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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. Hah! I had to reflect on that photo for a few minutes before knowing it was a man selling it.
  2. kokopelli


    Yes, a dance belt, designed to both support and disguise what's underneath.
  3. kokopelli


    I just noticed the topic of the post by Pumpkin was Avator, not Avatar; maybe someone noticed earlier but too lazy to read through all the replies generated by Pumpkin.
  4. This is the William Haley I was referring to; he is on the Flirt for Free banner on GayThailand. Of course I never check out these sites so I really don't know just how big his comet is.
  5. Rogie; it seems there is a Kokosaurus on Facebook but not me.
  6. I also am among the herd of dinosaurs who do not have a Facebook account.
  7. Bill Haley? Is he the same as William Haley, the blond boy with the yellow shirt and white cap that appears in the Flirt for Free ad at the top of this page? Got to say, he sure has a big xxxk.
  8. I already have a copy write for "Lady-Boy", a fragrance appealing to both men and women and anything in between.
  9. kokopelli


    First of all, I love Pumpkin's avatar. Good job. Secondly Koko was thinking a more sexy avatar but maybe after his election for President. What do you think?
  10. In USA blueberries are normally sold by the pint or by the pound. In season a pint would be about $2.50 USD = 75 TB' I recently bought 180z/510g for about 100 TB.
  11. kokopelli


    Z, I like what stands out in your avatar's bikini. Sure is not too much.
  12. Your comment about the teeth lined up in a row; like soldiers on parade. Also ironic in that most Thai boys do not have the finances for orthodontic work even if the cost is reasonable in Thailand. You post many funny things Christian; the miniature Eiffel tower key fobs; the back exit to the Hell Garden; your small penis; your stingy tips; picking up one bath coins; your underwear fetish, etc. I am not sure if you are serious or jesting.
  13. kokopelli


    Here is my suggestion for a suitable avatar for you. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lauder,_Lord_Fountainhall
  14. I noticed the '1927" Martini image has been used on T-shirts and Tin signs. Likely an old advertising poster for some bar or restaurant which opened in 1927? The Martini was popular before Prohibition when gin was readily available. Bathtub gin was just some cheap concoction made with alcohol and water and dubious other ingredients to mimic the real stuff.
  15. Very funny Christian.
  16. In the paraphrased words of the Bard on Avon, " get thee to a dentist". From my experience many of the Thais avoid the dentist to the detriment of their teeth. Also a toothpaste with fluoride would be an asset since the water is not fluoridated. Once I took my bf to the dentist he did become a believer and now asks me to take him (and pay for the treatment).
  17. It's easy for Kokopelli to make sweeping statements since he doesn't know what he is talking about. But China is a master at stealing industrial secrets and technology. And you are right about nuclear technology especially nuclear weapons. All nuclear weapons in existence are based on technology stolen either by spies or traitors from the nuclear weapon designs developed during WWII by the USA and allies. As for superpowers in the future, likely the country with abundant natural resources and the best education system along with a national commitment to research.
  18. After spending hours on the phone with customer service reps from India regarding computer and internet connection problems I have a very negative opinion of India and what they have to offer. As far as Brazil and India becoming superpowers, that will never happen. Even China has so many problems such as over population I don't see them as becoming a superpower although they have made great advances especially by copying and stealing technology from the USA.
  19. What a shame, I was looking forward to a photo of you and boy special in your birthday suits.
  20. If given a choice of all the places to visit in the world, India would not even be on boy special's list. On my list it would be low down but above N.Korea, Afghanistan, all the "stans", Iran, Iraq etc.
  21. This does remind me of a word exchange between someone, John, I once knew and another man: The other man, "QUEER!" John, "NIGGER!". John did have a big mouth! One day in Washington DC he was robbed at gunpoint and was killed. I always wondered if he shot his mouth off once to often.
  22. Firstly, I meant to post this topic in the Beer Bar but erred Fountainhall's description of a bumpy ride did bring back an unpleasant memory of my first commercial air flight in a twin engine turbo prop plan ( The second leg of the trip was in the 4 engine Constellation). The thing bounced around like a cork in the ocean; kind of reminded me of my un-fav movie, The Grey, where there was a harrowing scene of Alaskan oil workers flying in an old DC-3.
  23. I was watching a TV show on commercial flights in Alaska where they were using two and four engine piston engine prop planes. It reminded me of the one and only time I few on one of those planes. It was a Lockheed Constellation on a very short flight from San Francisco to Oakland, Calif, about 15 minutes. That was in 1967 just about the time the Constellations ended service. All I remember was the vibration! Can't imagine what a long flight would be like. Anyone have any experiences in any of these older aircraft?
  24. Yes, always awkward dropping coins into a boy's pouch for a tip.
  25. Is there a 50 satang coin? Or are you referring to 50 Baht note? I find the 50 Baht note perfect for tips to the dancing boys; not too big and not to small.
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