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Everything posted by ChristianPFC

  1. The bag I found in Bangkok. It was lying on the street and had been driven over by several cars or mocy already when I rescued it, and soon later it became my main bag. The watch I'm wearing is inherited from my grandfather. The only thing on my body that I personally selected and bought are my glasses (frames from 2001). Fascinating, from "30 day suspension" to a look into my clothes drawer! But I like these turns in threads.
  2. For general sightseeing see internet. My gay experiences and general observations for Dec 2016 are here: http://christianpfc.blogspot.com/2017/01/gay-places-in-taipei.html http://christianpfc.blogspot.com/2017/01/taiwan-general-impressions.html and those for current trip (May 2016) to be published today and on 18. on my blog. See various threads by fountainhall on this and other forums as well (that's where I got the inspiration to go there). As for country hopping, I loathe it! I have the advantage of speaking Thai, so I can travel cheaply and independently in Thailand, whereas everywhere else I am back to tourist (paying tourist prices, having to rely on people speaking English). But even without the language advantage, I don't like visas and exchanging money and other differences (time zones, driving right or left handed, different power plugs). Visa and visa fees is a big issue for me. Indonesia and Vietnam got on top of my list when they scrapped visa for German citizens some years ago. Else, I would probably have gone to Myanmar. At the moment, I have Euro and US-Dollar, Thai Baht and money from Lao, Cambodia, Vietnam, Singapore, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia left from previous trips in my room, that's 10 different currencies! I keep it and information leaflets because I might go back some day.
  3. Yes, that's me in the mirror chamber. The mirrors are flat, so there is no distortion. But the shirt I'm wearing is a gift from a friend and it is rather wide, and the shorts I'm wearing are a gift from another friend, and they are 34 inches waist while I'm 32 inch waist, so I need a belt to pull them together, otherwise they would drop to my ankles. I did not consider this when I wore them to the airport, so after taking off the belt for security, I had to hold them with one hand so they don't drop down. (I'm anti-consumerist. Most clothes I wear are from my mother - I don't mean I wear my mother's clothes, I mean my mother bought them for me -, gifts from friends or found.)
  4. For travel outside of Thailand in SEA, I now recommend Taiwan above everywhere else (if commercial sex scene is not important to you, even before Thailand). Phuket and Koh Samui are expensive and touristy. July and August are perfect to visit National Parks in Chaiyaphum, when Siamese Tulips are in bloom. Lopburi and Kanchanaburi worth a few days and not far from Bangkok. For cycling go to Bang Krachao, coming from Klong Toey pier, there is bicycle rent at the pier. More information (places you enjoyed in the past) needed to give more advice.
  5. This picture was on facebook after the recent (a few months ago) crash of a van with another car, killing 25 (!) passengers. My translation: whenever I see this (van), I think of this (coffin). Van is my last option of public transport, but more for lack of space than for safety reasons. When getting on early and asking nicely, I often can get the front seat which has more space and a view. From the back, I can't even see where we are because my head is under the roof.
  6. A few days ago, in National Taiwan Museum. A chamber completely covered in mirrors, except the floor where enlarged microscopic pictures of rocks are displayed. The place for people who don't like opinions other than their own.
  7. I decided against trip insurance. My probability of missing the flight is much less than I would spend for trip insurance.
  8. Hua Hin is certainly worth a visit, or several (but now that a friend has a condo there and I have been multiple times, we have to go on daytrips by car to find interesting stuff). I always go by bus or train, travel time door to door can easily exceed 5 hours. For those on holiday and with more money than time, taxi is a good option. However the train station is worth a look, the most beautiful train station in Thailand with a Royal Waiting Hall. Hua Hin is touristy, Thais and Foreigners, and prices reflect this (but still reasonable, unlike Phuket). For amazingly cheap seafood go to Prachuap Khiri Khan where prices are less than half of what you would pay in Hua Hin (local oysters, 10 for 100 Baht!). That there is less traffic is a rumor that I can't confirm. The traffic intersection Petkasem / Soi 61 / Soi 76 (leading to railway station) is a place to avoid: the electricity/communication lines are full of birds, there is birdshit everywhere and the birds are constantly making noises (they are NOT singing!). I have written on Hua Hin a few times: http://christianpfc.blogspot.com/search/label/Hua%20Hin but there is much more to do (and I have done much more).
