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Everything posted by ChristianPFC

  1. Rather expensive. The only time I used a short time room in Pattaya (2013, 400 THB, even that is expensive by my standards) is here: https://christianpfc.blogspot.com/2013/11/pattaya-weekend-8-10112013-part-2.html
  2. For hand luggage, there are meters where your hand luggage has to fit in. And sometimes they have scales/balances as well for weighing. Something similar is need for passengers. A narrow door where the passenger has to fit through. (Akin to, but not as narrow as, the "slim-up room" in 39 underground sauna, where even I have trouble to squeeze through the bars.) Or like bridges or underpasses have a bar at a certain height, so cars higher than that will hit the bar first which causes only little damage compared to hitting the bridge/underpass. (I admit I had a few giggles while writing this post. But what else can be done?)
  3. I once saw a passenger whose body fat was hanging over into the aisle of the airplane. It's the airline's duty to make sure every passenger has his space, i.e. the fat does not hang over the armrest. They should have denied the fatty boarding. Even without the injury part, I find it unacceptable that someone from neighboring seat can invade my space.
  4. That's a completely different story. These encounters are for free, and scientifically speaking, there are three degrees of freedom: space, time, chemistry (in a figurative sense) between me and the boy. I have to find one with mutual attraction, find a time when he and I are free, and a place to meet. All this is no issue when offing a boy in a bar.
  5. Why is this all so complicated? When I go to gogo bars in Sunee plaza, I neither tip mamasan, I don't know their names, I wouldn't even recognize them in the street. Just like cashier in the supermarket. I take my time to watch the boys (with the occasional "Which boy you like?" - "I'm just looking tonight."), and if I see one I like, I beckon him to sit with me, and if audition is positive, I take him to my room. Do we have sex or not? Does the Pope read the Bible?
  6. Lek hotel (?) in Sunee Plaze, near Good Boys and on the same side, has shot (sic!) time rooms. Prices posted outside, 350 for short time (or is the fan room overnight?).
  7. I do not know any of these places. But then, massage shops is not my area of interest. Do yourself a favor and get a facebook account so you can see all that information. gboysiam changed address several times, the current is https://pic.gboysiam69.com/friend/ and I don't get a warning when I access it.
  8. I have an overview of Gay Thailand forums, blogs, guides, encounters and magazines that I posted in 2015 but keep updated. https://christianpfc.blogspot.com/2015/02/gay-forums-blogs-guides-and-encounters.html
  9. Everywhere else I want to know the price in advance, at best clearly displayed. I'm hesitant to ask for the price of a good, I rather go somewhere else where the price is displayed. But when hiring moneyboys, I never bring up the price. Either they start talking numbers or I give them the going rate afterwards. As for tipping boys I do not off in bars, I'm very inconsistent and illogical. It's always 100 THB. That can be either for having a boy sit with me, and that case he gets a drink as well, and fondling and kissing for about 10 minutes; or handing the money to a boy on stage and only running my hands over his abdomen, butt, bulge.
  10. I disagree. There are various places of interest, mostly temples for me, all around Bangkok that you could spot from a high point. I would go at least an hour before sunset to have natural light. After darkness I can't see the point of being in a high point.
  11. In a generous moment, I would put that number at 80%. I have had plenty of stupid, lazy, greedy boys in the bars and freelancers. An interesting case last week. I we agreed to meet at a shopping mall Pata Pinklao near his place. An hour later he messaged me that he does not like to have sex on first date, and I agreed. And hour later he asked to borrow 3000 THB, I declined. An hour later he asked to borrow 1000, I declined. An hour later I offered him 500 for sex, message was read by no reply. All conversation was in Thai, and most Thai boys who do not speak English are happy with 500. You could argue that your number is about boys you met, whereas my above story is about a boy I have not met. But I can drag out plenty of examples of boys I have met who are stupid, lazy, greedy. But I'm getting better at detecting them early on and move to worthier cases.
  12. Nowadays I'm looking for short time. But if a boy performs good in bed, and just stays over night, and we have another horizontal dance in the morning, I would tip 1500, regardless of twink or muscle.
  13. Most of my offs are twinks. If I were to off a muscle boy, I would tip the same 1000, and voted accordingly.
  14. A few times over 5 years. On Phratamnak hill Pattaya at night (looking for street trade), suddenly being surrounded by dogs. In Bangkok Saranrom at night, being followed and attacked by a drunk who wanted money. Several bee stings when out in the countryside. They come unexpected, and you don't know if there will be more, and which area is safe.
