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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. "I want snow", that is what the bf said to me today. I had asked what he wanted me to bring to Thailand on my visit in January, 2013. He has never seen or felt real snow and is intrigued. Well, finding snow in January should be easy where I live but how to get it to Thailand? Any cool suggestions?
  2. kokopelli


    I cannot disagree more regarding Hiroshima and Nagasaki or, for that matter, Hamburg or Dresden. The populations of these cities were targeted for death by aerial bombing; they were deliberately killed whether instantly or as a result of their wounds and radiation. Slaughtered is a more descriptive word than killed.
  3. Actually I should have added I was speaking of Pattaya which is somewhat different than other locations in Thailand.
  4. There are only three reasons for my visiting Thailand: My boyfriend (The Little Prince); all the other boys; and my gay farang friends. You can keep the corruption, the lousy weather, the filth, the not-so low cost, the wretched traffic, the crumbling infrastructure, etc.
  5. Yes, the geographic South Pole in Antarctica.
  6. Since distance is no deterrent how about this place? Not exactly 4 Star Hotel but a unique experience.
  7. Since distance is no deterrent how about this place? Not exactly 4 Star Hotel but a unique experience.
  8. There is always the language barrier in Australia.
  9. There have been a number of true stories of health and fitness gurus who literally dropped dead simply because they neglected their health. Often an autopsy revealed they had serious cardio-vascular disease but were too smug to get a check up.
  10. Everyone should see a doctor once a year no matter unless you are a doctor and can self diagnose. For me I see a cardiologist twice a year and my GP two to three times a year so no need for an additional "annual" physical in my opinion. No matter how healthy you may think you are there is a need to have blood pressure, heart, eyes, blood, etc tested in order to detect the not so obvious.
  11. Guess my comment on toast and smoked bacon and smoked sausage after the fire was too subtle?
  12. Interesting responses. I think pong made some good points concerning need for new info, hilarious reviews and stories. I do think the GT forum is gaining momentum but needs some more variety.
  13. Can't even get life/death insurance after 75 much less health insurance.
  14. I understand that the smoked sausages and smoked bacon are especially excellent along with the toast.
  15. On another diet? Does the Mayo go between two leaves of lettuce? Sounds more like a salad than a sandwich.
  16. For me, after reading other articles on the Onion, I don't think any of their authors are trying to do anything other than make money on their blathering. I suppose similar satire/lampoon etc may appeal to some readers but not to me. That is not to say that I do enjoy and laugh at some well written articles that do employ both satire and lampoon. Often some of the op-ed columns in the New York Times are on target and also some TV shows such as The Colbert Report. Even the mocking on Bangkokbois Blog is quite funny, as long as I am not the target!
  17. Good responses from the more occasional posters; hope to hear from more of you.
  18. Actually there is a means, with certain meds, to erase some memories. I read of this recently and will have to research it further. However the suggested use was for victims of mental trauma so rather than Jerry S, it would be for those others who were subjects of various forms of abuse or trauma. For instance it could be used to erase memories incurred by soldiers in battle; accident victims; crime victims, etc. Where the truth lies in this particular matter is unknown; lots of money is riding on the outcome of civil litigation against Penn State and the other organization involved. Death is rarely an option except in the most extreme cases and even that is doubtful as many wrongly convicted people have been executed.
  19. I have had other farangs (European) in bars try to grope the boy I am sitting with; I move to another location to avoid these creeps. Sometimes a farang will hit on my bf when in the lift/elevator at the condo but that is not too bad since they were unaware we were an item. The bf is cute!!
  20. Kuhn Worthy, I believe this article was a lampoon by the Onion, a news satire organization. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Onion
  21. Damn! Another misleading post. I was looking for a dip in that VIP pool but alas not a pool but a pool hall. Or as my bf calls it Table Snooker. He is already hooked on that Japanese Sushi restaurant on the second level and now I will never get him out of that center with a pool hall. The Japanese buffet restaurant is rather good and is netting is a good crowd of sea food lovers.
  22. Moses, good list for leaving a bar. After reading yore post I did remember that smoking is one good reason for leaving a bar; even the best ventilation is hard to handle that problem.
  23. This post is primarily directed to those posters who only post on the forum occasionally. Most of the posts herein are generated by a handful of regular poster which made me wonder if others are "put off" or overwhelmed by these regulars? This a three part question: a. Does it seem that there is a clique of regular posters who intimidate posting by others? b. Do you feel welcome to post or do you feel ignored or put down by some of the regulars? c. What are your feelings about the frequent banter among the regular posters? Negative or positive or neutral? I visit the other gay forums and, at times, feel like an outsider and that my comments are next to worthless and even get challenged no matter what I may post. On one forum, in particular, a few posters seem to dominate every post and engage in endless, banal banter which I find annoying. Any thoughts?
  24. I believe the title of this post,"Tit bits of the latest info..." is misleading. I expected to read about fem-voiced lady boys and instead it is all about man-boys sans tits.
  25. Lance sure had balls to pull that off for so long; oops did I say that?
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