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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. FH, send me your address for the 10,000 M&Ms. You win. Bill Gates, Norbert Wiener and Alan Turning all computer types like Babbage. I see I did misspell Norbert's name in an earlier post which may have mislead you. If anyone had googled Alan, Norbert or Bill their names or photos would have popped up immediately.
  2. Congratulations ceejay! You won 10,000 chads. Happy Birthday Mr. Babbage. And Alan, Bill and Norbert? Whatever would their relationship be to the father of the computer? Another 10,000 chads awaits the answer.
  3. Happy Birthday!! You really do have good eyes! I am impressed Kuhn Worthy. Indeed the button reads, Happy Birthday Mr.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For that I can tell you that three other persons would recognize Mr. xxx and they are Alan, Bill and Nobert.
  4. No photography when Tom Jefferson was around and he was not a politician although he did run for office. That photo was taken about 1860 I would estimate. The gentleman portrayed is a very famous father (here we go again), but his progeny was nothing as mundane as a puppet. Every response will generate another clue and I have lots of them. But I can say their is whimsy in that button.
  5. Well, that answer generates another question! Who is that man on the badge? Koko knows but do you? Doesn't take a genius to know him, even a geek should know the answer.
  6. Looks like pulverized bone, cremains, rhinoceros horn.
  7. Maggots are not normally edible but are used topically. Need a few more klues.
  8. FH; I do think it is a good deal so maybe snap it up when you can and take a shot at it. Maybe Michael and Beachlover could join you in the dorm, it seems to have the type of accommodations they enjoy. And, for sport, gecko hunting at night.
  9. Looks like maggots to me and if not maggots than some sort of insect eggs.
  10. Fountainhall; if ever vacationing in south of Thailand you may want to stay on the Malaysian island of Langkawi. There is a guest house just for you. Lots of air conditioning and mosquitoes. http://backpackies.wordpress.com/2010/08/01/gecko-guesthouse-langkawi-with-backpackies/
  11. That sounds like that annoying Australian Gecko on American TV who pretends he is a real person hawking insurance and nonsense. Sometimes I feel like swatting it or stepping on him but then, he is not real.
  12. Yes, it was Papa Geppetto ( artisan/sort of a Dr.Frankenstein/surgeon/ miracle worker)and his "son" was Pinocchio, the boy made of wood who later became a real boy. Maybe that is why we refer to "it" as a "woody" ? And, FH, the pencil sharpener was not used to shorten his nose but to put the finishing touch on Geppetto's "body" of work! After a boy is born he is intact and the surgeon then "finishes" him . For sure Bob knew it all along but was hesitant to give the right answer. After all this thread has been about the male member! I was saving this one last clue but our members didn't need it.
  13. The written version of the story came first in the 19th century, the movie version much later.
  14. When you see the answer it will become clear why G used this device. Like I mentioned previously it was used to put the finishing touch on his most creative body of work. Hope no one is taking me to seriously? I am kind of joking around a bit and did take liberties with the original book/movie.
  15. Not a candlestick maker but one of those occupations is correct. Not Galileo but man's name does start with G.
  16. For Rogie for being a good sport, the man is Italian. And he has appeared in print, in plays and in movies. He has a son who is even more well known than the father. Now I will remain quiet for a while and give our friends in Thailand a chance to comment.
  17. No, Kuhn Worthy, his name does not begin with a J. Ok, another clue. Who is this man? An astronomer, artist, actor, artisan, biologist, butcher, baker, candlestick maker, chemist, engineer, Dr.Frankenstein, Dr. Livingston, obstetrician, poet, Mr. Chips, magician, mechanic, miracle worker, surgeon, writer, etc,. And not a teacher.
  18. I don't want to lie and mislead you but I can say that this device was used by a well known literary character to put the finishing touch on his most important and creative body of work. No, not Einstein, this person was not a theoretician but a more applied person in his métier.
  19. Rather than lying around all weekend, put your thinking caps on and see if you can answer the question. Can anyone tell who used this device "off label" and for what purpose? More visual clues forthcoming if necessary.
  20. An other cocktail to avoid is one laced with DEET. Here is an article about the death of two young Canadian women in Phuket about a year ago. DEET, an insect repellent, apparently is used in some type of cocktail to enhance its effects but, in this case, an overdose. I found this post by Dolly on BahtStop . http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/story/2012/08/31/montreal-sisters-die-thailand-insecticide.html
  21. A new quiz will be published tomorrow. Get ready to chip in your answers.
  22. Indeed there are other names. One name is a "vespasienne" named after the Roman Emperor Vespasian who put a tax on urine, for whatever reason! There is only one remaining in Paris. I came across this bit of trivia when I saw an article regarding a statue of Pope John Paul II in Rome where some wags referred to it as a "vespasienne".
  23. If it is in Paris, then it is a "pissotière.
  24. If someone's bf/partner/love bunny is offering the availability of their ass on an open forum such as GayRomeo then I see no reason to not read and react to what they willingly post. I do know people who have multiple IDs on GR and use that to their advantage in numerous ways. To me, that is similar to the difference between stealing and finding items of value.
  25. I agree, snooping for the sake of snooping is unethical. Even snooping because someone just suspects a partner may be cheating is questionable. Slightly off topic is snooping for reasons other than infidelity. I do know one chap whose bf was dealing drugs. The farang was too trustworthy and clueless even though others suspected the bf's activities. Snooping in a case like this is justified, although a better word might be "surveillance".
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