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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. kokopelli


    The link below explains all. Actually this potion would normally not be ingested in the normal manner but either injected through a tube into the stomach or administered analy into the intestinal track. I did say it was yucky. One might suppose that direct ingestion of this remedy would be equally effective. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/17/health/disgusting-maybe-but-treatment-works-study-finds.html?ref=health
  2. kokopelli


    Although not quite a delicacy this "food" is yucky but healthful and does wonders for the intestinal track. Sort of described as resembling chocolate milk and is used to treat a form of bacterial infection known as Clostridium difficile bacteria which is highly resistant to antibiotics. Only one or two helping of this milk are necessary to provide lifesaving nourishment to the patient. Anyone want to guess as to the nature of this chocolate-like potion? Bottoms up! Seems there is something good to say about certain aberrant practices such as anilingus and coprophagia.
  3. So I have noticed.
  4. The word is that the man from the Netherlands did sell within past week to a Belgian(s). There may be more than one new owner now.
  5. Normally I leave these type of scoops to others, but my understanding is that the Corner Bar in Pattaya in under new ownership. After the departure of Michael aka Crabby this bar was taken over by a Belgium, Eddy/Eddie and then by a Dutchman and now, today, by another Belgium(s). CB has an excellent location so hopefully the new management will make it the attraction it deserves. Hooray for the Belgae. Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres, quarum unam incolunt Belgae,.... JC
  6. Normally I leave these type of scoops to others, but my understanding is that the Corner Bar in Pattaya is under new ownership. After the departure of Michael aka Crabby this bar was taken over by a Belgium, Eddy/Eddie and then by a Dutchman and now, today, by another Belgium. CB has an excellent location so hopefully the new management will make it the attraction it deserves.
  7. And there was the Comet and the Concorde. RIP
  8. Ok, jovianmoon, what the heck is Ansell? Regarding condoms they are made readily available by Take Care to all the bar boys and their customers, that is their mission.
  9. The danseur may have been obligated by management to be present on stage even though he had a rendezvous scheduled. Better that he declined an invitation to sit with a customer than disappoint him within a few minutes.
  10. That photo of the sky in Wyoming was similiar to the one in Wyoming I observed though in the winter months and even more spectacular.
  11. Same as you Jovianmoon, I also received an inexpensive telescope as a youth and was fascinated when observing the skys. Probably the most interesting object was the Great Galaxy in Andromeda which, by the way, can actually be seen by the naked eye even though 2.5 million light years away. Once astronomers realized, in early 1900 hundreds, that Andromeda was a separate entity from our own Milky Way, that the vastness of the Universe became evident. Oh, and yes, timberty, I did put that telescope to use observing more earthly wonders.
  12. You are right, if man was meant to fly he would have wings; if meant to go fast he would have wheels instead of feet. So much for technology bring back the good old days before planes, cars, cell phones, TV, GPS, medical imaging, computers are all the rest.
  13. Regrettably there are few places where this spectacle can be viewed. Once in the middle of Wyoming/USA, late at night, I stopped for a brief break and looked up at the sky. How surprised I was to see bright stars in front of dense white clouds. I then realized these clouds were indeed the stars of the Milky Way Galaxy in which we reside.
  14. A cracked window made me recall an incident on one jetliner where the cockpit window blew out due to faulty screws. The pilot flew out the window and his ankles hooked on the window edge as the other crew members held onto him until they could land the plane. Luckily they were close to an airport and not above the middle of the Atlantic. No, this was not a 787.
  15. Nothing wrong with a little gamboling to wile away the time if discretely done. "We all have these places where shy humiliations gambol on sunny afternoons." W.H.Auden
  16. Rogie; I never saw this show; it is a UK production and apparently a documentary style proper science series although in an odd fashion by the narrator, Ken Campbell. And as far as I know a real quote by Dr. Hawking and not a script write as was in the Big Bang Theory which has nothing to do with science.
  17. In an earlier post I included a quote by Stephan Hawking doing a guest appearance on the Big Bang Theory is response to the physics geek, Dr Sheldon Cooper; it was only meant to show Dr. Hawking's sense of humor. Here is a much more serious quote: "The human race is just a chemical scum on a moderate-sized planet, orbiting around a very average star in the outer suburb of one among a hundred billion galaxies. We are so insignificant that I can't believe the whole universe exists for our benefit. That would be like saying that you would disappear if I closed my eyes." -- Stephen Hawking in "Reality on the Rocks" TV serie
  18. That was a good one ! Little doubt that the sculptor knew what he was doing. Perhaps the original had Mercury in all his glory and the sculptor was asked to cover him up and did so in a very clever manner. Sure beats a fig leaf.
  19. Sorry, I can't leave that Cat out of the bag.
  20. Oh, a pratador! I thought you were referring to a picador, someone who goads the bull by stabbing with a lance.
  21. Likewise I never viewed anything you wrote in the style of LMTU. I think we should all be cautious reading too much into someone's writing style and try to accept it "as is". There are others on this forum who are not native English speakers which might be turned off if we judge them by spelling and grammatical errors. And, no doubt, we all post something that has an edge or barb to it that might annoy others even though posted in jest or unintentionally. I suppose we all were newbies at one time or the other and had to endure some unneeded attention from established posters. I know many years ago in my posting career I was an outsider until a respected poster vouched for me.
  22. April 1 = April Fools Day.
  23. Just an open bottle of champagne.
  24. Bring that bottle to me and I will show you another little trick that Howard Carter was privy to. untitled.bmp
  25. For those of you who want to know more about the Big Bang Theory you must watch a sitcom on American TV entitled the Big Bang Theory. This series involves four Physics Geeks and their misadventures. The biggest geek is Dr. Sheldon Cooper (Jim Parsons who is gay) and Stephen Hawking did make a guest appearance on this show.
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