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Everything posted by ChristianPFC

  1. I would not base my choice of masseur on dick size they show, all exaggerated in my experience, and dick size not that important to me anyway. I had good, average and poor experiences at those places and for me worth a return.
  2. A friend likes to be the center of a Bukkake party, and got the pleasure in gay massage places (he just walked in, told them what he has in mind and asked who wants to participate). I guess this is easier to arrange, and you have all day time, and cheaper than in a gogo bar. You could try your luck in orgies in gay saunas as well. I went to several, mostly just watching and touching and nor participating, and and what you describe can take place there. Just at the cost of the entry, but very limited in time (just one or two days of the week, just one hour) and other circumstances are out of your control.
  3. Last year, I contacted several equatorial continental Africans on gay online dating, and all of them asked for 3500. I left it at that and didn't negotiate. About 5 years ago, I met a Madagascan in Pattaya for 1000 and was happy with that encounter. The highest I ever paid was 2000 for overnight with a boy from Soi Twilight in 2013. After that a few times 1500, but most is 1000 for boys in the scene, and sometimes I get one for 500 who doesn't regularly has contact to foreigners.
  4. I'm not into kissing. But a friend is and told me he asks boys "do you kiss" and on their reaction (kissing him or verbal) he can judge. There is no point in being shy, if you want to kiss, ask the boy! For me, the interest a boys shows in the bar is a poor indicator. Nowadays I do most of my business online, so I have to go back a long time to find examples. 2011 there was a boy who looked dull on stage, showed no interest in anything or anyone, but was great in my room. No clear memory of the opposite, a boy showing interest in me on stage, but boring in bed, but sure that happens as well. As for rimming/kissing:
  5. "rough guys" is something else and not what I meant. What I meant is better translated (from German "Unterschicht") as "lower class".
  6. Before Covid, there was low activity in shopping malls toilets. Now I guess it's all gone.
  7. Many years ago, there was a demonstration in a gay disco in Khon Kaen, where a condom was blown up like a ballon, and burst upon touching it with a finger covered in oil, as if it had been touched by a needle. Now that I make that comparison, maybe they indeed secretly touched it with a needle? Some day I might try myself, blow up a condom and touch it with oil.
  8. No English (all communication in Thai) and working menial jobs, as far as I can judge. Limited world view (just their neighborhood). Which does not prevent attitude and unreasonable expectations.
  9. I have been there several times, and will go again. But beware that far more boys are advertised than are available. On their blog, I spotted several I would be interested in, but have never seen on tap when I was there or even in their daily messages on Line about boys available today. Some people might settle for second choice, but I left a few times the two or three boys I like were not in. I freely share my positive and negative experiences with service providers. I believe a negative experience is more reproducible than a positive experience. And there are some peculiarities that might be of interest to others. E.g. I once had a boy in Winner bar sitting with me who was ticklish. Wouldn't work with me. Fortunately this is very rare (ticklish boys). At 15M massage I had one boy Mueang with average cock and difficulty to get it up, but excelled in other areas and I would like to meet him again, but he left. Another boy (Nueng with neck tattoo) at 15M massage was big cock and hard after a few strokes, but poor performances otherwise and I wouldn't meet him again.
  10. I met a few boys who had great bodies, but poor performance. Some of them I met again, based on body, but performance didn't get better. I think I never overpaid. There was one guy in Pattaya who was, and still is, great in bed. On first encounter, great body, great performance, my happiness about this find, I gave him 1500 which is the highest I ever paid in Pattaya as far as I remember. He just stuck out in all aspect over everyone else I had met for a long time, I had to give a bonus over the usual 1000 I pay for short time. Other regulars, 1000 for ST, get a bonus of 500 after several encounters. Digressing, back to propositioning boys on the streets. I found that performance in inverse to effort I put in. I remember two who were quick to come to my room and enjoyable and I met them again. I remember three who I had to approach several times over weeks or months to finally get them to my room, useless in bed and I didn't see them again. Starts with boy reluctant to take off his clothes, "shirt up, pants down" is not my style; I want full nudity (with sexy underwear as foreplay) and my hands and lips all over his body and as much skin contact as possible.
  11. I have no proof, but based on my experience I think if I had paid more, I wouldn't have gotten better performance. In my experience, there is no correlation between remuneration and performance. In hindsight, some cases the boy was disgusted at homosexual activities and just grab as much money as possible, do as little as possible and get out as quick as possible. Now that others have chimed in, I remember two more cases. In one it was actually a passing guy on a mocy who offered me a ride and then told me what his motives are. Another was working in construction in a temple that I was visiting, we got chatting and exchanged phone numbers and met after work. But none of these are reproducible. Both for free.
