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Everything posted by ChristianPFC

  1. re #6: to buy gold for your boyfriend? Michael, you happened to be there during vegetarian festival (about Oct 5-13). I wanted to go, but didn't make it.
  2. Mama Dolores' menue has been extended. My review (quoted above) was from a visit about a year ago when they had only pizza (as far as I remember). Some weeks ago, I went to Mama Dolores in Soi Sri Bam Pen (opposite Ibis Hotel). Tey have a gas fired oven. Pizza quality was similar to Mama Dolores on Yen Agat, however their focus is on delivery. There are boxes for pizza delivery on the desk and we (a friend and I) had to ask for the menu and then get up to get the menu and to order and we had to get cutlery ourselves. Good pizza, but no service.
  3. I second that. I live in Bangkok and could go to Soi Twilight every night, but go only once per week and then only for looking, often not even into a bar, just in the Soi. Save my money for Pattaya, much better value for money and I like the attitude better. Thank you for all your updates, in this and the gayromeo thread. It was just a question of time until boys I know come up in this thread. One seems to like me (at least he contacts me whenever we meet in real life or online), but he is not my type. For the other one, the attraction is mutual and I meet him every time I go to Pattaya.
  4. My phone (i-mobile IQ6) has a button (on the left side, under volume control) for screenshot. If you press is, the screen is saved as a picture file, in a folder "screenshots". I use this to save pictures from grindr and converstations on grindr (they get deleted after 30 days). Your phone might be different. Speaking of grindr, not overwhelming so far (3 months use), have yet to meet my first boy from grindr.
  5. All conversation was in Thai, so I don't even know if they can speak English. However a friend of mine who does not speak Thai picks up boys at Hua Lampong, which means attitude and character are more important than speaking Thai. At the end, a big wallet is most important!
  6. I was thinking of ear cleaning first, but then read the Thai sing (as Bob said: pierce a hole). But ear cleaning is not uncommon in barber shops. So Thais misspell "crab" as "crap" and romanize ปู "bpoo" as "poo".
  7. Foursome with mocy drivers at Hua Lampong 05.10.2013 In case you wondered why there were few new topics from me lately, beside “internet”, there is “work” and “life”. But this story is worth sharing. The foursome was not at Hua Lampong station, but that’s where I met the mocy drivers. After a day out sightseeing, I end up at Central Pier Saphan Taksin. There are some boys sitting and drinking under the BTS station, one asks me where I go. I miss this chance to start a conversation. But I hang around to observe them. Two of them go to a place not far away where a wall is separated by water, they stand on the edge and pee on the wall (about 1 m water between them and the wall) so see who can reach a higher point. It is in public, so I have a look and a lot of laughters are had. I wonder how far it is from checking who can pee further or higher to checking who has the longer dick and who can cum more quickly or has more cum. Maybe next time I should join the pee contest and then comment that I might not be able to pee high, but have the longest dick or the most cum or whatever and see where that leads (just bet 100 Baht that I have the longest erect dick?). I take bus to Hua Lampong. Half a year ago, there was a very cute mocy driver with number 12. I went back a few times, but never saw him again. Now there was number 12, but it was someone else (not my type). But there is another cute mocy driver C. He asks where I want to go (walk around at the station, good for people watching). He then asks if I am looking for girls (no, I like boys), I leave it at that and have dinner about 20 m away. While I am dining, another boy N appears (mocy courier) next to the mocy drivers and he beckons me to come back when I finish my meal. So I join them and he says he has a friend who is gay and asks if I want to go to a place in Soi 4 (not Silom, see below) nearby for drinking (i.e. if I can pay for beer). That sounds interesting, I agree. Another mocy driver Y appears and we (N, Y and I) go to a place about 1 km away (Rong Mueang Soi 4 = Rama VI Soi 7). I beckon C to follow us (he is the cutest) when we leave. At the bar, we order beer. They have glasses half filled with ice (I wonder why the glasses don’t crack when the water freezes), so the lower bottom of the glass is filled with ice, the upper with beer. They have beer that is kept very cold (below freezing point of water?), and when it is poured on the ice, crystals of ice form so the beer looks like a fruit shake. No need to worry about C, he joins us not long after we arrived. There I am surrounded by three boys who are not stunners, but I wouldn’t throw them out of bed to let my cat in. They ask about my life in Thailand and how much I earn. I ask back how much they earn: 20,000 Baht per month. That must clearly be a misunderstanding, so I ask about daily income: 200 Baht on a poor day, 300 Baht on an average day, 700 to 800 Baht on