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Everything posted by ChristianPFC
One of the most difficult to spell words of the English language. I have diarrhea a few times per year, but between I forget the spelling and have to look it up every time. Now is one such time. After taking charcoal for two days, situation didn't improve, so I went to a pharmacy. They wanted to sell me Immodium (loperamide), which firstly doesn't fight the cause, and secondly didn't work for me when I tried in 2011. So I asked for ciprofloxacin which worked well last time, and works well this time!
Maybe you have an awesome wanking technique which is the secret of your success? Adding to "for me ejaculation doesn't equal orgasm", I found my own wanking is usually the best. It has been a while that I had a good hand job. In fact, mostly I wank myself (and only my right hand works), that means I have only my left hand to touch the boy. But one of my friends is different, he prefers me wanking him than wanking himself.
Taking a boy to Pattaya is like bringing owls to Athens. Depending on the boy, there can be all kinds of drama and pouting, could ruin your entire trip. I once did bring a boy from Bangkok to Pattaya, and regretted it. And he didn't like it either! I thought I just take him there and back and provide a free separate room for him (it was low seasons and I got a deal from the owner of the place where I stayed regularly - two rooms for the price of one), and we go separate ways (i.e. I go to bars and take other boys), but he thought we would spend the time together (but apart from sex, we have no common interests). Anyway, what do you want to do in Pattaya? If you want to enjoy the gay bars, you would have to drag him along, which will be expensive (always drinks for two), and you might get tempted to take someone else. Taking a boy to the provinces is recommended. If the boy is clever, the trip for two can cost the same as for one, when he knows where to eat and stay and how to travel like locals (compared to you as a tourist, always relying on English being spoken) - but your Cambodian friend probably cannot read Thai. Nothing wrong with being a slut.
Without knowing the full story (even the OP doesn't know the full story), I wouldn't call anyone names. Compare this case: http://www.bangkokpost.com/print/1156857/ My most awkward "morning after" was in 2013. I had a boy overnight and we took bus back to Silom. On the bus, it turned out that we are going to leave at different stops. And I hadn't paid the boy! Even worse, we both were standing, so I had to keep balance, get the notes out of my wallet and hand them to the boy in a full bus. He SMSed me afterwards that this was embarrassing (for me as well). I have an elevator story as well. In Paris, I visited an acquaintance from sauna at his place, and upon leaving he asked me to take elevator up one floor and then down to ground floor, so nobody will know I'm coming from his floor.
Prince Massage or Spa (I have never been, too expensive, they might have a sauna as well, but their main business is massage/spa).
"and gets to have an orgasm" I think is a fallacy. For me, ejaculation does not equal orgasm. I have to lay at least my eyes, better my hands, on a slim smooth brown body. I tried darkroom sex in saunas several times, it doesn't do anything for me. I assume it's the same for your boys, ejaculation but no orgasm.
I stay here (Thailand) long time, travel and home doesn't apply to me. If you consider Bangkok my home and every time I stay in a hotel elsewhere in Thailand travel, it would be be once per month for home and every other month for travel.
My underline. I don't understand. (I'm not a native speaker.) Discerning members on this forum (that includes me) think Jupiter is overpriced and underperforming. (I haven't been for years, and reports I read are not enticing me to go again.)
About once or twice per month when in Thailand. (For details name of massage shop, masseur, tip, see my blog.) I didn't vote because "Oops! Something went wrong! [#10355] You must cast your vote in each question of the poll."
Indeed, getting from Aranyaprathet to Bangkok in 2014, there were three different uniformed authorities (forgot to look closely what exactly; immigration police, army, railway police?) checking documents of people at the railway station and on the train. Two weeks ago, getting in and out of Mae Sot, there was a check in each direction. Anyone traveling without papers would have to get at least 10 km away from the border to be safe. Here is a border crossing that does not require any documents: I think the situation is simple: someone who enters illegally, has to get out illegally (but what to do when caught? Just pay the bribe and be released into illegal stay in Thailand); someone who comes on a visa and loses his passport has to get documents from his embassy.
I download pictures I like anyway. On my computer, it only works in internet explorer; in firefox and chrome the menu item for download is missing (in that case one could still make a screenshot, but I open gayromeo always in IE so I can directly download pictures I like).
