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Everything posted by ChristianPFC

  1. I don't understand Scotty's joke. Here is one I invented today (or I once read a similar joke and forgot?) when I saw two Blacks (Negroes) when I was shopping: I have nothing against Blacks; on the contrary, I think everyone should have one.
  2. For me, it's acceptable to joke about everything and everyone, ESPECIALLY races, nationalities, religions, homosexuals, women, disabled ... Not at all abhorrent! This includes pedophile jokes like this: A pedophile is walking with a child in a forest. The child says: "I am scared, it's so dark here." The pedophile replies: "And I? I will have to walk all the way back alone!" (My translation from the German version.)
  3. That's an interesting development I only learnt about yesterday in this thread here. Can someone provide a link to the post on SGT (I had a quick look, but didn't find it there)?
  4. I am not sure if insulation would be helpful in Thailand. In Europe in winter, we have an average temperature difference of 20C (20C inside, 0C outside), in Thailand it is 10C (35C outside, 25C inside). In Europe, we have to heat 24h per day (or at least keep the temperature inside above 10C) whereas inThailand they can switch off the aircon when the place is closed, so let's say they need aircon 12h per day. On the other hand, winter in Europe is only 3 months (depending on where you live), in Thailand they need aircon all over the year.
  5. I think the correct Thai name is ถนนพระรามที่ ๔ (Rama IV Road) which transliterates as Thanon Pra Ram tii sii (road - title - rama - the - fourth). The r in Pra is usually not pronounced and in Ram the R can be pronounced as L. That leaves one question: why is it sometimes Ram and sometimes Rama? I have no idea.
  6. Most aircons are set to 25C (I saw thermometers in shopping malls and in MRT), which is at first a bit cold when you come in from outside, but then it is ok. Now living in Bangkok and using aircon I am quite surprised about the energy consumption (with room partition, I have 11 sq to cool from 30 to 25C for about 10 hours which consumes about 4 kWh). The major problem is that all electrical devices in an air-conditioned room produce heat, which has to be removed by aircon. Hot air hand dries in toilets are a multiple considerable waste of electrical energy, as are microwaves or other ways to heat food and drinks in 7/11!
  7. As far as I know, there are not tones in Japanese. After 2 years of study (on average 1 hour per day, the first 3 months in a class in Bangkok, the rest in Europe), I can read and understand general documents (my work contract, electricity bill, announcements in railway stations and so on) to 50%, guess another 25% correctly and the rest is insignificant or can be looked up in a dictionary. This proves very helpful in many cases. At that level, I could switch to reading books that are intended to teach English to Thais (mostly by Pailin publishing house, book stores often have a selection of books reduced to 29 Baht (from originally about 100 Baht). Listening and speaking are a bit more difficult, when I am with a Thai I let him/her deal with other Thais, I can follow partially. I have a few Thai friends whose English is on a similar level als my Thai, with them it is very helpful to switch between English and Thai if necessary. As many of you know, even in the tourism industry or in universities, little English is spoken or understood. Those who do not speak Thai and are looking for a boyfriend who speaks English have at least a positive selection intellect-wise (i.e. if their boyfriend speaks English his education and status is above average). I recently noticed in a Se-ed bookshop that there is plenty of travel literature about Thailand in Thai language aimed at Thai readers (who would have thought?) with subjects/places not covered in English (internet or books), so far I bought three books and I can undestand about 50% (see above). In my neighborhood (Lak Si Bangkok) close to no English is spoken and my Thai is received positively and will surely be the key element to chat up local boys and lure them into my room under the pretext of helping me study Thai. For ordering food in places without a menu in English (most places I eat at don't have a menu in English) like street stalls it is essential to read Thai. (incomplete, just a short visit to gaythailand after long absence)
  8. To be fair: BTS and MRT are working fine (although I don't know if there were any problems during construction), I only wonder why Saphan Taksin has only one track and why the MRT extension does not go north to Royal Palace and Khao San road. I recently noticed that the railway line Bangkok - Chiang Mai has only one track (except for stations), so trains can only drive past each other at stations, which might explain the delay of usually 2-3 hours (once there is an irregularity, the train has to wait in a station for a train in opposite direction to pass).
  9. I think he said: "I will be back." I couldn't access gaythailand for a week, because I took the malware warnings (Avast free antivir) serious. After deleting all cookies (tip on gaybutton), closing firefox and starting it again there are still some warnings left. But with Internet Explorer I don't get warnings.
  10. It's not for free, it's priced in.
  11. If you read these forums for a while, you notice that the same subjects are discussed again and again. Examples are: how much do you tip, SIM-cards, Saranrom park, and many others.
  12. I prefer gogo bars, there are no bad surprises in the bedroom (tattoos, body hair). Totally agree. Getting a glimpse of skin, or even better underwear, is a huge turn on for me.
  13. ChristianPFC


    For reasons of protection of animals I would not eat shark fin soup, bird nest soup, foie gras and whale. Everything else, unless it smells disgusting, is fair game. Even there are exceptions, Durian does not smell inviting, but I tried it (and the taste is so-so). I recently learned about a Thai salad that contains life baby prawns, this is on my wish-list for my next holiday.
  14. The person who is being gang-raped. (When you tell this joke to someone, you can usually see him/her thinking and count the time until he/she gets the joke. The reaction depends on the person's sense of humor.)
  15. Interesting! I thought I was the only person who has this problem: and everyone else would just buy new flip-flops
  16. I was referring to a recent exchange of posts between you and HeyGay where you tried to nail him down (maybe not the best choice of words) for inaccuracies in his posts. I think everyone here knows that HeyGay is/was prone to exaggeration and inaccuracies, so there was no need to ride on that issue (again) and try to get him to admit that was wrong.
  17. Immediately. I voted "No, I have a strong preference for clean shaven", due to lack of "I prefer men without facial hair" (i.e. no need to shave). But I can tolerate some facial hair.
  18. One of my favorite jokes: 9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape.
  19. I never stayed at the hotel, but visited the sauna several times. As Babylon is not on a through street, there are usually no empty taxis driving past (I never saw one), but I remember offers by waiting taxi drivers (I didn't check there, but everywhere else standing waiting taxis quoted a flat flee and refused to use the meter). Taxi-wise, the location is poor. You could walk to Soi Suan Phlu or Soi Ngaam Dupli or ask the reception.
  20. 2400 is including hotel. About half of my encounters are with money boys and on some nights I go home alone. I will publish some detailed numbers that anser all your questions soon.
  21. I went there by bus several times, but usually go by taxi. Let's say I score one out of five visits to Saranrom (I am quite picky). In Bars I score about one out of 3 or 4 visits, and I have to buy a drink in each bar! It is quite stretched out. It takes me about 30 minutes for one tour, most people drive around in a taxi or their own car slowly and wait for the boys to come to the window.
  22. The Vietnamese boy I had spoke limited English, his spoken Thai was good, but he said he can't read and write Thai. One could argue that these boys come from Vietnam, which incurs some additional costs for visa runs (leave alone working without work permit, and in addition prostitution), so their tips should be higher, but then I come all the way from Europe, which incurs high costs for travelling, so I should get a discount.
  23. I meant "drop these" in a figurative sense (synonymous to abandon), not literally. Or more figurative than literally.
  24. I have never been a Pfadfinder (boy scout) and I unpack my suitcase in my hotel room (degree varying with length of stay).
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