a good day. These numbers are more reasonable. We have a few bottles (about 5 shared between us 4), my contribution is about 300 Baht (didn’t count). They pay for part of their beer and food, which is a good start. I don’t like the mentality that the farang pays everything. I once had a friend who bought some drink in 7/11, I was waiting outside, and when he came back he asked if I can refund him the 15 Baht for the drink. That was enough to cross him off my list of friends. I don’t remember how we got to the subject, but N asks me if he can go with me or if I want to go with him or whatever and then suggests that Y joins us. We discuss distance to my place (20 km) and ways to go there (bus or taxi). Finally C wants to join. No way I take 3 boys I don’t know to my place! (That would include travel at least 30 minutes and I don’t know if the will make a mess in my room, like Ice.) So I ask about hotel in the area. They know one, and off we go. The hotel (Tian Tong in Rong Muang Soi 2 or 3) is expensive (620 Baht per night) but I don’t want this encounter to fail for monetary reasons. I am in the room with N (the least attractive of the three). I take a shower. C and Y appear later. They are hungry, so I let them order food (140 Baht for two dishes). We are in towel or underwear (boxer shorts, the three boys), and now money is discussed for the first time. I dismiss a tentative request for 1000 Baht each. They ask for 500, I counter with 300. I am in a good position for negotiating: with three boys, whoever of them is not satisfied can leave. Anyway, they are cute, but not stunners, and I don’t have to have sex with any of them, we can part without sex and it still would have been an interesting evening (but a waste of 620 Baht for the hotel). Finally, they agree to 300 Baht each. Later we get to 1000 Baht for all three. I always keep plenty of 100 Baht notes in wallet, but after the drinking my reserves were depleted. Now if you are waiting for a description of an orgy, I have to disappoint you. Sex was so-so. There was some spontaneity on their part (other than most moneyboys, who are either completely indifferent or poor actors). They had straight porn running on the TV and each of us was wanking himself, and I had my free hand on one of the boys. I was hoping they would fall over each other, as I know it from gay porn. All had mooks in their dicks, one had four of them! But I can live with mooks. This time I took pictures, pm me if you want to see. I am not sure if any of them was gay. An interesting experience, but I have only two hands, and if I wank myself I have only one hand free to touch someone else. My idea is standing and hugging (so I can run my hands over his front and back), or lathering each other in the shower, or in bed I lying on my back and the boy on his knees above me (so I can touch his body everywhere where it is important to me: lower back, waist, abs, butt, crotch). When they lie on their back and wank, I cannot touch their back and their butt. After each of us came, shower time. I join one boy in the shower to soap him. While I am in the shower, my trousers with wallet and mobile phone is in the room with the three boys. I am still in the bathroom, when C comes in with my phone (which he obviously took from the pocket of my trousers) and asks if he can watch football on it. I don’t know about football, he asks for google and I switch the keyboard to Thai so he can do whatever he wants, and he would be busy for about 10 minutes. One of the boys starts smoking in the room, I have to tell him to go outside for smoking. I give one of the boys 1000 Baht to share amongst them, and we haven’t even left the room when they ask me if I come back next Saturday. That settles the question if 300 Baht is a fair price for boys you meet on the street. Experimental proof! Each of us could have walked away at any time and we would have stayed friends. Of course, if you spend all your time in Soi Twilight where a drink sets you back 300 baht, it is difficult to understand that a few km away, you can have a boy for that money. Welcome to the real Bangkok! Total cost about 2100 Baht (1000 for the boys, 620 hotel, 140 food, about 300 beer). I am better served with taking 3 boys separately at Saranrom park (boy 500, hotel 200). I will most probably not do it again (these three boys), but would recommend them to friends. Nonetheless an important step, first immediate hook-up on the street. I’m not a fan of exchanging phone numbers (then you have to arrange a meeting that suits both’s timetables, and involves traveling). Or rather I prefer exchanging phone numbers after sex, not before. We go back to Hua Lampong and say goodbye. I meet a tuk-tuk driver whom a friend had a while ago and who remembers me and who is cute. Too late for today! Maybe next time. I ask for his phone number. He doesn’t have a phone! But he asks for my phone number. I write it down on a piece of paper, it would be rude not to give him my number. But now I don’t know when he will call me and from which number and I will not be in the mood or in the area anyway. I ponder about going to Soi Twilight, but it is late, I have done enough for the day, and bus 29 is coming, so I go home.
