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Everything posted by ChristianPFC

  1. I have been to the Royal Barge museum, and arriving on foot (many turns, through slum-like area) it's all open access. Was there any reason other than parking the car that you went into the military area? Recently when passing by bus, I noticed there are barges visible on the western side of the main road (the museum I went to is east). So there might be more than I thought. This is the one I went to: Update: satellite view on google reveals indeed boats in the open on the western side!
  2. I have no numbers as proof, but I think most of the money you pay for a drink in Soi Twilight goes to outrageous rents and bribes. In other words: you pay for someone's third wife's second car.
  3. Indeed there are few passing, might take 5 minutes waiting. The rip-off of the year (2016) was in Mae Sot, and it wasn't even me who was ripped off. Three women got on a songhteo, and their destination was off the line, and they were originally quoted 150 Baht each, but the driver accepted their offer of 100 Baht each. The detour turned out to be about 5 km. Outrageous! My fare of 50 Baht wasn't cheap either, I made a mental note next time to take a mocy taxi, as the savings by taking songtheo was not worth the wait until departure and then the detours from shortest route. Regarding standing taxis in Bangkok quoting flat fees: NEVER! In addition to overcharging, they block one lane in traffic and thus cause delays for others. (However the idea of having a taxi that doesn't have a passenger standing somewhere where it doesn't block traffic is a good one, reduces energy consumption and traffic. And indeed, in non-touristy areas taxis are standing in popular places, and turn on the meter as soon as I get in.)
  4. Farang customers are at the bottom of the list of priorities.
  5. Price comparison (all distances measured on google maps) Bangkok 1.2 km for 12 Baht = 10 Baht/km Huay Yai 7.0 km for 50 Baht = 7 Baht/km Pattaya 3.9 km for 80 Baht = 21 Baht/km Pattaya at night after disco 150 Baht for 3.1 km = 48 Baht/km http://christianpfc.blogspot.com/2016/08/pattaya-quicky-fri-5-sat-682016.html Bangkok taxi 5.5 Baht/km (after first 2 km included in 35 Baht flag fall)
  6. (My underline) I don't remember whom I had sex with last week.
  7. You need a big car, but not a SUV = Sport Utility Vehicle. If time is more important than money, they hiring a car is the best solution here. Going by public transport would require at least two changes (shuttle to airport bus station - bus to Rayong - bus to pier).
  8. At each mocy taxi station, there is a clear price table for popular destinations in Thai. I posted about these here: http://christianpfc.blogspot.com/2014/08/mocy-and-taxi-price-tables.html When speaking to them in Thai, no attempts to overcharge. If you always go the same route, take a picture of the price table and ask someone to translate. In non-touristy areas the prices are reasonable. Just yesterday in Huay Yai (10 km south of Pattaya), I went 7.0 km for 50 Baht. In Dec 2016 in Pattaya, I paid 80 Baht for 4.1 km. I rarely go by mocy; under 2 km I can easily walk, over 2 km taxi costs about the same and is much more comfortable and safe. I use it only when there is traffic jam or in some corners in Ladprao or Ramkhamhaeng where I can go 1.2 km for 12 Baht, and that beats walking.
  9. Why anyone would need a SUV to get from airport to hotel, or wants to have a handsome driver, is beyond me, but the free market will sort this out.
  10. There are reports that oil should not be used as lube because it weakens the latex. My only personal experience is from a disco, where in a safe-sex show condoms were blown up to about 10 liter volume and when you gently rub massage oil on them, they explode, whereas lube has no effect.
  11. I guess most of the money others pay for drinks goes into outrageous rents and bribes, actually running the bar and paying staff just a minor expenditure.
  12. Thank you very much for sharing, I especially liked the train, colonial architecture, and temples. Only thing that is missing is the date.
  13. I tried for a discount at Screwboys last year, and we were a party of three, but they wouldn't lower the price from 300, so we went away. Someone else reported as well that two bars (Dream Boys and Screwboys) don't give discounts. I got discounts at Classic Boys and X-Size.
  14. How do you know they were already booked? And that's another reason I won't go to Jupiter any time soon, if I want to look at boys I can't take home, I will watch porn.
