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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. Do you have sources for these statements? The latest thinking is that the Universe is expanding at an accelerated rate and that, likely, it will not contract but expand forever likely due to dark energy and dark matter. The Sun indeed loses mass every day through radiation of energy and high energy particles and thus its gravity is decreasing. Result will be the Earth will move further from the Sun. In addition there are other forces in play involving conservation of rotational energy and angular momentum which further argue that the Earth is moving away from the Sun as is the Moon moving away from the Earth.
  2. kokopelli


    Sorry Khortose; death from the worm parasites is a most unpleasant way to go to sushi heaven.
  3. kokopelli


    Poisoning from raw fish is not uncommon; the worst being the worms/parasites that can contaminate the fish. http://www.examiner.com/article/parasites-raw-fish-should-you-eat-sushi-ceviche-or-raw-shell-fish
  4. kokopelli


    I have learned to love sushi and sashimi as does the bf but have not developed a taste for sake although have not drank the good stuff. However there is the risk of infection especially with certain types of worms present in the fish plus bacterial infections.
  5. Thanks Moses. I flushed the cache files and now no warning message.
  6. All of the above must be Russian but is there any other common denominator? I was trying to see if they were linked by profession or something else. I noticed a few gays.
  7. I still get alert of Attack Site.
  8. I noticed an earlier response a couple of years ago that praised Pan Pan. I have heard similar praise on other forums. My recent experience there was quite the opposite. It got a 0 rating in all categories based on my experience.
  9. The multiple replies are because there is something amiss with this forum.
  10. Have eaten there also and is was good; and decent wine at a decent price. Can't recall the name.
  11. Have eaten there also and is was good; and decent wine at a decent price. Can't recall the name.
  12. Have eaten there also and is was good; and decent wine at a decent price. Can't recall the name.
  13. Now the Virus Alert is back on again and at my home, not the coffee shop.
  14. At the coffee shop this morning I still got the virus alert but now, at home, all seems to be normal. I should also mention that at the coffee shop WiFi this site is listed as a porno site.
  15. When I did some checking I saw that the UK recommends that its diplomats and families not use the local airlines in Myanmar due to safety concerns.
  16. Oh, I see now. Go for a run; I thought you meant a visa run. I keep forgetting you are a youngster compared with many of us old timers. Sorry about my comments,BL. Welcome back.The only run I do anymore in Thailand is running after the Asians boyz and I always win the race; don't know why?
  17. Are you saying that when you leave Thailand and return (a visa run) you do not carry your passport? In that case how do you get an extension to your stay? Do they electronic stamp your phone? Also I wasn't aware you remained in Thailand for more than 30 days, Beachlover.
  18. kokopelli


    The yuk salad I am speaking of smells like SHIT at least to me.
  19. As Fountainhall would say "you wascally wabitt".
  20. kokopelli


    As for YUK, that awful smelling Thai salad that is prepared with a mortar and pestle must be the worst. No,never tried it and not likely to do so. But sushi/sashimi is quite a taste treat although the taste is quite mild unless one eats mackerel which is yuk. Even the bf has become an aficionado of this fare; goes well with champagne.
  21. Am using AVG Paid Version; same message as you Rogie.
  22. My anti-virus program keeps sending me messages that a Threat Was Blocked each time I click on a topic on this forum. Some sort of virus or spyware was detected. Anyone else receiving this message? I use AVG Anti-Virus.
  23. Perhaps for the go go boys a more appropriate slogan would be "Undress for Success?"
  24. You provide the champagne and I will drink from any of those glasses. But, as FH states, it is best served in a flute. Either one with a stem or the new stemless design.
  25. The name of the game is Dress for Success which includes grooming. So if one is a go-go boy then best to do what insures frequent offs and good tips. Facial hair to me would not be a plus and likely a turnoff but perhaps a turn-on for others.
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