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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. I did do some basic research on bicycle fatalities in Thailand. It appeared that 3% of all traffic fatalities were bicycle related as opposed to 2% in USA if one can believe these statistics. My own advice is go to a gym and exercise the whole body not just legs.
  2. For me, many of the food items I enjoy the most are more expensive in Thailand simply because they are imported and the price is doubled or tripled as in the case of wine. I can't think of many items that I buy in Thailand as being cheaper than in the US although meals at restaurants are less expensive for the most part.
  3. .... all foods at vegetable and fruit markets are often incredibly cheaper, etc. Well, not all fruits and veggies are cheaper. Bananas are cheaper in the US as are apples and pears and strawberries when in season. Meaning fruits and veggies that are produced in North America are cheaper than the same variety that may be available in Thailand. Of course items such as mangoes, papaya, etc which are grown in Thailand are cheaper. Just my non-scientific observation.
  4. Wow, bottled water is a luxury item? Just how much is a 1-liter bottle of water in Europe? In the USA all public water supplies are safe to drink but the quality varies a great deal. Most rural homes have wells to supply home water which also varies in taste and quality. Thus people often prefer bottled water.
  5. Hmmm! Popopelli does have a nice sound to it. Maybe I should throw my mitre into the ring.
  6. I believe the price of bottled beer and bottled water is a better indicator. Off hand I would say bottled water is "cheaper" in Thailand than the USA but beer is about the same price @ $1USD or about 30 TB a bottle.
  7. I tried to enter the promotion and was told to go fly a kite! So much for my standing with Delta. Oh, fly a kite, maybe that meant something else?
  8. Personally I neither like devils nor their advocates although I am enamored of fallen angels.
  9. Wow! Good detective work Khortose. I hope you won't be entering the champagne contest this year; there will be no hope for me or Thaiworthy.
  10. [quote name="BigTopMe" I am going to end it. I don't need to be bled out and fucked over, I'm done with him.[/font][/color] Wise move. Once you give they will ask for more; kind of like charities that keep sending those guilt trip letters asking for donations.
  11. How does the receiver in Thailand receive funds sent via PayPal?
  12. My experience is that bao-bao is very widely respected. One of the best of posters and blogger. I found his use of "flaming a-hole" most descriptive.
  13. I thought that Latin was the language of the Roman Catholic Church since Latin was the language of the Romans? Naturally the Greek Church uses Konic Greek. I believe the Russian Church uses Slavonic. And, of course, the Ethiopian Catholic Church uses Ge'ez. Putavi quod Latinus sermo Latinus Romano Catholica Romana lingua? Naturaliter Ecclesiae Graecae utitur Konic Graeco. Credo Russian Ecclesia utitur Slavicae. Et scilicet Aethiopis Ecclesia catholica utitur Ge'ez.
  14. I suppose that applies to Wats in Thailand?
  15. although I have an account with Kasikorn how do I transfer money to anyone else? I am assuming that internet banking is only available to those who have retirement status in Thailand and not a frequent flyer.
  16. Speaking of cats, one of the most famous cats was Schrodinger's Cat. No one is quite sure if he is dead or alive. For more info you can google him.
  17. Yes, MoneyGram is much better than Western Union. There are three options to send money. There are MoneyGram stations in many retail stores such as CVS Pharmacy in the USA. Just pick up the red phone, and follow the menu. Or go on-line, register and send money by having it deducted from your bank account or by using a credit card. Cost depends on the method used. If on-line and deducted from your bank account about $10/$200-$300 sent and takes about 3 business days. If put on a credit card it will be sent in an hour but much more expensive. Easiest is to do in person at the MoneyGram outlet paying with cash at the check out counter. About $12/$200-$300. Transmission is within the hour. Payout is most often at TMB, Thai Military Bank and sometimes at Siam Commercial Bank depending on location.
  18. Does anyone know what/who the days of the week are named after in Thai?
  19. I thought Wednesday was named after Woden as in Woden's Day and Thursday was named after Thor, as in Thor's Day?
  20. Sending cash is a risky way to send money. Check out MoneyGram; can do on-line or in person at reasonable cost. I re-read The Wallet and agree with just about everything is that essay based on personal experiences.
  21. Just take a look at NASA and the chances they took with astronauts lives such as the Challenger accident. The mission first, their lives second. Hope the airline industry is more safety conscious.
  22. kokopelli


    The toothpaste I used, Colgate, had Salt written on the tube and it tasted like salt.
  23. kokopelli


    I like the salted toothpaste! Refreshing. And oysters on the half shell are the only way to eat them although it is permissible to chew them. I also enjoy fried oysters.
  24. Well, tonight after a bottle of Dom Perginon, I did speak with someone who knew what he was talking about . A person who did spend time in Africa and did contribute to charities therein. He said, indeed, that charity to Africa did make a significant improvement in living conditons and that it should continue. Also he said that voluntary sterilization of men was an extremely important factor in improving the living conditions and lowering the birth rate.
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