  8. Anybody still reading this? I should have written “preferences” instead of “requirements”. But there is hope: I sometimes have lucid moments where boys who are far off are very attractive to me. My aversion to tattoos has eroded, I now can accept some tattoos. Before I was focused on face, recently I met a few boys whose face is not that cute, but who have a great body. Now I am more focused on body than on face. But it seems my future boyfriend will have to be twink, no body hair, brown skin. I am cursed with these very specific preferences (see op). If I could change my sexual preferences, I would chose to be heterosexual and attracted to white women, would make life much easier and more socially acceptable. I don’t pursue my targets long, I give up easily. That’s a left over from my time in the closet: you can look (furtively), but not touch; you can think, but not speak. My pickiness is probably a “fox and grapes” case. (The fable: the fox cannot reach the high hanging grapes and finally concludes that they must be sour.) If I know I won’t get that boy into bed, I look for blemishes. I have been criticized for being superficial and focusing on physical attributes more than on character. This is simply because I didn’t get that far with any of my sexual partners. But manners is a problem. I think playing with their phone in my presence is horrible manners. On the other hand, I have seen groups of Thais or entire families in restaurants, everyone absorbed with their phone. Does this mean this is acceptable behavior in Thai society? But looking at it from a more positive viewpoint: all the boys I met who were absorbed with their phones were moneyboys or lo-so, whereas all boys I met who would be a good match for me (intellectual and social status) did not play with their phones. That doesn’t mean that I would chose my boyfriend by intellect and social status, but it would be advantageous if we were similar in this aspect. It takes me one second (under unfavorable conditions up to one minute) to determine if someone is my type, then it takes one minute to one hour to see if there are any negative attributes (smoking, tattoos, bitch, slut, no manners) that speak against having sex with him. It would take weeks to months to get to a point where honesty, cleverness, sense of humor and sincerity play a role. You can interpret these requirements preferences as a sign of sincerity. When I finally have a boyfriend, I will stop going to bars because I know that my boyfriend has a cuter face and a nicer body and sexier underwear and a better character than any of the boys I might meet in a bar. I would not become boyfriend with someone under the premise that this is temporary; the best solution at the moment and secretly looking for someone else who is slimmer or has darker skin or a cuter face. I am not alone with my underwear fetish. I recently contacted an acquaintance from two years ago. He now lives in Hat Yai but sometimes goes to Bangkok. He asked some specific questions about my underwear and wants to fuck me while both of us keep our underwear on. I am happy to oblige (although I prefer to finally take the underwear off). There are other lists of requirements for a boyfriend. I will leave it to gaybutton to post a list of his (if you have been reading the forums carefully, you will know where to find them), but I will link to those of fuel-injected-male, who has a completely different set of preferences: http://fuel-injected-male.blogspot.com/2008/05/another-table-for-one.html
  9. from coconuts Bangkok: 5 fantastic pizzas you can have delivered to your door right now by Foodpanda: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2013/09/28/super-saturday-5-fantastic-pizzas-you-can-have-delivered-your-door-right-now-foodpanda
  10. I did not try to be humorous, I have problems with spelling in one word or two words. Indeed, spell check recommends "message boards". I just learned about National Punctuation Day September 24 (every year). In very general terms, that should not offend anyone: if you have problems with punctuation, you can consult their website: http://www.nationalpunctuationday.com/ and check this out as well: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/misspelling (with comics and mnemonics: "If you put an A in "definitely", you are definitely an A-hole") re vinapu: I stay in when it rains in the evening, and sometimes I have a computer-free day on the weekend (or even a full weekend without computer, because I don't want to sit in front of a computer every day). But there are still plenty of stories to tell.
