It is nice to see someone giving good information.
I have experience (over 1 year+ perhaps 2) with sex drug, retired at 40, getting bored with the routine (Telephone bar, DJ etcetera) fall in it pretty heavy (perhaps 2 times a week)…
15 years ago this was not main stream..and i am certain some of you want to know what i tried: Main was T (ice / meth) smoke only, Foxy, K (ketamine), GHB, E (ecstasy).
Sure sex is good but it is never perfect (and every little thing multiply x 100)… quality (drugs) went down greatly.. After a while I just stop, my experience was done!
Absolutely I do not regret it, learn a lot with myself and became wiser from it.. but it is very easy to take a bad turn or meet wrong people.
Now I am 67 - 100% healthy eater, rarely drink.