween is over - after diner at MK restaurant I was again at BBB, because I promised that to my little "C". I enjoyed the show as usual - little "C" beside me and we had a drink together. I was not in the mood for sex (maybe because of the heat - i was also little tired.) Anyway - he knows that I will not off him every night - and I need to be careful, because I fall easy in love - never too old for that lol. So we watched cuddling the show, he had one glass of wine and me two beer - so at least the bar won a little and i guess he got a commision too. He told me, that for him it´s boring to see that show, unbelievable - how can be looking at dicks boring? But I understand him - well I can never get enough of that. Funny part last night -boys bowling with their hard dicks - i guess they was starting with that in the beginning of this year because i saw that in february too - now it´s routine for the boys - nearly all won the 100 baht. I always ask myself why the audience don´t clap their hands after the show - wtf - they see beautiful boys with hard dicks - the minimum should be applause or better a tip. As usual i tipped my 2 favourites on stage - btw I need to correct myself - nr. 28 (found out his name is "bas") from my last post is available for offs i think - saw him yesterday with another boy and an asian client. After the show I left - my bed was waiting. Today the sun was mostly under clouds - so I had a Thai massage (non sexual lol) and the rest of day i was reading at the pool. Evening is coming - let´s get the party starting ;-) @a447a - maybe if I see him tonight - normally I´m not into axe murderer, but we will see, hehe Quote
Guest alkoe Posted November 3, 2015 Posted November 3, 2015 4th night in Pattaya - monday night - i took the baht bus to boyztown - on beach road was a police control - they controlled just moto bikes and hawkers (hope this word is correct - Google translator) - i would never rent a moto bike here, in my eyes too dangerous. Back to boyztown i had a beer at serena bar - there is one damn cute little waiter, omg. I watched the BBB parade at 9 p.m. Always impressive how many boys they have, after that i had dinner and then i watched the bad boys show again. Don´t want to be boring - that´s why no description of this show every day, just one thing - a group of young asian clients in the audiance - very generous with tips, but damn noisy! After the show even more boys ready for offs at the stage than the night before. This is hot for the viewers - but makes the business for the boys not really better, much more boys than clients. Well i was in the mood to stay little longer to watch the second show at midnight. They said - other boys in show and this made me curios. And really - new boys - and really hot ones. But no nudity of the new boys at first. Then a looong Cabaret Show - i´m not into that and the music was really loud - but i was sitting together with my lovely "C" and we had a drink - so no option to go out in that moment. Then the BBoys again - then more boys and finally the well known boys from show at 22:30 nude on stage and collecting tips in the audience (check-check-check lol). At the end of the show most of the boys, also the new ones, hard on stage. Even if I nearly broke the heart of little "C" - i asked the boy "Bas" if i could make photos of him in sexy underwear and without and he agreed. He is very popular - nearly all time between the show parts in which he participate he sits with clients for a drink. Too bad - his english knowledge is close to Zero - so communication was different. So i paid the bar fee of 500 and we took the baht bus to my hotel. He is straight and had contact with his gf on phone often - but he is a cool guy and i like his style. So we made the photos - but then he was in hurry - i didn´t like that but said nothing - normally i ask the guys to cum, but no chance because of the time. But anyway we had fun - i made also photos if him in the sexy underwear with his phone directly for his gf. I paid him surely too much for this short time - but it´s okay for me, because i got the photos to remember his massive tool and smooth ass forever. I dunno what he would do more - but he is very open minded - so if we will find out how to communicate i will ask him that. Normally i wanted to post a non nude picture of him here - but I`m not able to do that or too stupid ;-) Maybe someone can explain me how to do that? Today i slept long and then i was at the beach - till the rain catched me. Really a lot of rain - but i survived under an umbrella. Now i should prepare to go out - let´s see what will go on this night! Quote
Guest alkoe Posted November 3, 2015 Posted November 3, 2015 oh i forgot - @a447a - no number 77 - I´m sorry Quote
a447a Posted November 3, 2015 Posted November 3, 2015 Thanks, alkoe. Looks like he's moved on. I hope not. I'm loving your reports. Keep them coming! Quote
vinapu Posted November 4, 2015 Posted November 4, 2015 Normally i wanted to post a non nude picture of him here - but I`m not able to do that or too stupid ;-) Maybe someone can explain me how to do that? try to save picture somewhere on your computer , then under ' more reply options" chose 'attach file ', upload picture and it should load. great reports, keep them coming. Cute waiter from Serene should be available for OFF Quote
Guest alkoe Posted November 4, 2015 Posted November 4, 2015 thanks to Vinapu - I got it - so this is "Bas" - performer at BoyzBoyzBoyz show Maybe you see the little scratches on his perfect body? He got them from an accident with his moto-bike - I saw him arriving last night and how he is driving - I´m not wondering about the accident hehe Quote