  11. Ok, I have this compulsion to point out others' mistakes (when I read a book, I have an extra sheet of paper to note them down). It would help me if others pointed out mistakes in my posts. It looks like we are quits: others have dyslexia and I have the compulsion to mention their mistakes (but I can control it, I will refrain from pointing out others' grammar and spelling mistakes for the rest of the year). It's not meant to be rude, but it's of no help to the poster (unless I say what is wrong) and useless information for others who can see it themselves. I would prefer if all members wrote in correct English, but don't let this deter you from posting. Well, if you post on messageboards about gay Thailand, you must have a skin that is thicker than getting upset about someone mentioning your mistakes. Why was that thread deleted?
  12. Not only endangered species, there is more to this. As far as I know, these animals are taken from the wild while they are still young, often after killing the parents. Those who survive face a live (short due to keeping not appropriate to the species) in an unnatural habitat, often drugged. I bet the monkey did not have a good time when you posed with him. I am now in a position where I don't go on purpose to any shows that involve animals in Thailand.
  13. Reviews and listings have to be clearly marked, then it will be ok for me. I think a forum should not be a place for fiction.
  14. I learned about this thread only by chance, via a pm regarding the retirment thread. I agree with the op, there is no value in posting reviews of places you haven't visited (beachlover style), or copying reviews from elsewhere in the internet. There is already too much copy and paste on the internet. If you don't have people who go to these places and review them, well then you can't write reviews.
  15. It was a pleasure to meet Michael and his boyfriend. I have been to Mama Dolores four times, as far as I remember. The pizza is good, worth coming back. They are expanding their menu, they changed the menu twice since I first went there about two years ago. One think I didn't like: the music was a bit too loud. I felt the need to shout at Michael across the table. Not to be confused with Mama Dolores on Soi Sri Bam Pen (opposite Ibis Hotel, only a few months old) and the other pizzeria opposite the second 7/11 (on Sri Bam Pen, when you come from Malaysia Hotel).
  16. The same for me. My first ride (Aug 2009, from Suvarnbhum to Sathorn for 600 Baht flat fare), the driver offered me girl, boy, massage, young girl, young boy. My very first impressions of Thailand: being overcharged and offered underage sex. I wouldn't feel trapped in a taxi, unless the driver locks the door. I vaguely remember one case at the airport. I got into the taxi without discussing the fare. On the drive, the driver started negotiations. I told him to use the meter. He didn't, he took me back to the point where I got into his taxi for free and waited for an easier victim.
  17. I used to shave at irregular intervals, every 2 or 3 days. Once this period of time is passed, I would have to shear first, which is a lot more effort, so I will continue growing a beard up to 3 weeks (then it becomes uncomfortable and I will shear and shave). But I don't like shaving, it takes time and sometimes irritates my skin. Now I found out that I have as many Thai friends who think I look good with a beard as those who think I look better without a beard. I clearly prefer Thai boys without facial hair or body hair. If they shave their facial hair, that is ok; but facial hair is a good indicator for hair elsewhere (where I don't like it), so rather pass on everyone with facial hair, shaven or not.
