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ChristianPFC last won the day on July 30 2023

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About ChristianPFC

  • Birthday 07/27/1980

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    Bangkok Sathorn

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  1. No 5 Massage is no more. I asked staff at the restaurant that took over the front (building itself closed) and the staff all went to one of the massages around the corner (Gecko and neighbors).
  2. Why do you think so? I was in Myanmar last month and had a good time visiting their massage places. Telegram and X works better than Grindr to find these places. Curfew 1-3 am is largely irrelevant as there is very little activity outside after nightfall (for electricity outage most areas dark and nothing to do). A friend refused to come to my place at 21 because he wouldn't be able to get a taxi back home 23 (but stayed over night another day). I was usually home by 20 and in bed by 22. https://t.me/napspa is a correct link to a telegram profile but: username not found.
  3. https://www.evisa.gov.kh/ says Visa T Fee: USD 30. Anyway, the evisa has been 30 USD for a while, with a processing fee of 6 USD for (well for what? for online payment? online processing?). The news is either outdated or wrong or fake. Visa T on arrival at airport 30 USD, on land borders technically as well, but might require additional payment.
  4. Shuttle bus to airport is 8 USD and takes over 1 hour alone. The bad news is, similar is to be expected for Phnom Penh once the new airport is open. (Not as bad as in Siem Reap 45 km; current airport 11 km to riverside, new airport 25 km.)
  5. This is the upper end of tip range, or even wishful thinking. I have been asked for such amounts (and more), but generally get boys for 20 USD (i.e. I never agreed on more than 20 USD in Cambodia, but tipped some exceptional ones more). Recent (two days ago) data point to support my numbers is Chanak Spa, 1 hour massage 10 USD and expected tip for happy ending 20 USD (I asked manager before massage, and anyway 20 is my experience of several years, and the masseur said "thank you so much"). General recommendation for Chanak Spa, I was happy with how they run their business (available boys are presented in person behind a glass wall and curtain - shirtless would be nice, but even fully dressed a big step up from choosing from pictures), the massage and the happy ending. Location on google maps is slightly wrong, it's close to the center of street 470 and not at the end, I submitted correction.
  6. That place is indeed not yet on google maps (but on streetview from Dec2022, next to EL TORO GRILL). Anyway, Pub street is not long and there are only few massages, can't miss No 5 Massage. Thanks for the contact information and in particular the pictures. I can see the attraction, but not exactly my type. But I spotted others there who are my type, might see if they are available for more than regular massage when I go end of the month.
  7. A&P sauna entrance is 6.50 USD for locals and expats and 10 USD for tourists (regardless of nationality). 4.50 USD for locals and expats after 8 pm. They justify in a comment on google maps by different incomes locals vs. tourists.
  8. U&Me Massage in street 502 is no more. So is Aroma in street 408. POC = Pride of Cambodia, gay bar with Paradise massage on upper level.
  9. That's the important part. I guess most members here prefer slim smooth 20's. If someone writes about free sex in India, have to add that that would be with people I wouldn't have sex with if they paid me.
  10. I remember that massage shop from my last trip in Siem Reap, even think spotted some talent there, but didn't make it into the shop. Now armed with your recommendation, will have a look next time. A picture or stats would be useful.
  11. In places that state a minimum tip, I tip that amount (because I think 1000 or 1200 is very fair for the masseur). Most happily take that, only two cases (of about 10) where boy was whining for more, or asked for more to cum. I consider this poor behavior.
  12. There must be places in South East Asia that care for dementia patients at a fraction of the cost in the West? Actually there is such a place near Chiang Mai, they made a movie "The village of the forgetful" or similar title, originally in German (Das Dorf der Vergesslichen 2018), was shown at Goethe Institute some years ago.
  13. I find that approach (boyfriend changing to caregiver in case of dementia) somewhat flawed. I get along better with Myanmar and Cambodia boys than with Thai boys. (Not enough data on Lao, but I estimate similar.) If it were for boys only, I would be in one of these countries. But Thailand has so many advantages in other areas (visa, infrastructure, sightseeing) that I stay here most of the time.
  14. Yes the oil is a nuisance during afters, the only benefit is that the customer starts massage nude. Thai massage has some stretches that I don't like (I'm not flexible in my bones and joints), but will try again to see how to go from massage to fun.
  15. I don't come here for charity, and if there is a misunderstanding I will extricate myself in a way that is as polite and costs me as little money as possible. About 2022 I went to a Saphan Khwai massage place and asked for a particular boy by his picture from Line. I went to take a shower and wait in the room, and another boy turned up, and he was not my type. I went back to reception and it turns out he has the same name, and the one I was asking for is not available. But that will not do for me, I got dressed, said a few words of comfort, and left, without paying anything.
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