  12. I tried many times, but mostly no success. Either not interested or unreasonable expectations (e.g. 3000; I would offer 500, these are low-class, no English, all communication in Thai; and the few I got for 500 and eager for repeat show that 500 is enough, everyone who asks for more is just greedy), and the usual problems (poor communication, late, no money for taxi, doesn't know the way). But it depends a lot on you or me as well. I have a Western friend who doesn't speak Thai, but gets boys easily with google translate and with general chatting and beer. He is more outgoing than I am. And lives in the here and now, no problems with space/time and communication by phone. And he has a wider range (everyone with a cock and a pulse). "Here and now" is important. All those boys I pursued (I didn't get them first time we met, got their social media, chatted with them, passed their place again to repeat my offer), even if I got them after spending a lot of time and money, poor in bed.
  13. Newbie yes (I spent one week in SP in Sep2020, and one week in Rio). Extra horny no, but extra curious.
  14. Where exactly, and what is the best time to go and what is available?
  15. I have found dick sizes in gay online dating and these massage shops exaggerated to the extent of lying. Fortunately, for me there are other aspects more important.
  16. After various negative experiences myself, and other reported by friend, with Vietnamese money boys in Thailand, I wouldn't touch them with a barge pole. A friend put it: Vietnamese boys ask a lot (of money), but don't do a lot (in bed). But in Vietnam, the boys from online and in sauna all fine. Visa free 14 days for German passport.
  17. There is various sightseeing in and around (most you can get elsewhere: temples, mountains, caves), as a pretext and daytime activity for me to go again. Boy-wise, it went like this: I had a good time with A, so I went again to meet him and do sightseeing. However, A failed to show up, so I went online and met B and had such a good time, that I went again a few months later to meet B. However, B failed to show up, so I went online and met C and had such a good time, that I went again a few months later to meet C. However, neither A nor B nor C were available, so I met D (now a drop in quality, not worth going for D, and anyway Covid put an end).
  18. Shows/orgies in several gay saunas in Bangkok (R3 group and Krubb Bangkok) end in masturbation and I guess (but didn't pay attention) you can have guys from the show and customers cum on you.
  19. There are no dedicated boy bars in Nakhon Sawan, but in the usual entertainment venues you might find a gay corner. There is/was some gay cruising in the park (island on lake), but neither numbers nor what's on offer interesting to me. However in online dating, Nakhon Sawan has been very productive for me. General sightseeing as well a lot on offer.
  20. Where NOT to look is online dating profiles advertising big cock, or massage parlors with details of their staff, including cock size. In my experience all exaggerated to the extend of lying.
  21. I encountered a few with beads or silicone. I can live with beads, but the two silicone were gross! Altogether less than 1 out of 100, it's not worth the trouble to ask everyone I meet.
  22. That's not what I meant. I find the prices unreasonable. Even if I were millionaire, I wouldn't go.
  23. I got boys from online for 20 USD, everyone eager to meet again. After a poor encounter for 20, I started offering 10, which still half accept. Those who perform well get 20, the duds 10 and bye. 30 to 40 is either generous/overpaying from your side or a greedy starting offer from the boy's side. "Also, the Thai peanut mix was to die for…I think Christian mentioned this previously on another post…" available at the market. I liked the fried garlic which is just added as spice. Thanks for your report. Some places I missed during my recent trips to Siem Reap. Will have a look next time.
  24. I think so. By reading your reports, you seem to be happy with anyone with a cock and a pulse. I had a look into 168 Man in Dec and two weeks ago, but found nobody to my liking. And in such cases, I don't go for second choice, but make an excuse and skip. Anyway, those were just recce (but on the improbably event I see someone I like, I would have struck).
  25. Not exactly. The expected tip for massage with happy ending in Cambodia is 20 USD, about 700 THB. That's about the same I pay in Thailand, but you have to consider that Cambodia is much poorer, so the buying power is higher. I would find 10 USD appropriate. In Pattaya, I tip boys from bars and online 1000, and massage with happy ending 800. Every one of them is eager to meet me again. The lower tip for massage with happy ending is justified by restriction in space and time and not the comfort of my room. I just don't to places that charge more. Most of my activity is online anyway. 12is12, have a look at the online dating forum on sawatdeenetwork (members only), and share a few reviews of your own. Overlap in subject with I have met hundreds of boys, and talked about some of them with Farang friends who have met them as well, and think some of their behavior can be generalized. I think poor behavior is more consistent then good behavior. I do not hesitate to recommend or advise against certain boys, see my posts on sawatdeenetwork. I would post more (with pictures, names, place of work, activities, tip) if others did the same.
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