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Everything posted by ChristianPFC

  1. I would not judge a DVD by its cover, but on the internet you can often find a picture that has screenshots of the movie every x minutes, and they are very useful. I am very picky, so I can dismiss the majority just by looking at the preview. What remains, there is about 5-10% interesting scenes fromt he total. I only want the data, I don't need a carrier (DVD) for the data as I can store it on my harddrive. That's why I rather search on the internet and do not buy DVDs. There is a lot of free stuff on the internet, and stuff you usually have to pay for (boykakke, privateboymovies, ...) is available for free if you know where to look. I have an underwear fetish, which is not served by the industry. Usually scenes with underwear on or how the underwear comes off are too short or absent. At the beginning, they are in street clothes, and suddenly they are naked in bed! The most important part for me has been cut out!
  2. As far as I know, if you open an ATM with force the money in it will be stained by ink, or even worse there is a device that sprays out permanent ink so the thief and his surroundings will get stained as well.
  3. I had to look up whom you are talking about, this shows my age. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Gobel
  4. Sorry, for the confusion, the pictures I posted are from a different site. Coicidentally, there is an extraordinary German soldier (WWII) with the same name as the Swiss cannibal. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans-Ulrich_Rudel I vaguely remember the Armin Meiwes case from the news in Germany. At last, these cases of cannibalism are extremely rare. There are far more people accidentally killed by elephants each year than eaten by other humans.
  5. ChristianPFC


    I am against unnecessary changes, so everyone get back to his or her old avatar please!
  6. On all my visits, I never noticed any second hand clothes at JJ market, I will take a closer look next time. There are second hand books for sure, I bought some. The names of venues I quoted (from memory) were from gay guide maps of Bangkok for Foreigners, I have little experience in that area.
  7. The map has north pointing to the bottom (which caused me some confusion).
  8. Part of what I write is tongue-in-cheek, and part of the fun is for you to find out what and what not! I got some people into serious thinking with "Bars in Pattaya change owner more frequently than I change my underwear". But this one was serious. Teeth not in a row meaning in a line, or better semi circle. I prefer teeth arranged like this: I would never kiss this man: because he has bad teeth!
  9. Klong Toei market near the MRT station of the same name. I went there a few times. It is a very interesting place that is full of life 24 hours per day. I first noticed when I returned from Ramkhamhaeng are by taxi and wondered why there are so many people that late (3 or 4 am), but it was not late, it was early, they were shopping for the following day! You can observe how poultry goes from live in cages to ready to eat within 5 meters distance. I went there one afternoon to buy fruits, and there were labels with prices.
  10. One has to keep in mind that some of the comments are generated by automatic translation or by people with limited knowledge of English. The Thai word for butterfly (the animal) is ผีเสื้อ which literally means "a ghost with clothes". I thought longtime that this is used for a promiscuous person as well (seems kind of logic to me, the animal flies from flower to flower and the person flies from boy to boy), but then I learned that butterfly (promiscuous person) is เจ้าชู้ (literally: person who often changes his sexual partner).
  11. I had a look at the site and can't find any fault. It shows life as it really is and it is bare of the usual political correctness. (joke start) Did you never ask yourself what you look like after getting sucked into a jet engine? It's here: http://www.bestgore.com/bloody-injuries/boeing-737-shanghai-airlines-mechanic-sucked-into-jet-engine/ (joke end) Clicking the puppy is for leaving the site, it leads to www.imbecile.me which has some interesting entries, like this: (Get it? The guy is too lazy to bend down to pick the CD up. It took me a few seconds.)
  12. reminds me of a poster on the gay Thailand forums whose name starts with beach and ends with lover
  13. As the name suggests, it is for Mac (I use a PC). This sounds like defragmentation and deletion of old files (temporary, dustbin), a feature is which is already installed with windows, so you don't need an extra program for it. I saw several adverts about speeding up your computer by cleaning the registry. The free diagnosis showed a lot of problems, and my computer is indeed slow. Does anyone have experience with programs for PC to clean the registry (or generally speed up the computer by removing unnecessary data and processes)?
