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Everything posted by ChristianPFC

  1. I have been going to the same barber in Klong Toey slum for years. 60 Baht for haircut and shave. No aircon. Occasionally there is free haircutting at Hua Lampong railway station. If I knew the dates, I would go there.
  2. With airplanes starting and landing all time of the day or night (quotation needed), there should be sufficient demand for a public transport service that runs 24/7, but there is none! My arrival or departure was during daytime throughout in the past, but when I come back from Taiwan at 2 am, this will be the first time with no public transport available.
  3. There is a story where, in addition to my inexperience (in 2011), everything went wrong and I paid a boy in Pattaya 200 Baht for long time (but we did not have sex, there were several turn-offs that I discovered in the course of our time). Full story here: http://sawatdeenetwork.com/v4/showthread.php?12235-Lowest-tip-ever
  4. Two years ago (?) a friend reported cruising in the park, so I went to have a look. Not only did I not see any cruising, it was totally unsuitable for cruising (in the evening a lot of general folk, closed at night, kind of an artificial insula with only one bridge for access, no secluded spots). Around the stadium, there is a lot of sport activity going on, and I saw many a cute boy there. In the swimming pool as well (check opening times and dress code!).
  5. I believe your report, but we don't know what happened between the two, hence I cannot take side. Read the link about the Hmong girls I posted earlier. The only thing I can say is making such a fuss in public, as the guy did, is uncouth behavior in any country, and in Thailand even worse.
  6. This business is prone to lies and deceptions. Having been on the receiving end of lies, deceptions, scams and thefts many times, I can't share your outrage before hearing the other side. I observed only one case of misbehavior: http://christianpfc.blogspot.com/2014/03/pattaya-10-12032014.html and there is a German living in my street, whom I have known since 2009, who is not popular (read: banned on gay bars and even in 7-Eleven!). The story of the Hmong girls who were falsely accused of stealing a watch: https://www.pressreader.com/thailand/bangkok-post/20161211/282875140418184 You would be the first person I know of, who has money boys staying just as friends. Neither do the customers. (Speaking of experience, when I was new, I got scammed several times, realized only long after.)
  7. Thais can sleep any time, anywhere. It's probably rather the choice between instantly spending the ST for some sanuk with friends, versus overnight and getting LT.
  8. Even I would accept an offer of 5000-10000 Baht. If a Thai boy doesn't really need the money, he wouldn't work in a gogo bar. The offer is too high. They think you are crazy or a time waster (high offer as a bait, and then no show or whatever). Copy some of your chats here, anonymized, then I might be able to help more. Using facebook to find sexual partners is not uncommon. There are even groups where sexual services are offered. I have friends who use facebook successfully, I have little experience.
  9. I can confirm from my last visits around 2014 that there is cruising day and night, and plenty of used condoms and sachets of lube scattered around. Ample amounts of general waste as well. And the public toilets vandalized. Even thought I haven't participated for about 2 years, would make me sad to see it go. Asked a friend: Sor Tor Lor = สถานีวิทยุโทรทัศน์ ของทหารเรือ = Navy radio station.
  10. Do I read that right, you offered 5000-10000 THB (in words: five to ten thousand Thai Baht) to them on facebook (private chat I assume) and nobody accepted? That is very odd. I sometimes chat up straight boys, and some do not go with me for 500 (five hundred), or it takes several attempts at 500, others ask if they can come again tomorrow for another round at 500 (five hundred). I have been asked for 3000 (three thousand) several times, by different boys, and I have no idea where they get that number from (which I counter with 500, and no, we don't meet in the middle). Not just the Lumpini gym, elsewhere as well, you should look around. The problem is how to approach someone there without being awkward. At 5000-10000 THB I would guess the success rate is 99%.
  11. No. No Thai ever complained about not having enough time to spend with friends and family. But they all complain about lack of money. Here is the chance to earn that lacking money, and they don't take it!
  12. I had plenty of train rides that were >100% occupied, i.e. all seats occupied and people standing. On some rides, I had to stand. Open windows? Can't read a newspaper because wind blows to strong, and it blows in all kind of plant and animal matter, and in burning season flakes of soot! Nonetheless, train is my favorite method of transport, and it's amazing to walk through the tree, especially 3rd class, and observe all possible forms of live on a train.
  13. The problem lies elsewhere. Morally, carving iron is as reprehensible as making shoes and belts from leather. The problem is that elephants are killed, in addition to being an endangered species. If only ivory from elephants that died peacefully from old age was carved, that would be fine for me. However, as this is difficult to control and verify, all ivory is banned.
  14. A happy zone is an area where it is forbidden by law to overcharge, scam, rob or pickpocket tourists.
  15. A car or motorbike? Heaven forbid! The inconvenience of parking and coming back to the same spot, and expenses for buying and maintaing it, far outweighs the advantages. Seems I have to try Uber next time I go to Chiang Mai. A friend in Bangkok swears by it, but in Bangkok I have no need. Last night, I had a 7 Baht (seven Baht!) songtheo ride about 10 km in Bangkok, around 11 pm. That comes as a surprise. In estimated 1000 taxi rides in Bangkok, I have encountered 1 (one single!) cute driver. However mocy and tuk-tuk can be cute.
  16. When chatting with Thai or overhearing Thais chatting, "mai mi tang ไม่มีตัง" (tang is slang for money, short for satang) often comes up. The one thing that is most missing everywhere, everyone, is money. They can stay with their wife, kids, friends tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the entire next week and get a financial bonus for long time today. Go stay with your wife, kids, friends tonight, but don't ask me for money for food or whatever!
  17. Not for me. My Songkran 2013 was the worst thing that ever happened to me. And this year still some inconveniences around Songkran (limited offer on market, restaurants closed).
  18. A friend had the following information: landlord of Jupiter2002 saw that the business is going well and did not extend the lease, rather let it run our (or ask for an outrageous rent?) and operate a similar business in the place. Can anyone confirm?
  19. From Maya to Adam's Apple it's 2.7 km, that would be 40 Baht in a Bangkok taxi. With aircon! Any time of the day! No haggling! Public transport (songtheos 30 Baht) and tuk-tuks in Chiang Mai are grossly overpriced compared to anywhere else in Thailand I have been, except Phuket and Samui.
  20. When I went in 2013, I had to queue (and so had many others, around 100 waiting outside) in wet clothes to get in. The activities inside couldn't compensate for that. A never-again experience.
  21. Troll or not troll, sglad writes good English and his posts are a pleasure to read. I hope some day he puts this skill into use to post interesting, useful, accurate, verifiable information about gay life in Thailand (and I wouldn't mind tourism, hotels, public transport, food).
  22. Unrealistic. A belated April joke. Would cause as much trouble as changing the side of driving. If they go on, there will be a huge public outcry, could even start a civil war. I applaud the clearing of sidewalk in Silom and some other areas, where only overpriced crap was sold to tourists. (Easy to detect: markets for locals have prices posted. As soon as a wendor wields his electronic calculator and hammers in a number, you know you are going to be overcharged.) But street food is necessary, for millions to get a cheap and quick meal, and for ten or hundred thousands who work as cooks or waiters.
  23. Lesbian bars! I didn't know such thing exists. I did some research into gay saunas, and it seems that one gay sauna is viable for every 500,000 inhabitants of a city. With fewer lesbians than gays (or they just lie low?) you need a much larger number. Let's assume for 5,000,000 inhabitants of a city, one lesbian bar is viable.
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