  18. I go by flat fare only in emergency situations. The last one was on Songkran with the druken boy in tow, if I had been alone I have taken the bus. If the driver quotes a price, it's bye bye. I think I went by taxi without meter only twice: my very first taxi ride in Bangkok (my lack of experience) and with the drunken boy on Songkran.
  19. Spurious claim? Is there any doubt that all of both Americas has been robbed from the native population by European invaders?
  20. Taxis refusing customers I has been a long time that I had a problem with taxis. But yesterday, it struck again. I was in Sukhumvit area with a friend. There was heavy rain at midnight. Around 1 am (today 12.09.2013),I Ieft her place (the rain had stopped, but still some areas ankle deep under water) and hailed down several taxis in Soi 11. They either refused to go to Lak Si or quoted a price that was about twice what I would pay by meter. One taxi driver even said “It’s so far!” WTF? If it was close, I would walk there! Other customers had similar problems. Now the interesting part. The taxi drivers have the window on the passenger side down and prospective passengers tell them their destination and wait for approval and a price quote. The customer becomes a supplicant who asks the taxi driver if he deigns going to his destination. After over five rejections, I change my strategy. I hail down a taxi and get in, and then tell the driver where I want to go. It works! My suggestion for similar situations: Don’t discuss destination through the window while standing outside. It’s irrelevant, the taxi has to take you wherever you want to go (within reason). And it shows the driver that you are in the weaker position. Just open the door and sit down and tell him where you want to go (best in Thai to show that you have local knowledge), because you are the customer, he is the servant. By telling your destination through the window and waiting for approval you accept your role as petitioner, by getting in and sitting down you show that you are the boss! Based on one event. What are your experiences/thoughts? I always sit down in the front seat, for a better view.
  21. Yes. (You are really far behind on this trend.)
  22. When I go to Pattaya for a weekend, I do so mainly to go to the bars. I sit in front of a computer every day, during that weekend only minimum use of entertainment electronics. Many boys have poor management of space and time, in the bar you can get him here and now. That compensates for the additional cost (drinks, off fees).
  23. I have used Line for about two months (since I got my new phone) and it is very convenient. Cheaper than SMS (you are charged by data volume, not per message), easier to read (messages are displayed like in an online chat). You will need a smartphone and a SIM for data (you probably already have if you use grindr). You just register (there should be an app installed already, it was on my phone) and can start. Highly recommended!
  24. Patience, patience. I am busy and it might take a week or even two until I can write the story to the end.
  25. Weekend in Chachoengsao 31.08.-01.09.2013 Spoiler: no sex, no drama, no drugs, no trannies, everything runs roughly according to my plans. Tourism (Wat Saman Rattanaram (Ganesha statue) (วัดสมานรัตนาราม), Wat Chin Pracha Samoson (Wat Leng Hok Yi) (วัดจีนประชาสโมสร วัดเล่งฮกยี่), Wat Sothon Wararam Woraviharn (Wat Hong) (วัดโสธรวรารามวรวิหาร), World Sand Sculpture exhibition), Nightlife, ChristianPFC tries so change according to advice given in “Almost there (getting laid locally)” There are some popular markets in Chachoengsao province, one was covered recently, but they are of little interest to me. Chachoengsao (ฉะเชิงเทรา also known as Paet Rio (Paed Riu, 8rio (paed=) แปดริ้ว, province east of Bangkok). I will abbreviate it as CCS. On my trip I saw less than 10 Farang in two days. I have an acquaintance from Camfrog in Chachoengsao, whom I wanted to meet on Sunday, his day off. We did not meet, but after four years of dating Thai boys I know that they have problems with space-time coordination and planed accordingly. This is the tipping point: now I can go to any province for weekend trips without needing to know anyone there (so far, I always needed a peg to go somewhere). Preparation for this trip was just a few hours reading on the internet and saving webpages downloaded there on my mobile phone, and taking pictures of the relevant pages in tourist guides with my mobile phone for