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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. I should append my comments above to say I do know younger gay Thais who are quite charming and seem to enjoy the company of older gentlemen, wrinkles and all. However as one puts it, because of economic conditions, he finds it necessary to "sell his ass" rather than giving it away. Although he does give me a 50% discount!
  2. It is quite understandable if an older gentleman is charming, attractive, educated, cultured, affluent or, in other words, a bon vivant, that a younger man would be attracted to him. On the other hand if one is a troglodyte then compensation by cash can substitute for those virtues.
  3. khaolak = Khao Lak (Thai: เขาหลัก (Pronunciation)) is a region of seaside resorts located in the Takua Pa District of Phang Nga Province, Thailand. It is popular for its serene ambiance and as a departure point for liveaboard scuba diving trips to the Similan Islands.
  4. Just as a clarification to my above post, I am not looking for any of the types of interactions mentioned by FH. One Thai bf is enough for me, physically, emotionally and financially. Although I have checked out GayRomeo my experiences were a disaster.
  5. To quote scripture; "Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7.7 I suppose that we find what we are looking for. As for me, all my contacts have been pay for play and I personally do not know anyone who has has not paid in some way or the other for "love". And I use the word love to mean any form of sexual contact or even a casual date. Guess that says something about me and my circle of friends! I suppose I just have not been knocking on the right doors?
  6. My error with the Finn Point Cemetery was not to have used the photos I took rather than include that one with the Russian flag which I cribbed from the Internet. Quite right z909. The sad thing is that these soldiers were executed after VE Day and the war with Germany was over; President Truman would not grant them clemency. Their execution was apparently scheduled after the war was over for fear that the Germans may retaliate by executing American POWs who did the exact same thing, kill collaborators. These soldiers did exactly what most other soldiers would do in the same circumstances. I fear that Google image search will put a new dimension on the Annual Christmas Quiz!! Rats!
  7. z909, your reward is to ID location and circumstances of the resting place of these 14 German WWII soldiers. Not in Germany!
  8. Wow! How did you figure it out so quickly? Google?? Finns Point is a National Cemetery in New Jersey, USA. Originally was used as a burial ground for Confederate 2,436 POWs from a nearby island in the Delaware River. Since then there have been burials from subsequent wars, including Iraq, for American military although this is a small cemetery. The German soldiers were POWs at Fort Dix in New Jersey. Yes, the two Russians committed suicide rather than being repatriated to Russia. Other Russian/German POWs were tortured and killed after being returned to the Soviets. My brother, a veteran of the Korean War, rests there.
  9. Since all has been quiet in the Beer Bar I thought to post this quiz to challenge the curious. Really not sure if it is easy or difficult?? The photo below shows the last resting place of 13 German soldiers from WW II. Can you identify the country where they repose and the circumstances therein? To make it easier for you the answer is not Germany or Japan. Additional photos will be forthcoming.
  10. bao-bao; you must live in California! In some other states Wills are more common and easier to probate especially in simpler estates.
  11. I heard from my bf in Roi-Et that, due to shortage of water, the festivities are not fun as before.
  12. FH - I have heard similar stories from others, not necessarily in Thailand. Pick up someone for free/casual sex and then be presented with a bill for services rendered.
  13. Wise words Bob, but yet there are those who believe that writing a Will is asking for Death. I know someone who is close to 60 yo and refuses to consider a Will. Even though he is now an Executor of his uncle's Will which has been in probate for 3 years. He knows the importance of a Will but can't/won't prepare his own.
  14. If I were in public and some cute guy smiled at me I would have known for sure that he wanted money! But in a situation as FH I would have given him 1000TB + taxi in order to avoid any further physical confrontation and risk of injury or death.
  15. FH, suggest you hook up with Scotty for a visit to Myanmar; just wear one of his kilts and the two of you will feel at home. I believe the term is "free balling".
  16. A friend who is a frequent flyer from BKK to LAX recently switched from Asian airlines to Delta as he was able to get an excellent price in Business Class. His reaction was very positve regarding his flight,service, seating etc. I also have flown with Delta in the new seating arrangements and loved it; food is not the best but who eats food when there is wine? Just a joke!
  17. I am trying this method; a friend in Thailand said he would transfer Baht to my phone. It will be awhile before I know if it worked.
  18. Oh, now I get it!! It figures that Scotty would know the name of this actor.
  19. I would never have guessed that even though Koko visited the site of the Little Big Horn many years after the battle.
  20. Scotty you are surely a trove of trivia! I didn't think anyone would recognize King David. But my next quiz will not be so easy peasy.
  21. Good guess ceejay but this man was not a tyrant like Idi Amin. Here is another image of him.
  22. For those of you who missed your chance to show your knowledge of history, here is another similar photo of a man in uniform, with a sword and a similar pose. He also died in San Francisco. Any guesses?
  23. I had expected most American would know this man's identity, but guess not? He is Emperor Norton I who reigned for about 20 years until his death in 1880 in San Francisco, Calif, USA.
  24. Actually he was born in England which might explain his imperial ambitions.
  25. After reading ChrisUK's post just remember Buyer Beware. Recently a friend and I were at TukCom and he purchased some type of 12Call card that was supposed to have an expiration date of one year. But after the purchase and after activating the card he read the package and saw that the one year expiration date had an expiration date of about 9 months. So he got nine months not 12 months. Then every time he added minutes/Baht to his card the expiration date decreased for 30 days!. Just the reverse of what you would expect. Even calls to customer service could not resolve this issue.
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