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Oct/Nov Trip

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If I remember correctly, minimum tip for 1.5 hours at Banana was 1000b.


1.5 hour oil massage at Narcissus was 600 baht (1 hour was 400b). Minimum tip for 1.5 hours was 750b (1 hour was 500b).


"He's only been in Pattaya for two weeks having been in Bangkok training in various forms of massage."


Sounds like Ten, my favourite masseur at Narcissus. But he's been there for a number of years. Mind you, they often tell you a little white lie.


There was one guy working at Narcissus who also told me he'd only been in Pattaya for two weeks. But he hadn't; I'd offed him a few times the previous year when he was working at a gogo bar in Boyztown.


But as long as they provide good service, I couldn't care less how long they've been there.

  On 11/2/2015 at 4:57 AM, ay709394 said:


Do u remember the name of the masseur so other ppl could avoid choosing him?

I like recommendations for good  boys and warnings about the bad  but generally follow my own gut feeling and eyes.


Boy I will be serenading about may not necessarily  be that precious for others for many reasons ie. one doesn't like straight acting hunks and boy who did outstanding job for somebody will not get any kudos from me ie. fem boys with freshly minted driving licence are not my area of interest.


So forky is right, only if boy is completely useless sandbag, is not keeping his side of bargain / promised to kiss and stay long time and is refusing trying to get out under any pretext after 1 hour / or God forbid try to steal something we should be naming them to the shame.


To the extreme - one of our members whose advice  I trust completely since we share the same interest was not that impressed with one of Senso  men I consider one of my best encounters ever .  


The only thing I find recommendations  useful are whether the boy is Top, Bottom, Kisses, Sucks .


Even that is not a guarantee but useful for making a decision.  Somebody tells me boy was fabulous etc, I do not factor that into my decision because there are too many variables involved .


What one customer considers a great BJ , I might think was lousy and same for kissing or anything else. Also boys are not machines so 3 people on 3 nights could have a great experience with a boy and customer #4 has a terrible experience. Maybe on night 4 boy was hung over or got word from home that mama was sick and so many other variables that go into the boy performing admirably in our opinion.


Especially in a Massage Shop where you could be customer #6 or #1 and you have no idea which you are unless of course you got there when the doors opened.


The amazing thing to me in Thailand that is still on balance the high % satisfactory - special encounters.


On the whole, the good ones outweigh the bad by a fairly good margin and so the few bad ones I can happily ignore. I prefer to describe my experiences and not give names. If I gave names, I wouldn't then be happy describing the experience. At the end of the day, the worst massage and happy ending is going to be better than the best wank

  On 10/28/2015 at 7:39 PM, z909 said:

Thanks for the post.   Sound's like you're having a good time.


For anyone interested, staying in Kachanaburi & then taking a bus out to the Earawan waterfalls is something I would also recommend.    Here's just 1 small section of the complex:


Erawan waterfall is accessible by public transport, however there are only a few buses per day and when I went the bus was crowded (had to stand or sit on chairs most of the trip). The waterfall and national park is similar to others I've been to, just better advertised and on organized tours.


Thai for "it hurts" is  เจ็บ jèp [to be] hurt ; injured ; in pain


(although the pronunciation is too long, the e is much shorter;

watch Thai porn where the bottom asks the top to go in slower because it hurts to get pronunciation right)


Just read the reviews about Prince and decided to post about my three recency visits there.


In the past I have had a great time at Prince and was looking forward to returning. All three recent visits were enjoyable, but this time EACH GUY REFUSED TO CUM! On one visit to Prince a buddy went with me, and he had the same experience; the massage guy refused to cum. One massage guy said that if I wanted him to cum, make an appointment for him the next day at 1 pm: I did not.


After the three cumless (is there such a word - smile) visits to Prince, I moved on to other places. No problem with the guys cummings at Arena!!!!!!!


Cum or no cum, Prince is a beautiful place.


Was it something he'd agreed to beforehand and then reneged on? Some boys will, some don't want to. Sometimes it depends on the time of day and whether he may get more customers later. If it's something that really matters to you, I'd suggest mentioning it to the boss up front so it's clear what you expect.

