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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. I don't do it on the bf since I can't understand any of the thai that is on his mobile phone even if I could figure out how to snoop on it. But he has checked my phone at times so I delete all sent and received SMSs and call calls sent and received. In a way I am pleased that he is still jealous of my nefarious activities as innocent as they may be.
  2. I have been told that Iranian men do sit to urinate rather than stand. My informant worked for Iranians so this info is reliable although he likely did not personally observe this. Perhaps this is more common with Muslims?
  3. Well then, I think "shove it under your foreskin" is most appropriate for this type of device. Is that a real German expression or a joke by you, Christian. Clever.
  4. What? I always thought that PFC after Christian meant "Prefers Foreskin Circumcision".
  5. Maybe it is a Muslim conspiracy? They believe in circumcision and this could be the first step to conversion? "Shove it up your ass" or "shove it where the sun doesn't shine" are common sayings. But for Kuhn Worthy, something more polite like "kiss my grits" would make him laugh.
  6. Actually many civilians did fly in C-130s; I know from personal experience but do not wish to reveal those details. The US military provides transportation to and from Christ Church NZ to McMurdo Station, Antarctica. The personnel at this research station are primarily civilian scientists and support staff. And can honestly say I never got sick during any of these flights. Perhaps "James BL Bond" was on a similar mission for the Australian Government who did posses C-130s at one time. Although a more likely scenario was that Mr.Bond was on board one of the C-130s used by Israel during its raid on Entebbe in 1976 which would explain his reluctance to delve into his experience. But then he wasn't even born before 1976, or was he?
  7. Well, we sure wouldn't want you to reveal the truth about your clandestine life.
  8. Not sure if any of you have the link to the new bitch board. It would seem your comments would be welcome there.
  9. Christian, do you prefer oysters or snails?
  10. Hmmm, "in a nutshell", you do have a way with words Rogie. This tantric massage is beginning to sound more interesting. As for the prostate massage I read that on one site but not on the link I posted. I do hope Kwok indulges himself and reports his findings.
  11. Rogie, after reading your post I was so excited I now want to try it out; can't wait to have my chakra energy released.
  12. Others may disagree with my description of traditional Thai massage and may enjoy the pain they endure and feel much better after their session.
  13. Send me a PM as I don't know what forum he is on. But he is a phony a 60yo+ farang. There are a few others who post in the same style and know it all attitude. Yes, disturbed people but not as disturbed as other nasty characters that thrive on some of the forums including this one.
  14. A traditional Thai massage is a form of torture whereby the masseur twists and manipulates the body. I would say, no, it does not include a massage of the Lignam. Others may disagree with my comments. However a Thai erotic massage does include massage of the Lignam and more, if and only if, the customer wishes that. It really depends on what type of massage house one visits.
  15. Glad that someone picked up on my tips remark.
  16. From the little I was able to glean from the web, this massage includes a digital massage of the prostate accompanied by manual stimulation of the Lingam along with oils, candles, etc. Here is one link with photos for the curious who may wonder just what is a Lingam.. http://enlightenedma...antric-massage/
  17. Kuhn Worthy wins the contest. He will receive a free device to use as he sees best. It is a non-surgical circumcision device; the link below gives the details on its usage. Yup, mention Christian's name and circumcisions come to mind. It is said to be painless and now in the testing phase in Africa. The ultimate purpose is for the prevention of HIV. Rogie was getting warm with his question regarding whether it was a sex aid. Some may say yes and others say no. And FH also was getting close to its use except the wrong gender. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/14/health/nonsurgical-circumcision-device-will-be-tested-to-help-curb-aids.html?_r=1&ref=todayspaper
  18. Female contraceptive device? I don't think so. I included Christian's name since he is on holiday and cannot voice his opinion although I believe he would know the answer. Was that a question? If so 18 left.
  19. 19 questions to go!! I thought by now someone would know the answer? I hate to give out tips but I think that Christian would know as he is an expert on the subject. Plumbing? Yes that may be a possibility. Same same as you, have no idea as to the string. Rogie, I am not so sure that anyone has personal experience with this gizmo but I cannot rule that out.
  20. Hmmm, this is same as the old TV show, 20 Questions. Some may consider it a sex aid and some may not consider it as a sex aid.
  21. Yes, another quiz for the quizzical. Can any of you guess the purpose of this gizmo? Sorry no tips to help you (yet).
  22. Michael; your US appliances are for 120 v. What do you do in Thailand @240v? Use a transformer?
  23. Forget Economy Comfort on Delta. No comfort. Maybe a few extra inches but awful. I suffered with it from BKK to Tokyo since I sleep mostly on this leg but would not want to sit there on the longer leg to USA. Delta allows 3 pieces of luggage @ 70lbs in Business Class which is a lot of luggage! Pack your clothes in what are known as Space Bags whereby you vacuum out the air and compress the package.
  24. In the winter Olympics I would sweep out "curling".
  25. Just a bit of gun humor. Guess you haven't driven in parts of the USA.
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