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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. Christian, I believe this may be a golden opportunity for you to take over Baht-Stop. You post frequently and are fond of the style of Baht-Stop so why not take it on?
  2. Another disadvantage of those baggy shorts for tennis players is that their balls can fall out and cause them to be penalized. This did not happen with the tighter shorts worn years ago. The sound clip of a BBC broadcast is funny. http://news.bbc.co.uk/today/hi/today/newsid_9733000/9733859.stm
  3. kokopelli

    Short Quiz

    The answer is Ashkenazi Jews. You can google for my info.
  4. kokopelli

    Short Quiz

    The answer is yes, but I now have to research the info. I had read of a certain ethnic group within a country who were predisposed to long life. Anyone else know the answer?
  5. kokopelli

    Short Quiz

    My quips, posted earlier, on the number of centenarians contributing to the longevity in Japan was in reference to the above.
  6. kokopelli

    Short Quiz

    I have no links to the sites I visited. I just googled life expectancy, etc for Asia and found a number of sites and all contained some conflicting numbers.
  7. kokopelli

    Short Quiz

    Other sources on the net show different ages for longevity for the countries in the list. One had Macau as #1 and Philippines as #12.
  8. Christian; I have a friend now in Thailand who fell in love with Asians at a young age and did everything to make his dream come true. At first he gravitated to the Taiwan, the Philippines and Hong Kong but now lives in Thailand and enjoys what you enjoy on a daily basis. All I can say is that he is an entrepreneur of sorts. If you don't try you will never succeed.
  9. kokopelli

    Short Quiz

    Here is my official guess list based on absolutely nothing. 1. Singapore 2. Japan 3. Macau 4.Hong Kong 5. Vietnam 6. Thailand 7. Indonesia 8. Philippines
  10. kokopelli

    Short Quiz

    Sorry TW, but Koko has not a clue as to answers to FH's quiz. I await the answers.
  11. kokopelli

    Short Quiz

    If you count all the baby girls they kill, then China must be lowest in life expectancy. And if you count all the centenarians that exist only on paper then Japan must have the longest life span. On a more serious note I think the Philippines must be the lowest in life expectancy and Singapore the highest.
  12. Mitt the Twit also told an African-American audience that they would be better off with him as President rather than President Obama. That must have gone over like a fart in church.
  13. I agree with z909, working for a European company with offices or affiliations in Thailand or neighboring countries would be ideal for someone with your language skills and educational background.
  14. As a foot note to my post above, what Kuhn Thaiworthy posted that 5 out of 8 votes is a clear majority is quite true. Laws have been passed and elections decided on a much smaller percentage of votes cast. For example the US Supreme Court recently upheld the Affordable Care Act by a vote of 5 to 4. And yes, I know that a poll and a vote are not the same. bkkguy- you mentioned 609 members on this forum. I did notice that there are 609 pages of members names. Actual membership is closer to 12,000. A quick count of members who made a least one post is about 638. From what I could see there are about 60 currently active posters but that is an estimate. Just looking at the names of bygone posters did bring back memories.
  15. No need for me to repeat (again) Statistics 101. My degree is in Physics with minor in Math but that was a long time ago. Before I made my post I had done the math and do agree that the results of the poll are not significant. Also agree that 15+ responses would be needed to get more meaningful results. My guess is that many or most posters have not read the bangkokbois blog and have had little knowledge of his writing style. I have read it just a few times and did enjoy his use of language especially in the Turtle Ass Awards.
  16. bkkguy; perhaps you would like to expand upon statistical analysis of the vote using info from your manual? For starters, what is the target population? For example, if one is polling a vote in a city, such as Gayville population 100,000, the target population is only the registered voters and not the entire population. The question here is what is the target population of GayThailand? All the registered members or perhaps just those who have posted at least one time? There is a great difference. Or maybe the sample population is only those who have viewed this particular topic not counting the repeat views. Or is it just the 8 who actually voted? Often enough some polls measuring the probability of a candidate being elected, say to President of US, are based on a sample size of 1000 out of a voter population of 100 million. Likely your manual has some tables or formulas which would help to verify the results of the poll.
  17. Since Kuhn KT brought up the connection between cars and guns, let me add this. First the number of auto deaths and gun deaths in the US are about the same, 30,000/year. Secondly the recent deaths of 12 people in Colorado has generated a great deal of mourning on a national level but the daily death of 100 persons in auto accidents, mostly preventable, goes unnoticed except by the friends and family of the deceased. Having said that, that is not a rationale for the mayhem that guns cause.
  18. Kokopelli also has been to Meteor Crater in Arizona/USA another must see attraction. The next time the earth is struck by a meteor it may be the last time for the human race so see it before it is too late.
  19. Why do you think those aliens are blue?
  20. I recently received a very official looking email from the Social Security Administration/USA advising me of loss of benefits, etc, if I did not complete the attached form with all relevant personal info. Of course it was a scam but something likely that might fool some older persons or rather older fools. But the amusing and reassuring part was it did have the endorsement of the President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt. For those not familiar with Mr. Roosevelt he was President at the time of inception of Social Security in 1935.
  21. This Avenue is a road which passes through redwood forests in California/USA. More inspiring is to walk the trails in John Muir Woods outside of San Francisco or the trails in Sequoia National Forest/Calif to appreciate these trees close up. Although my must see list (for people like us) would include the gay scene in Pattaya and Bangkok.
  22. For me it would behoove the bf to do all possible to keep me alive and happy. Dead I am worth little but alive there are those monthly pension checks. Which, by the way, is why there are so many centenarians in Japan; those old folks just never seem to die or even fade away.
  23. As much as I don't believe in any UFOs, Aliens or Alien abductions or any other psychic phenomena I am intrigued by the concept of a close encounter of the Fourth kind.
  24. For those who have a devoted boy friend he can be of help for a while but there are limits to even that.
  25. Amen.
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