  On 11/3/2015 at 8:11 AM, forky123 said:

Was it something he'd agreed to beforehand and then reneged on? Some boys will, some don't want to. Sometimes it depends on the time of day and whether he may get more customers later. If it's something that really matters to you, I'd suggest mentioning it to the boss up front so it's clear what you expect.

I'd rather speak to the boy instead

  On 11/4/2015 at 4:02 AM, vinapu said:

I'd rather speak to the boy instead

If possible. In a place like Prince with 25 or 30 boys, the boss is likely to know the boys habits and abilities rather than trying to ask the boys one by one . You can always confirm with the boy when the massage starts.

My first few days in Pattaya have been a bit different to my normal pattern. After visiting Narcissus the first night, I've off'd my masseur of that night for a couple of days which was really nice. He really does give a good massage which is even better when there's no time constraints. Very enjoyable.


Tonight I tried out Blue House Massage. Easy enough to find from South Pattaya Road. It's the turn immediately before TukCom and Blue House is about 200 yards down on the left. 7 or 8 guys on duty and a reasonable cross section of types. I chose one whose pic is on the web site. Some of the pictures really don't do the guys justice. 1.5 hour oil massage was 550baht. Minimum tip wasn't mentioned but on the website it mentions soft 500b, hard 1000b. No mention of how that goes up by time.


The massage place is clean with showers separate. One slightly disappointing thing was security. It was mentioned on the business thread that each room had a locker. That didn't seem to be the case in the room I was taken to. No security on the door either.


Masseur was youngish, very thin and cute. Not fem, rather toned. I guess at youngish as I find it notoriously difficult to tell Thai ages and can frequently be at least 10 years out. Nice, unhurried massage. Not as good as the guy from Narcissus but still very acceptable. Plenty of time for afters.


Will have to see what the rest of my time in Patts brings.


Back to Bangkok today for my last few days. Pattaya has been fun and having days and evenings out with the same guy has also been both fun and different. Definitely something I may look into again next time I come to Patts.


Back in Bangkok, settled into the hotel and decided a massage was the order of the day. Having been to both Hero and Prince several times I decided it was high time to give Senso a try. I've always been a bit sceptical about how good it's supposed to be. Only a 10 minute amble from the hotel. Entered and the mamasan/captain ushered me to a plush sofa. Quite disappointing as only 5 guys available and was expecting more. Still, they were all attractive and a mix of builds and there were a couple that would suit very nicely. Chose the one that was smiling broadly at me. There was a bit of an offer on prices this evening. 1.5 hour oil was 1300b instead of 1500b and they had a promotion of a 1.5 hour scrub and oil massage in a VIP room for 1490b. Minimum tip for 1.5 hours was another 1500b.


Headed up 4 flights of stairs to one of the VIP rooms. On the way realised that the low selection was possibly due to the number of occupied rooms. Passed one guy on the stairs who would have definitely been my first choice had he been available for selection.


Showered and then a bit of a surprise, the masseur put an extra sheet on the bed and did the scrub on the bed. I've had scrubs on marble tables at Hero, standing scrubs in many places or on massage tables but this was the first time I've had a scrub on a bed. The scrub was nice enough, but to be honest, because it is messy and eats into massage time, I'm really not sure it's worth it. At Hero if I choose a scrub and massage I always go for the two hour option. Still, it was nice and refreshing. The masseur was erect, and a good 7 inches, for a good portion of the scrub which bodes well. Another shower for both and then ready for the massage.


The massage was pretty good but Shorter than I would have liked. It wasn't that it was rushed, simply that I very much enjoy a long massage and it was somewhat abbreviated due to the time taken by the scrub. I guess he could have massaged longer and not had the afters but that just wouldn't have done either. They used heated oil which was really nice and I think they have their own oil made for them as it was really nice and aromatic. Not one I've had or used before. Must go back and find out what it is. The massage progressed, certainly not the best I've had but pretty good. Would like to see how good he is over a full period without the scrub. The one thing that was really good was how much of the massage he was hard for.


Once I turned over things started getting very steamy. For those that don't like gory details, look away now. He was fully hard, quite big and reasonably thick, and very quickly got me into the same state. After a few minutes play I got him to put on a condom and he proceeded to give me one of the best fuckings I've had this trip. Multiple positions, depth and varying angles. Some times battering my prostate, other times merely grazing it. I am absolutely convinced that with a little more time he could have successfully got me to come without even touching me as I was very close. As it was we finished off doggy with me blowing a huge load and him filling the condom as he pounded my ass. A proper top. Not one of the ones that pump for a few minutes in one or two positions and pop their loads. Well worth the visit to Senso on it's own


I have the distinct feeling a second visit will be on the cards either tomorrow or Friday.

