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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. Just about any photo copy or photo shop can copy a passport. I go with a color copy rather than b&w. Best to keep a copy of the visa entry page to prove you are legally in Thailand. I don't resize my passport copy to wallet size since I find it unreadable. Just make it the size of the original and keep it in plastic sleeve. Each to his own.
  2. If you do carry a copy of your passport do include a copy of the page with your entry visa.
  3. When I saw that photo I was shocked! There was my Thai bf with the red shirt and red purse; he's so cute.
  4. How about 17 Jean Valjeans each singing in 17 languages, that is if you consider Yanks, Brits, Irish, Canadians and Australians as speaking a separate language. I do like the French version and the Japanese version. Turn up the volume and enjoy for about 5 minutes. Well worth it.
  5. Yes, please do not further sully the reputation of the GT Forum with unwanted innuendo and character assassination of the deceased.
  6. No problem; I appreciate you help and assure you that every answer I email you is certifiably true.
  7. Only 7? I have 20 of the 20; you may as well concede now.
  8. To upload a pic here you first can download the pic to your computer. Then when you want to post the pic you will see "More Reply Options" at the right hand bottom of the page. You will see Attach Photo; click on Browse and choose/open the photos shown on your computer's downloads/documents. Then click on Attach File. Maybe there are other methods?
  9. I am glad to hear of the rave reviews. Although I never saw the stage production of Les Mis I have seen a number of various film versions of Les Miserables including both Engish and French and did read the book, in French, of course. Looking forward to seeing this latest film version.
  10. Good for you Kuhn Worthy! I was surprised to see that military honors were rendered shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor.
  11. A quiz for today. Can anyone name the time, location and circumstances of this infamous photo?
  12. Clarification Question D. You list The Girl With The Golden Tattoo as one answer. Is that a typo for Girl With The Dragon Tattoo?
  13. FH, I do have some questions. How does one enter their answers? Just post them or what? And the times and dates for final entry are in what time zone. Since many members live throughout the world that can make a difference. By the way, Koko has not a clue on any question or photo; hope that helps Kuhn Worthy.
  14. I was relating Fountainhall to Indiana Jones; wasn't Petra the location for some scenes from the Last Crusade?
  15. FH; do we get to see the lower half of that prize winning kiss photo?
  16. Agree with you Moses. I see so many ads for venues in Thailand and elsewhere and no location given. Sometimes there are ads for places in Bangkok but no mention of Bangkok. Keeps us guessing and googling.
  17. There are a number of other Dear Leaders in the world waiting to join Kim Jong in Hell; hopefully they don't have a long time to wait.
  18. I don't use any social media at all. Maybe I should? People I know often have no computers and others don't reply to emails other than a grunt.
  19. Congrats Thaiworthy. You win a Margarita. I wasn't aware of Benito Juarez in SD but now know where to look on my next visit. Yes, best to avoid TJ especially now with all the crime. Some of the photos of the Abe Lincoln in Tijuana had palm trees in them so that was a giveaway! I really didn't think anyone would have recognized President Benito Juarez of the United States of Mexico. He was known as the Abraham Lincoln of Mexico and he and Abe did exchange letters. Here is Abe and Ben in San Diego. So Bob gets a Margarita also.
  20. Wow Bob! Lincoln in Havana; for that you win a Cuban cigar! Yes with the blue sky in the background it is not Thailand. Of course I had to crop out some other tell tale features to make it more difficult.
  21. Ok Rogie; here is another clue! This statue in Chicago, Illinois/USA is of another President. If you can link the two you should have a good idea where you can Old Abe standing around.
  22. Oh dear Rogie! Old Abe traveled around the UK quite a bit. Here are some of his statues; London, Manchester and Edinburgh From left to right and then bottom photo.
  23. Ha hah, Michael! Actually you might have been one of the people who knew where it was or even seen Old Abe.
  24. Bob; you may be right and you may be wrong. Lincoln statues are like Waldo, all over the place hiding in plain view. Our Brit friends may know of some.
  25. Another puzzling quiz for you sleuths out there. This statue of Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States is prominently displayed where? No, it is not in Springfield, Illinois where he once lived but it could be anywhere in the world. It is in an outdoor environment for any and all to see. Clues will be given as needed.
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