  14. Absolutely! There are websited entirely devoted to how to completely and finally close your facebook account. I have an account and I log in once per week, but I know people who are online on facebook most of their time. Just keep in mind that everything you write (I don't write much anymore) can be read by anyone else. The same applies for pictures. I use facebook mainly as a way of contacting Thai friends (after phone number and gayromeo profile), and gay Thai boys usually have other gay Thai boys as friends, and most of them have pictures on facebook. (Kind of online-stalking!) Apart from that, those of you who don't use facebook don't miss much. It was recently in the news that Bangkok is the city with the most facebook users on earth.
  15. What's funny about that sentence?
  16. The closest do an answer was an article by shamelessmack (gone offline a while ago) about HIS top picks for massage. My current favorite is Semra Massage in Silom Soi 1 (near Sala Daeng BTS, blind alley, on the side towards Sathorn), which is technically a mixed massage shop. Considerably cheaper than other massages in this area and cuter boys (according to my taste, based on two visits).
  17. I'm not sure if there are second hand clothes at Jatujak, I never saw any (or I didn't notice, I have not been looking for second hand clothes there). However, I saw second hand (or second foot?) shoes on sale near Ramkhamhaeng University (there is a market along the road). Gay areas near Jatujak are El Ninyo, Or tor kor market and others, see in gay maps for Bangkok. But they are bars/discos and probably not open during day.
  18. • Young boys who begin sex changes before puberty become more natural-looking women than do those who start after they are men. I don't like this. How can a boy before his puberty be sure he wants to become a woman?
  19. This number is difficult to believe, but I read the same number (1%) elsewhere. I just wonder who is buying and watching all this porn. I recently sampled a bit (free from the internet) to confirm that it is true: they really pixelate genitals! Who on earth buys porn where the genitals are pixelated? The plots are strange: a fully clothed guy with sunglasses undresses, touches and sucks the main actor, who has a facial expression like being at the dentist's and getting a root canal. This seems to be a common plot that appears weird to me. (Just some generalisations from a small sample.) But they have gorgeous twinks!
  20. The only problem I had was bad breath (of my Thai friends) from smoking, but the number is small. But I wish orthodontics (medical, not fashion) were more wide-spread, as I find it a turn-off when teeth are not in a row. Oh yeah, they go through a lot of mouthwash! Unfortunately, neither mouthwash nor chewing gum can hide the smell of a cigarette, and I am very sensitive to it! In Germany, health insurance requires you see a dentist once per year (otherwise, they don't refund dental treatment), which I do, even when abroad (England, France).
  21. I have to confess, I am a bit curious about grindr. If given the chance, I would take a look on someone else's phone to see how it works. My current phone is about 7 years old and will last at least another 7 years (unless it breaks earlier). I am well served with gayromeo and camfrog.
  22. There is some irony in the situation: people in poor countries live in poverty, but are dept-free. We live in wealth, but national dept per person is in the range of ten thousands of Euro / Dollar / Pound. Technically, we are the poor! (Assuming that the average European or US-American would have to sell all his possessions and work hard for years to pay his part of national dept.) Even stranger: I don't feel responsible at all for Germany's national dept. It has nothing to do with me. I never took any credit and my bank balance has always been positive. So count me out of paying Germany's national dept.
  23. I just read last week's "Der Spiegel" (most popular German weekly magazine), and they don't ask if Greece has to leave the Euro zone, neithern when they have to leave the Euro zone, they have an article why Greece will have to leave the Euro zone! http://www.spiegel.d...ex-2012-20.html
  24. I was aware of the two colors (silver and copper) and noticed markings on some coins, now I know the reason. I have to problem to distinguish 1, 2 and 5 baht coins. The only occasion where I got in contact with 25 and 50 Satang coins are a few bus lines that cost 6.75 Baht. There are too few 50 Baht notes around. I keep mine mainly for tipping boys and paying taxi from Sathorn to Silom, where the meter shows about 45 Baht.
  25. For flights in Europe (England-Berlin in the past, Paris-Berlin now) I mostly use low-cost airlines and they are cheaper than standard airlines. Of course, you have to know what you are doing. I don't have check-in baggage and I check size and weight of my cabin baggage. I got away a few times with oversized and overweight cabin bagge, but recently I saw them checking size and weight and collecting money and issuing receipts. I don't add any insurance, no priority check in, and finally I try to find a website where I can pay by direct debit or other methods of payment other than credit card for free. Combining all this, I really get the price that is quoted at the very beginning, but it involves some experience and work!
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