I have to admit, even going to the German embassy in Bangkok to get a new passport was an unpleasant experience. Vietnamese embassy might be more unpleasant, however it's something you can't avoid, procrastinating makes it only worse. Vietnam has no border with Thailand, whoever comes in illegally by land has to go through Cambodia or Lao, which increases the risk. I assume all Vietnamese come by air and have permission to stay in Thailand, but work illegally. Whereas I know one Burmese who is doesn't have a passport at all, is here without permission and works on top of that, and once had to pay 4000 Baht when caught by police (but is back already).
I share how much (or little) I tip and sometimes ask others on the forum, but my financial situation does not belong here.
I think I know what your are talking about. I had that bug years ago, and lost a lot of money and sanity before I was cured. Get well soon!
Some bars open at 8, so 7:30 is reasonable. I have been in bars (Eros, Screwboys) shortly before opening, because I find the boys entering in street clothes and undressing/changing in the bar under good light, not paying any attention to me, more arousing than later during normal operation. (I deliberately did not name the bar, as this insight is only possible by negligence of the person who posted the rules, not assuming a customer would be able to read it or care.)
Just a hot spring, no salt water. http://christianpfc.blogspot.com/2015/05/sankampaeng-hot-spring-in-chiang-mai.html
Google maps is free and does a good job. However I found plenty of mistakes and submitted dozens of corrections.
Yes, starting nude is a good start. I like skin-on-skin contact much better than clothes in between. And instant access. In Pattaya, I once had a massage and towards the end the masseur, still fully dressed, was above my knees, out of reach, and asked if I want a handjob. Not at all my idea of happy ending, so I declined.
Thai words for semen/sperma: น้ำว่าว nam wow ("the liquid that is produced in the process of wanking") น้ำรัก nam rak ("the liquid that is produced in the process of making love") น้ำอสุจิ nám a-sù-jì (scientific term) nam is general for liquid, not just water. น้ำตา nám dtaa = tears (liquid of the eyes), น้ำตาล nám dtaan = sugar (liquid from sugar palm before it crystallizes), น้ำผึ้ง nám pêung = honey (liquid from bees). น้ำแข็ง nám kăeng = ice ("hard water") Where English has a separate word for each of these substances, Thai just combines words to get the same meaning. (The a in nam is pronounced long when it means just "water", but short in compounds like all the above)
In saunas always free sex. In about 200 sauna visits in Thailand, two boys hinted at money, but I didn't bite. In disco or online, lines are blurred, estimated 3/4 of my encounters hint at money (that does not mean they are money boy, but a generously rounded up return taxi fare would speed up proceedings; and some ask for the newest mobile phone as a gift before we even met); 1/4 wouldn't think of even accepting taxi money or invitation for food. In gogo bars or host bars or massage it's clear, always money. For the OP, I recommend starting at saunas (no money, no problems with space-time coordination which is my biggest problem now, together with endless chat).
Thank you for sharing. This says it all.
Chinese whispers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_whispers
Now I see abidismaili is not only interested in my financial situation, but in other's as well. Nothing wrong with that, but maybe the wrong place, here we are more concerned about cock sizes and off fees and drink prices than in which country you pay your income tax and what health insurance you have.
Back to the OP. In one bar I found the rules posted in Thai on the way to toilet, here translation in short: boys get 3000 Baht per month, in bar before 19:30 additional 80, between 19:30 and 20:00 additional 60, between 20:00 and 20:30 no additional, after 20:30 100 will be deduced, absent on Fri-Sat-Sun-days with concert or Mor Lam 600 will be deduced when sick have to present sick note from doctor thieves will be reported to police boy get 50 for each off and 40 for each drink 2 days off per month
Every now and then you find a gem. Regarding greediness: A boy I haven't even met asked me to buy him (or at least contribute to) shoes worth 2500 Baht. The question is: would he do the same with a Thai who is older/richer (then it would just be cultural difference and not greediness). The biggest problem for me is not greediness, not laziness, but stupidity and refusal to take advice. I had students whining that they don't know the way to where I wanted to meet them, even if money was offered (I would have gone to their room, but usually they stay with friends so can't do anything there, and someone who doesn't know the way can only be fuckbuddy, i.e. "fuck and go" without fringe activities.)