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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. Congrats to Thaiworthy and Abang; nice job. And thank you to Fountainhall for running another very challenging contest.
  2. luvthai, I do believe your are correct but cannot verify.
  3. (Edit by Admin for Grammar and off topic remarks removed) Watt wuz rong wit the grammer an spilling?
  4. Duc also serves a good gin and tonic at a good price.
  5. Here is my entry. First of all I do want Abang to know that I did not use any of his answers or modify my results based on his submission. I had intended to post my results today and had advised FH that was my intent prior to Abang's post. . Last night I had 8 of the 10 answers and believe them to be correct. This morning I received more info and am sure I am correct on one other. The last remaining answer I am unsure but it is a 50/50 decision and I am going with Oxford rather than University of Paris in C. The crest above the door is either a crown with crossed oars/Oxford Boat Club or a crown with crossed scepters/France or a fleur d e lis/France. The horse and carriage look more British than French but have seen that exact same carriage in Berlin! The drivers sure are not attired in French chic but have seen similar drivers in Paris wearing baseball caps; so they do seem very British. A1 - 1 Aruba B1 - Orange C1 - Oxford England D1 - University of Aberdeen E1 - 2 Asia F1 - Indian-Pakistan Border G1 - The Beatles LOVE /Cirque du Soleil H1 - 4 Sydney I1 - 1 France J1 - 5 King Wenceslaus
  6. Here is an excellent site to answer all your questions. You can plug in any country and convert Thai Baht history from one day to 10 years. http://www.xe.com/currencycharts/?from=USD&to=THB&view=1W
  7. The Guard and the Bong were easy with a google search. For the K Question it so happens that Uzbeck airlines has the same livery and same plane!!
  8. Michael; if Bugs Bunny is the Hollywood actor than your answer is inspired. Healthy diet = carrots and I recall him singing opera.
  9. Rather than disappoint Kuhn Fountainhall who put so much effort into developing this contest I decided to make an entry. In the beginning I only knew the answer to one question so, for the rest, I followed the maxim of my naval ancestor, Captain Cookopelli, to proceed By Guess & By God, although my answers are more by guess than by divine inspiration. A-4 B-3 C-2 D-5 E-3 F- Caffe Florian G 42nd Street H-5 I- Greta Garbo J-5 K-5 L- Scientology M-4 N-4 O-1 P- Rolling Stones Q- Hyatt R-2 S- And the Band Played On T-4
  10. Rest assured Michael; I will not crib your answers or anyone else so post now! However last year I was the last to post and only because I became aware of the contest a few hours in advance. I don't want that dubious distinction this year.
  11. Do you have a car to wash?
  12. I recall no one by the name of Tim posting here. I doubt if he posted under a pseudo name. But the Dear Leader also was not a poster and his death received a lot of attention herein. And The Patriarch Maxim, a man of God, also a non-poster (Maxim not God), was given homage upon his passing. So not being a poster does not preclude their mention or recognition.
  13. Turning champagne into vinegar should be easy; many people couldn't tell the difference.
  14. Wise word indeed! Five minutes after my recent post above my trusted WiFi connection did go down. This never happens but it did.
  15. Well, in that case, maybe I should try to spare you that indulgence?
  16. Perhaps unlike other posters I believe that the death of a farang, a member of the gay community, does deserve mention whether or not he was a poster on this forum. If someone wishes to pay tribute or just announce a death, then why not? Death is a once in a lifetime event so a nice, or maybe even irreverent, commentary may shed light upon the deceased's character, life and legacy.
  17. Just saw Lincoln today; excellent drama. Daniel Day Lewis was very convincing as was Sally Field and Tommy Lee Jones. James Spader was also in the film but could not recognize him . And Thaiworthy's heart throb, Joseph Gordon Levitt stared as Robert Lincoln, Abe's eldest son.
  18. I suppose that Rhodo made more adversaries than friends with many of his posts which resulted in a lack of tributes to him on the forums.
  19. An epitaph for Rhodo: Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18 Requiescat in pace; Rhodo
  20. The resemblance between Michael and Aunt Pittypat is quite remarkable.
  21. Ice is a boys nick name in Thailand; I have heard it used on occasion.
  22. No FH, you are not the only one although I have seen it multiple times and it is a classic. But I have a American friend who has not yet seen it even though he is 50 yo. That spoof with Carol Burnett wearing the draperies as a dress was a classic; "It's just something I saw in the window and just had to have it". For those of you who have not see GWTW the heroine, Scarlett, had the draperies made into a dress to impress Rhett/Clark Gable.
  23. No passport; copy of passport; or wallet? Any ID at all? Nowadays the first thing police/EMTs, etc look at is your cell phone for emergency numbers in case of an accident, injury, death, etc. Thus always a good idea to have an ICE (in case of emergency) number listed in your cell phone.
  24. I really don't think I can remain around until 2035 to try this bottle of Dom Perignon, I find the questions much to hard to even bother trying to enter the contest much less have a chance of winning. After all I did win Champagne last year so better if someone else more deserving has a chance this year.
  25. From my reading of TingTong post it seems that Rhodo was none other than Douglas, the man who fell to his death from the condo in Bangkok. His last words on this forum/topic were Enjoy This Life.
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