  On 11/11/2015 at 3:08 PM, forky123 said:

 Quite disappointing as only 5 guys available and was expecting more. Still, they were all attractive and a mix of builds and there were a couple that would suit very nicely. Chose the one that was smiling broadly at me.


 Well worth the visit to Senso on it's own


 This was always my experience there - not too many guys but all available are always 1st class.


Prices are one of the highest in BKK but for my personal use I still consider good value for what was received and gladly pay what they charge.


Never had bad experience there  other than boy I was looking for was always somehow missing until I finally managed to hunt him down last Dec. Then I went against my own rules and picked him up even if he was not smiling at me , still it was one of best experiences ever.


Great place and I can't imagine trip to BKK without paying them visit at least once.


Went to Prince in November. I am a newbie so first time in Bangkok and at massage place in Thailand.

Again thanks to all for the information posted on this site.


...Newbie acted as newbie!! Quite intimidating to be in front of that line-up of 25 guys beautiful guys of all types...even if most were on the hunk side of things.


The mamasan was not really helpful and was just saying "you must first chose the guy" and pushing again to chose one of the guys even if I asked him to get an idea of what the guys are good at. I was trying to find one of the guy I saw on the website and instead of asking the mamasan because he was pushy (still the newbie), I just kept looking at all the guys. It is somewhat, let me rephrase; it IS intimidating the first time you see how it works and put you in a shy mood to be looking at all those guys.


At least I followed Vinapu's advice and I got interested in a hunk (whereas I like twinks) with a tattoo  on one of his arms which was REALLY smiling at me. So I point him to the mamasan and instead of getting a description of which type of masseur he is and if top/bottom/versatile, the mamasan just says OK lets get you into the room...


In any case, I go with the guy, (for 90 minutes/1100 THB) he lets me undress and shower and he showers after me.

I like massage, "real" (!) massage, so after the guys asked, I say you can go strong!!! Ouch!! It was good (soooo good) but I had to say to go "medium" on my calves because I might have came out of there without walking !!! But again, massage was quite good and switching back to strong on the shoulders was exactly what I was expecting of a massage. Having him nude and touching me at the same time with all parts of his body was also quite nice!.


So-so part was that, as the mamasan did not give details on the masseur, found out only at the end that he was not a bottom which I would have preferred. He was good enough and I was happy to be able to touch all of his smooth body which is quite spectacular along with the long arm tattoo which normally I do not care for.


All the deed was done 10 -15 minutes short off the 90 minutes but I left with a happy ending nonetheless! Was going to tip him 100 THB over the 1500 rate but he did ask for a bit more. The newbie gave him a little more...I know...my bad.


So, all in all, even if I got a great massage, got to be with quite a hunk, I was a bit disappointed by the experience (and my own handling of the situation). But this is how one learn I assume!! Which I did. Since I got a spectacular view of the boys also after it was over as they offered water and I sat back down and had a second look to the guys, I got to learn a bit more on how to proceed in the future. First thing is probably to just take a good breath (you know those calming breathing exercice?!!) and just ask for what you really want and take your time about it.


Too bad I could not go to another massage place for the rest of my time in Bangkok (wanted to try Banana or Hero but it would have been a 45 minutes taxi ride both ways from my hotel and did not have that much time on my hands) and not even in Pattaya (wanted to try Blue House) where I could have tried my new approach!! But I did get 2 good massages at Jomtien by one of the masseur (#244) walking the beach. A bit of touching on his part on the first time around but a bit awkward being seen by everybody passing by. But quite strong massages and on the second one told him to just do the "real" massage so I could enjoy a good rest. Again, that guy could have incapacitated me and I would not be able to ever walk again by squeezing those calves but I came out that it solved more thing than they broke!!! And at only 300 thb it is quite a deal.


In all cases, quite some experiences!!


If I can find again the other threads about Dreamboys in Bangkok  and BBB (and #23 !!) in Pattaya, I will post my experience  of my first off...!!

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