  9. That was a joke, but based on real events. In the wake of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Year%27s_Eve_sexual_assaults_in_Germany German politicians recommended girls and women should keep an arm's length distance to strangers to avoid being sexually molested or robbed (not a joke!). (Compare India, where the government responded to multiple cases of rape where the victim died with a curfew for girls and women at night - citation neeeded.) After that "eine Armlänge Abstand" (an arm's length distance) has become a symbol how politicians in Germany have lost contact to the people (similar to misattributed to Marie Antoinette “Let them eat cake.”). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let_them_eat_cake
  10. Well, a forum is for exchange of information and opinions, and if we were all of the same opinion, it would be boring. Someone who doesn't want opposing opinions should go into an echoic chamber. I certainly appreciate all feedback, as long as it's civil. The more diverse, the better.
  11. How do you define friend? I too use the word "friend" very loosely. A real friend would be someone who helps me moving (I have one who did, and I returned the favor when he had stuff to move), or for a real friend I would go anywhere anytime that is technically possible. I had a boy calling my from a police station in Bangna, saying he needs 500 Baht to pay a fine. Place and time would have allowed me to go there, but what for? From our previous interaction, I know he wouldn't do the same for me. Judging from his facebook, he got out in the end. I think in Thai is a word "friend when there is food on the table", have to ask Thai friends for details. There was a joke somewhere how US-Americans use the word friend, something like: friend - someone I have just met good friend - someone I have known for a da very good friend - someone I have known for a week.
  12. http://airportpattayabus.com/v1/pattaya-to-airport/ Pattaya to airport every hour 7-21, airport to Pattaya every hour 7-22. There is a general lack of public transport at night. I arrived 2 am yesterday in Suvarnabhumi and had to take a taxi (it has been years that I took a taxi from airport). On the other hand, there were only few people, so running public transport at that time might not be viable. But with about 12,000 7-Eleven shops open throughout, it should be possible to run the BTS/MRT/ART at night, maybe at lower frequency, like every 30 minutes?
  13. A new low: Son stabs his father to death with kitchen knife for forgetting to add fish sauce to his pork soup in Thailand http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4479638/Son-stabs-father-forgetting-add-fish-sauce.html But as a tourist or expat, I think Thailand is very safe. (I could add: if someone tries to stab you, just stay an arm's length away from him and you will be safe.)
  14. ChristianPFC


    They are on sale in some saunas (discreet) and online, however I don't remember places/profiles and prices. But 200 Baht seems a low price for me, I vaguely remember prices starting at 800 Baht. Anyway, price should come with amount. I think 10 ml is common, but there are 30 ml around as well?
  15. So where do the vans from Ekkamai officially stop in Pattaya? I never tried van from Ekkamai (big bus is more comfortable). And on how many trips is you observation based?
  16. These three articles have nothing to do with each other and should have been posted separately. I have no idea why they want to demolish the railway stations. I drove past these many times. All railway stations I have seen in Thailand are adequate. I would say someone with connections to railway owns a construction company and is looking for work. The Mekhong flows through Thailand, Lao and Cambodia. The political effort and bribes required to make all agree is beyond imagination. (Consider that even three civilized countries like Germany, Austria and Switzerland can't agree on one version of German!)
  17. That depends on your budget. I find entire Soi Twilight prohibitively expensive and take most of my business to Pattaya, with the occasinonal visit to Super A or Nature Boy (where low number of boys is the killer, I poke my head in, see none is my type, and am out). I would like to see that.
  18. Yes. Now I vaguely remember, I linked to the article or the post on the forum referring to that article in my blog.
  19. Vans between Pattaya and Bangkok have these fuel stops, and I have reports about big buses now stopping for fuel. At least with private taxi you could specify during booking that you don't want a fuel stop. With van and bus there is nothing I can do about it. Unfortunately, there is only one train Bangkok-Pattaya in each direction per day (weekdays), otherwise I would go by train.
  20. Ladies around the park (long after the park closes).
  21. The article was from an external source. I vaguely remember the thread was on sawatdeenetwork, and I commented that the numbers in the article are far away from my estimates.
  22. There was an article about boys in Saranrom a few years ago, that was discussed in the forums, that would fit in here.
  23. From my observations, this kind of customer can fall into several categories. 1) Newbie doesn't know what is custom. When I first came to Thailand, I made several mistakes that could have been easily avoided by chatting with someone experienced or careful reading of the forums. 2) Cheapskate knows what is custom, but tries to get away with not paying. 3) Obstinate/deluded. I know two Farang who have been in Thailand many times, reject the idea of paying for sex, but hang out in prostitution areas or chat with money boys online.
  24. But what we do, talking about sexual acts performed with boys and sharing bars, names and numbers, is even less discreet. Not that I would complain about that. I'm curious to hear what they told samebb.
  25. Any personal experiences about the scams in upstairs bars? I would be curious to see what is advertised, but don't want to fall for a scam.
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