Guest alkoe Posted November 4, 2015 Posted November 4, 2015 5th night in Pattaya - after dinner I was not so sure anymore to go out, after the rain at the beach and the rain during my walk back i think i got a little flu. And my little "C" was driving home to his mother in Chiang Mai for a few days - so nobody was waiting for me in Boyztown. But then i said to myself: Come on stupid - you are in Thailand! I can sleep again when i will be home. So i took the bus to Soi 13/4 and i arrived 21:30 - because of the flu I don´t wanted to stay so long with air condition - that´s why i had a beer at Serena Bar outside again - but the cute waiter was not there this time. So i watched the people passing by and then as usual the show at BBB. I was not really in the mood for sex - but I would "number 97" have asked, if he would have liked a sexy photo session. But bad luck again - he had a day off. Nr. 97 worked before in Funnyboys - i offed him one time in february but forgot his name (shame on me). He is tall, got a defined body but not so muscled, a long tool and an adorable smile. Well - I was not open for other things that night - maybe because I already miss my little "C" . So i watched the show (never get bored of this) - tipped my favourite "Bas" - he is simply the best performer in my eyes. After that I went to X-Boys to watch their show at 23:30 - their show was started again but this time i saw the big dick parade. And when I´m honest - there was no boy on stage I would take with me. Maybe that´s why again not many costumers at all - there was a group of around 10 asian ladies, without them maximum 6 costumers including me. But perhaps the position of the bar is also responsible for that. After the good but loud show i stayed few minutes longer to have a look at the boys they offer - and again I was not interested in any boy. So I went home alone - but was not really sad about this. I was not so good sleeping because of the flu. It´s wednesday - so i stayed at the hotel pool today. Quote
biguyby Posted November 4, 2015 Posted November 4, 2015 I hope you soon feel better its not fun to be sick on holiday. Great reports, thanks. Quote
hanan Posted November 4, 2015 Posted November 4, 2015 Even if I nearly broke the heart of little "C" - i asked the boy "Bas" if i could make photos of him in sexy underwear and without and he agreed. He is very popular - nearly all time between the show parts in which he participate he sits with clients for a drink. Too bad - his english knowledge is close to Zero - so communication was different. So i paid the bar fee of 500 and we took the baht bus to my hotel. He is straight and had contact with his gf on phone often - but he is a cool guy and i like his style. So we made the photos - but then he was in hurry - i didn´t like that but said nothing - normally i ask the guys to cum, but no chance because of the time. But anyway we had fun - i made also photos if him in the sexy underwear with his phone directly for his gf. I paid him surely too much for this short time - but it´s okay for me, because i got the photos to remember his massive tool and smooth ass forever. I dunno what he would do more - but he is very open minded - so if we will find out how to communicate i will ask him that. I offed Bas in May. Lovely boy and well worth to take off. But you write that he was in a hurry to leave and I have the same experience. When he was with me he kept begging for long time tip because he wanted to stay long time, but unfortunately after a short time he got a text message on his phone and he used Google translate (since he speaks very little english) to let me know that "I just found out my sister has been hospitalized. Need to go help her now!". Oh how unfortunate! I tried not to laugh, since it may have ben unappropriate if the possibility of 0,0001% that the message was true about his sister. I paid the short time tip, which he accepted with a sad face. I still laugh every time I think about this, but would definitely see him again though and can´t really blame the boy for trying to see if i was a stupid farang or not. DivineMadman, aussie_ and ChristianPFC 3 Quote
brall3 Posted November 4, 2015 Posted November 4, 2015 Alkoe, the photo of the swimming pool is beautiful. What is the name of the hotel and location? Hanan, thanks for the post about Bas. I certainly will not off him. I have never had a long time off, only short time. I hate it when the guys almost knock the door down immediately after the sex, in their rush to leave. Like you, I have heard a number of wild reasons for their immediate departure. It is to the point that now instead of having them take off their shoes when they enter the room, I just give them a pair of roller skates to hasten their departure - lol. I can not over emphasize how VALUABLE this site has been in enhancing my visit. Keep up the good work guys! ChristianPFC 1 Quote
gerefan Posted November 4, 2015 Posted November 4, 2015 Bas is off my wish list too......thanks for the info Quote
Guest alkoe Posted November 5, 2015 Posted November 5, 2015 6th night in Pattaya - sorry guys, no report for this night. After dinner at Central Festival Mall i had a look in the mirror and saw, that one side of my face was swollen. Dunno why - maybe an allergic reaction, an insect bite or a dental problem. I´m not vain with my over weight body - but this was looking to strange. So I went back to my hotel and cooled my face with ice. Really a used week so far lol. This morning the swelling is nearly resolved and nothing hurts - and the sun comes out too. And I´m an early bird - so i decide to drive to Dongtan Beach in Jomtien soon. Because of the flu my nose is very red - but Christmas is coming soon - so I will play Rudolph, the red nose rendier, today haha @ brall3 - the hotel is called "The Cottage" and it´s oposite to Big C Supermarket near second road and Soi1 but as I said before - it´s not a gay hotel - if I bring a boy here at night it´s no problem. But if I would be with a boy here at daytime - I´m not sure what the other guests will say. My room cost 1.300 Baht per night. @gerefan - oh please don´t judge so hard - he is a nice guy, friendly and very sexy. Of course he is self-confident, but still charming. Quote
forky123 Posted November 5, 2015 Posted November 5, 2015 The very reason I dislike putting names in reports. Too many judge harshly without knowing circumstance. Quote
vinapu Posted November 5, 2015 Posted November 5, 2015 thanks to Vinapu - I got it - so this is "Bas" - performer at BoyzBoyzBoyz show Maybe you see the little scratches on his perfect body? He got them from an accident with his moto-bike - I saw him arriving last night and how he is driving - I´m not wondering about the accident hehe I like him and agree about perfect body. As for accident scratches - it seem 1 in 3 boys has them. Once being massaged by Bee at Narcissus my wandering hand felt big scar on his leg and asked if that's from motorbike accident . He comfirmed than moved my hand toward his erection and said " but nothing wrong here" , my laugh was probably heard on the soi. Quote