reference (so I don’t have to carry the whole book). Everything else by asking locals. My reputation as a cheapskate whoremonger has not yet reached Chachoengsao, so I could make a fresh start there. (But a friend who comes from CCS messaged me just hours after I posted a picture on facebook.) Friday, 30.08.2013 Take van from Ekkamai bus station (no big buses, but there seem to be big buses from Mor Chit). Slow traffic along On Nut, and the van stops at the bus center at the airport! If I had known before, I could have gotten directly to the airport, faster and cheaper than via Ekkamai. My friend cannot have guests, so I need a hotel. I didn’t make any plans, just asked a tuk-tuk driver at the bus station if he knows a hotel in walking distance to the railway station. I ended in Yenjit Bungalow. I later found out that they are listed in agoda: http://www.agoda.com/asia/thailand/chachoengsao/yenjit_bungalow_and_resort.html The price on agoda is cheaper, but after taxes it’s the same as the walk-in rate (600 Baht per night). It’s located at the end of an alley, over 100 m from the main road, and the sign at the main road is only in Thai. Most Thais I talked with in CCS have heard of it. If you come by car, they have bungalows for drive-in as well: The owner (?) speaks good English and helped me to find public transport. Wifi is free, fast (tested with videos on youtube, no problem) and straightforward (password is on the key tag; I just tried with the strongest network and it worked). I call my friend, he cannot meet me on Friday or Saturday evening after work, only on Sunday. It’s too early to go to bed. I go to Suan Somdet Phra Sri Nagarindra Park (สวนสมเด็จพระศรีนครินทร์). Unlike most parks in Bangkok, it is open all time. There are groups of boys and girls out drinking and listening to music and driving around on their motorbikes. Boys who drive past on a motorbike smile at me or say hello. It’s ghetto style: screeching tyres, incomplete combustion (dark exhaust fumes), exhaust modified to make it louder, cars that are a driving discotheque. Quite different from Bangkok! Making contact is easy, you just have to walk past and there is a 50% chance someone will say hello, smile or even invite you for a drink. And if there is a cute boy who doesn’t notice me, I just ask for the way and see where this leads. On the trip I spoke to more than 50 Thais, several of them my type. After about 1 hour in the park, I proceed to the river shore. Again groups of boys and girls. I want to go home to sleep, by chance my way leads past the biggest nightclub, Dome. What I see outside is promising. I go in (23:55, purchase of one drink – in my case Beer Singha for 100 Baht – is compulsory). It is large, about thrice the size of DJ station or NAB. About half full, which allows easy roaming, as I like it. I spot a table with cute boys and while I still think how to find an excuse how to join the, one of them raises his glass to me. I join them and will stay there the rest of the night. The cutest boy is opposite. Again no need to look for a way to get next to him, it happens after some shifts. It is too loud to exchange more than a few sentences. I have my earplugs in. Later, they ask me if I could pay for another bucket of ice (80 Baht), which I do (and order a bowl of crisps for 50 Baht as well). I even okayed the purchase of another bottle of whisky (220 Baht?), but the order was never placed. How do I get the cute boy into my room? By the time (2:30 am) I have come up with an idea (ask him if he has a motorcycle and can drive me back), they are leaving. I stay till closing time (3am), some customers are so drunk, they have to be carried out. Plenty of broken glass and spoiled drinks on the floor. I go home alone. Nonetheless, an interesting new experience, and no lack of cute boys and social interaction. It seems there is no age restriction in the disco. About 5% of the customers are under 18 years old (my estimation, I asked just one and he is 17). Unfortunately, smoking is allowed. Clothes smell of smoke when you come back home, and I got a burn on my finger from someone else’s cigarette. No burn holes in my clothes so far. Aircon is insufficient, I think it was well above 25 C inside. Summary: there are many cute boys in the park, along the river and in the disco. Getting into contact is easy. Now I just need a way to take them to my room, be it for free or for pay. One constraint is that they come by motorbike, with two or three on each motorbike. How