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Everything posted by ChristianPFC

  1. ...has now been laid and... (I make no excuses for pointing out typos or grammar mistakes.) If you want to know more, read here: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/grammar/british-grammar/lay-or-lie You all have sharp eyes. All I can see in the picture, is "male, shirtless, age between 20 and 50".
  2. That alone is a reason to boycott a certain bar. When I go to a bar, I want to be able to take whomever I want, that's why it's called a brothel. If I want to look a boys I can't have, I do so for free, in the comfort of my home, at a time of my choice, on the internet. If I'm looking to have sex with someone who likes me in return, I do so on the apps. I can't judge about the looks and performance of the boys in Dreamboys since my last visit was in 2013 (?), but my theory is that I can get good looking and good performing boys at 1/3 of the price in Pattaya, and there I don't have to wonder if the boy will have attitude. Nonetheless the owner/manager can be congratulated for running a successful bar, and can try to squeeze out every last satang from his customers, but I won't be one of them.
  3. This thread is not to be confused with The Prince Massage in Suan Phlu. Prince Rama is in Bangrak, not China Town. In August 2017, it was a construction side: http://christianpfc.blogspot.tw/2017/11/abandoned-cinemas-3.html On the subject of gay/porn/sex cinemas, the Laem Thong in Rama 4 near Klong Toey market has been demolished last month. State cinema in Samrong is closed (and nearby Safe House sauna as well). Now there are only 3 left: Chinatown Rama, Hawaii (near Wongwian Yai) and Phahon Theater in Saphan Khwai. I was not aware that Time Out Bangkok is a free magazine, where can I get it? Former gay venues remaining vacant. Indeed, Seed in Ramkhamhaeng Soi 53 has been empty since they closed in 2015 (?), Vincent's in Soi Ngam Duplee since they closed in 2015 (?).
  4. This would be a horrible start of a trip for me, and only if such a flight is significantly cheaper than a flight at a godly hour I would take it. Only once did I have to go through such an ordeal: When I had an early morning flight from Paris to Bangkok, I realized that I would not be able to reach the airport at such an early hour by public transport (and wouldn't want to spend money on a taxi in Paris). So I checked if the airport is open over night, and took the last bus and tried to sleep on the airport. (Question to native speaker: do you say "godly hour" as opposite of "ungodly hour"?)
  5. Why do you request the newest 1000 THB banknotes?
  6. From a large sampling of Khmer and Myanmar boys, both free and paid, they are better than the Thai (in all aspects: English, sex, attitude, character). A huge sampling of Thai boys, free and paid, serves as average. A small sampling of Vietnamese boys was sub-par, so I don't take Vietnamese boys any more (has been discussed in detail elsewhere). However this is biased: those boys from neighboring countries who come to Thailand are the mentally and physically above the average of their country, whereas in Thailand I speak Thai and get into contact with every village idiot, who wouldn't find the way from one end of the village to the other.
  7. "left us physically" nice way to to put it. "May his sole rest in piece" as he would have spelled it.
  8. When I first came to Thailand in 2009, I was looking for long time, but that has changed over the years. Having lived alone for 10 years, I will not compromise on anything (sleep-wake pattern, temperature, light in room). Nowadays I don't discuss ST or LT (I don't talk about tip and expectations either), just see how it goes, and only if the boy asks to stay over night, and I'm in the mood, I let him stay. Last case I had everything was fine with the boy, but I had an appointment with Farang friend for disco later, so I had to send the boy away (in disco I would look for free encounters, so inviting a boy whom I offed in a bar to join disco would be counter-productive).
  9. Interesting how people react differently to requests for tips. As long as they don't block the view to stage, it doesn't affect me at all. I rather see it as a contest who is more persistent, and I always win! One time when there is nothing interesting on stage, I might even elaborate to staff how many meals I could have, how far I could travel by bus or train, how many nights I could stay in a basic hotel, for the price of the drink in the bar.
  10. Blast from the past. HeyGay, better known as LMTU, is not here any more (I don't mean he is banned, I mean he is dead). But he was fun, on the forums and in live, while he was alive.
  11. http://www.musicmassage.net/index.php?topic=4548.0 This is promising. Not so much my type, but maybe he makes up for this with skills?
  12. Indeed, a regular works in 4T bar and he told me he starts work 4 pm, so when I invited him to my room for 6 pm I gave him an additional 300 Baht for off fee. I'm posting this to ask for confirmation as the only source for this information I have is the boy.
  13. How did you get that idea? I like both hornet and your report. In Bangkok, I don't go to bars any more (prices and attitudes put me off) and use online exclusively, whereas when I go to Pattaya, it's mainly for the gogo bars and when someone nice comes along online, I will consider him as well. ???
  14. I haven't been there.
  15. Their website is up to date (recent posting is about promotion for Feb 2018). The map is not good, but I managed to find it on google street view (at the northern side of old southern bus station): https://www.google.co.th/maps/@13.7853535,100.4690348,3a,75y,1.58h,89.47t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1ss5cAu-CqukpVhpL6HXDsAA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Update: it's even on google maps as @Pinklao Spa (For Men By Men)
  16. Since we pm'ed on sgt a few years ago, I passed through and stayed in Chumphon province several times and thought of you. Please tell us the story how you ended up there and came to build a house.
  17. I went to Babylon Songkran in 2013 (?). Big mistake. There was a queue, nay a waiting area where I and about 100 others had to wait about 1 hour to get into the sauna, while being occasionally hosed with water by staff. In the sauna cramped, but nobody particularly my type, and anyway the mood was more for party than for sex. And I don't like the feeling of being wet for too long, and it gets cold quickly. Like all my other songkran experiences, it was awful.
  18. Where were you when you had that chat? I agree with Boy69 in that I think the situation is asymmetric. Lay has long forgotten you, after chatting with dozens of others.
  19. Wasn't part of the embassy land already sold years ago to what is now Central Embassy (hence the name?)?
  20. Pinnacle hotel has rooftop pool and outdoor area. You might even be able to sneak in for free.
  21. I would like to know more about Mount Victoria trekking: times from/to nearest city, duration, accommodation, guides, price separate for these items.
  22. Mirrors my experiences. After all the work I put into online dating, and then meeting (I still do those cat-and-mouse game where I meet the boy at a place and time of his convenience, which often entails erring around for an hour and multiple phone calls) those I want to meet again are not interested, and those I could meet again (for money) were not what I was looking for.
  23. It's a number. I still clearly remember the Vietnamese boy from Fresh Boys or Beach Boys in 2012 (?) whom I gave 1500, who insisted on 2000 and whom I had to kick out with 1600.
  24. Power Boys and Nice Boys are on top of my list, pretty much exchangable, which is better depends on who is in. These two bars I don't miss when I'm in Pattaya. It's exactly those rough-trade straight boys who attract me, preferably without tattoos. Winner comes 3rd, and Eros is a distant 4th, now down to one visit per year. I like their business model, but they rarely have boys who are my type, and those short they wear are hideous. Good Boys remain on my list of interest, now that there was a report that boys are still happy with 300 THB, add two drinks at 150 that makes a total of 500, and often spotting interesting looking boys when passing, I will go again some day (but I have been saying that for years, in the end I rather pay a bit more and take boy to my room).
  25. But what are their tip expectations? Even assuming the chance to land a dud is the same as with other nationalities, if it starts with higher tip expectations, I will go for other nationalities.
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