  15. I made an overview in 2014, had to update twice, see comments for most recent, and even these might be outdated. http://christianpfc.blogspot.com/2014/03/prices-in-bangkok-gogo-bars.html http://christianpfc.blogspot.com/2014/06/low-season-drink-prices-in-gogo-bars.html
  16. If you want to enjoy yourself at work, then working at a gogo bar is the wrong place. I'm with latintopxxx (contentious member on Sawatdeenetwork): when I off a boy, it's all about me and what I want (within reason and communicated in advance), and if he can't provide that, get out of my room! Quote firecat: I don't care what their preferences are. If they accept an off with me then I expect to get something for my money. Otherwise they should get a different job because if they think their customers are going to be good looking young guys then they are living in a dream world. Exactly! For me, going to a bar is like going to a hairdresser: I don't expect the hairdresser to jump up with joy at the prospect of cutting my hair, just do his job. It might just be that the forums attract people who are willing to pay for sex, and do so frequently, so you are a minority on this forum, but not when considering entire mankind.
  17. That can most probably be arranged with help of staff, but expect to pay premium prices.
  18. The current term in Thai is ค่าขนม Kaa Khanom "money for sweets". Before it was money for taxi (enough to go around Bangkok twice), school or university tuition fee, sick grandmother. Few will openly admit being a money boy, and I appreciate that, saves beating around the bush.
  19. A noble cause, but: I am not aware of any Thai participating in this forum (post on gayromeo or gay dating apps, there you would have access to your target group), the average Thai works/studies* long hours and would not be able to take a three week trip, I wouldn't take a person I haven't met before on a three week holiday, Your destinations are beach places, many Thai don't like to go out in the sun for fear of getting browner skin (and I'm not a beach person either for similar reasons). You should provide more information, how will the days be spent? *I mean they have to attend university. I have met many students, few of them study long/hard. Neither does going to university in Thailand seem to be any intellectual selection (as it is in Germany). That has to be established by meeting and spending time before the trip starts. Typo gree -> free, first I thought of green - yes there are green tour operators in Thailand.
  20. I have met plenty of members of this and other forums, and some have become members of my inner circle of friends here. Over half of that circle are people I met elsewhere, some of them not even aware of the forums. One-to-one works best for me, in a quiet environment so you can have a meaningful conversation without shouting. For subsequent meetings, Soi Twilight or even gogo bars are fine (to comment on the boys on displays, and exchange stories). I attended two dinner receptions of another Farang friend, however with over 10 people who I don't know, it's sensory overload for me and I can't take home much (except for a stomach filled with excellent food). Trips are a good way to break the mold (bars, restaurants, tourist ghetto). The one mentioned above went very well, another one not so well. By car, Farang friend G was in front seat, his boyfriend driving, I and another Farang friend A and Thai friend of G in back seat (a squeeze with 3 people, as other Thai friend of G grossly overweight). G and his boyfriend split and reconciled twice during the trip, then we had issues about navigation (up to three people on navi and mobile, giving different directions to driver) and food; I was glad to get out of the car (but A found the trip hilarious). Bruce_NYC on sawatdeenetwork wanted to create regular meetings in Bangkok and Pattaya early last year, that died out due to lack of interest.
  21. Nakom Pathom province, Salaya district. That trip went surprisingly well (I just notice I haven't had time to process it in my blog). I had such a trip in mind for longer time and gathered intelligence and made preparations and inquiries that you are unaware of, I was just waiting for an occasion to share the boat fare.
  22. All in my blog: http://christianpfc.blogspot.com/2014/09/relaxing-sauna-in-ubon-ratchathani.html http://christianpfc.blogspot.com/2015/01/ud-sauna-udon-thani.html Both easily accessible and reasonably maintained and clean, contrary to The Beach Khon Kaen (on all three points from vague memory). Granted my visits were over 2 years ago, but I made a mental note: Relaxing and UD sauna go again when in town, The Beach Khon Kaen rather not.
  23. No loss to me (went once in 2014). There is still Relaxing in Ubon and UD sauna in Udon left, both worth a visit.
  24. Thank you very much for your nice words.
  25. I usually pay when we part. In most cases that is at my room door, in the case above on the bus (I just didn't think ahead that in my room would be the better place to pay). Happened with another boy as well (in 2011). We went out for lunch and there it turned out he would not come back with me to my room. Handed him the money under the table. Since then (2013), I haven't had such mishaps. Another similar story from my early years (2009-2013, after one full year 2013 in Thailand I figured out what's going on). I walked past Malaysia hotel and a boy there said hello and asked where I'm going. "Waiting for taxi to Silom". "Oh, I go to Silom, too." "Then you can come with me." My idea was just to give him a free ride, but he thought it was an invitation and was following me until I made clear that I will spend the evening without him.
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