can I separate the cute one to go to my place on motorbike? Do these boys lend their motorbike to friends? Saturday 31.08.2013 The Ganesha temple (the world’s largest Ganesha in happy reclining posture) is out of town, about 10 km to the east on an island in the Bang Pakong river. I walk to the bus station (with stop at the railway station, due to rain). There are a song thaew from the bus station, it takes 30 minutes and costs 30 Baht. (I had to ask where the song thaew leave, there are no signs.) I would estimate the size similar to that in Nakhon Nayok, but Nakhon Nayok has two statues. In CCS it’s a whole complex: Ganesha, Guan Im, another statue under construction, market, restaurants, it was much busier than in Nakhon Nayok. Boat rides around the island are available for 300 Baht per boat (6 people). Website (in Thai): http://www.watsaman.org/ A large market and many restaurants are in the temple complex. Betel nut sold at the market: The largest Rahu statue in Thailand: Guan Im statue: The major difference from the Ganesha in Nakhon Nayok (I confused the two on pictures, before I learnt that there are two of them) is the 32 postitions around the base: You can walk inside the base, there is a shop. Same for the Guan Im statue. Ganesha with 108 hands (I didn’t count, the sign says so)(พระพิฆเนศ ปางปาฏิหารย์ ๑๐๘กร): I did not remember where exactly I got off the song thaew, and can’t see any signs of public transport back to Chachoengsao. So I ask a police officer about transport back. He calls a colleague who takes me back for free on his motorbnike. Not exactly back to CCS, but to the Chinese temple with a tall tower (I noticed the tower on the way to the Ganesha temple and took a picture to ask for details). Wat Chin Pracha Samoson (Wat Leng Hok Yi) (วัดจีนประชาสโมสร วัดเล่งฮกยี่) The tower is still under construction: The temple is about 200 m south of the tower. About 200 m north of the tower is the Tewasatharn Riew Yiang Tai, maintained by the Sawang Satthatammasatharn Foundation (เทวสถานวิหาร ริ้วเยี้ยงไท้ มูลนิธิสว่างศรัทธาธรรมสถาน): I call my Camfrog acquaintance (after waiting an hour for a reply to my sms) to make a date for Sunday. He said he will be in Bkk on Sunday and we can meet at Victory monument. I will show the messages (in Thai) we exchanged on facebook and elsewhere to Thai friends and ask them if it’s not crystal clear that I was coming to CCS to meet him there. I learnt the hard way that there can be misunderstandings and changes and in a Thai boy’s plan at any moment, and plan accordingly, so I can just shrug this off. Evil forces in the universe. At night, a stroll through the park and along the river. Some boys remember me from Friday. Now there are only 73 provinces left where I can go for a fresh start (hook up with boys). A group of boys stand around a car, one of them is cute. I join them for a chat. They ask me if I like girls, I reveal that I like boys, everyone takes a step back, like “don’t touch me”, and there is a gap in the conversation, until one of them continues: “do you like him?”. From this and from previous similar encounters, I conclude that revealing my sexual orientation is a roadblock to getting laid (I will elaborate on this in another post). I ask the cute boy for his name and use this occasion to shake his hand and tickle his palm with my finger (meaning: I want sex with you). Is this a good idea and generally understood? Our ways cross later in Dome, but nothing ensues. I enter Dome at 23:35 it is full, difficult to get around. There is a table with three cute twinks, I join their table, but they don’t show interest in me. Is this common practice, as a single customer, to simply join a table that has space left to put your glass or bottle on it? Staff sometimes splits tables, i.e. move all bottles from two tables onto one to allow a new group of customers to use the now empty table. I wish I had a way to spend more time in the bathroom. Good light and you can get a glimpse of skin and underwear. A fight breaks out elsewhere. Lights go on in that part and staff has problems to get through to separate the parties and throw them out. On passing my table, someone tries to grab my empty bottle (probably for use as a weapon), I am quick and hold it, but I get an angry look. No further incidents, go home alone. To be continued. (full album of pictures here: http://s1084.photobucket.com/user/christianpfc/library/Chachoengsao%20Aug%202013)
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