  15. My votes is data from a few years ago. My last short time was in 2015 (?) and I paid 1500, my last long time in 2013 and I paid 2000. The rare occasions I go to bars in Surawong, with friends who come to Thailand for holiday, I see boys I would instantly off if it was in Pattaya, but as I'm neither willing to by the boy a drink for 400, nor pay an off fee of 500 (?), nor negotiate tip expectations from 2000 down to 1500, I consider these visits window shopping. But that doesn't meant I will never take a boy from Surawong bars again. Some day I might feel generous and try. Next time I go I should ask mamasan about tip expectation, and see their reaction when I counter with 1500 or even 1000 I would be willing to pay. (The above refers to bars around Surawong road, after several businesses moved away from Soi Twilight. Bars in Silom Soi 6 not included, prices there are considerably lower and I offed a boy in Super A last year for 1000 short time.)
  16. No. Traveling and studying Chinese. Still plenty of encounter with boys, just no time to write about it. To the op: In all my visits to Gogo bars I write down time and number of boys and customers when I enter and exit bars, and it's all posted in my blog.
  17. I watched two and downloaded all of them for future watching. Mildly entertaining, but the best thing is Thai language with English subtitles, so I can try to match what I hear in Thai to what I read in English to improve my Thai. Thanks for bringing this up and for posting link.
  18. What did you do in 10 minutes? I very rarely give or send money online (nowadays most requests are to send money online, some even send their bank account int he first message). I did for three boys in all those years, off all those boys I have met. But these three I have met several times, and more than just one-night stand, and none of those encounters were paid, before the money requests came. And once the problem was solved, no mention of money on future encounters. But some have money problems and after months of no contact, suddenly "Christian, I miss you, I love you, can I borrow 2000 Baht?" I told them when they don't remember me in good times, only when they need money, they can try with someone else.
  19. Let me be blunt, if you buy T-shirts in Patpong market and complain about the price, you didn't do your homework. Patpong market must be the most expensive place to buy stuff in a street market. In 2010, I made the mistake of buying a wristwatch there. Starting price was 500 THB, with help of a Thai friend I negotiated it down to 250, and now I see the similar watches in local market for 100. Underwear, however, is cheaper in Silom than in local market.
  20. I have been drinking tap water everywhere in South-East Asia for years (Bangkok and various other places in Thailand; Vientiane, Luang Phrabang, Saigon, Hanoi, Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Yangon, Mandalay, even river water in the mountains in Myanmar and Thailand) and did not get sick. That leads to a note from my recent (Aug-Sep2018) trip to Myanmar. The small ceramic tea cups are kept open side down in a stainless steel pot on the table. That pot contained some water, maybe 5 mm high. Upon closer inspection, I saw some sediment in that water and two small (about 2 mm long) water beetles swimming around. That can only lead to one conclusion: if the water is safe for the beetles to swim in, it is safe for me to drink (or in this case, get traces of the water from the rim of the cup on my lips). The vegetables and plates in street restaurants are washed with tap water. I have never seen tea to wash dishes, only tap water with soap, and then tap water without soap.
  21. I had boys calling me boyfriend before we even met! Getting such emotional boys is a big problem for me, as it wastes a lot of time chatting (they seem to be more interested in chatting than in sex). But the record is held by a Thai women, who got me calling a wrong number, and after some chat wanted to marry me, and failing that at least borrow 10,000 THB.
  22. No sex, but wanting to "borrow" money? I had one trying that just a few days ago, but I didn't even meet him based on that.
  23. Most people learn by communication approach and prefer to learn speaking and listening rather then reading and writing when it comes to non-Latin alphabets. I however prefer to learn from books, mostly on my own, with help from teacher only for pronunciation and to explain sentences I don't understand. Classroom work is difficult for me, as there are so many people and too much talk! I would be content to start learning a language just reading and writing, studying grammar and vocabulary, with listening and speaking coming later. In that order: reading - writing - listening - speaking. It's coded in my body: I have two eyes to read, and one hand to write (but two hands to touch type, two ears to listen, and one mouth to speak. For speaking, there is this wonderful invention International Phonetic Alphabet, which I like very much but have to teach myself as it is not used in classrooms for all languages I learnt.
  24. The song mentioned in my previous commend is Vicetone & Tony Igy - Astronomia (giving a name in addition to link is useful; since this thread was started, several links have gone dead) Not in Thailand, but my friend in Mandalay had me record him on tik-tok to this song Pala Pele #มาแรงในแอพ TikTok ( ปาลา เปเล ) โครตมันส์ 2018 BY [ DJ Taiy Remix ]
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