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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. I never heard of the Big Wedding but looked it up and see that Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 1 Star rating out of Five. Here is a review from the NYTimes: To say that Justin Zackham’s farce “The Big Wedding” takes the low road doesn’t begin to do justice to the sheer awfulness of this star-stuffed, potty-mouthed fiasco directed by the screenwriter of “The Bucket List.” This is a movie in which the racket kicked up by various couples “boinking,” to use its favorite euphemism, is enough to wake up an entire city. — Stephen Holden http://movies.nytimes.com/2013/04/26/movies/the-big-wedding-a-farce-with-keaton-and-de-niro.html
  2. For those who prefer "uncut" fish try these:
  3. So far all speculation and hearsay but no first hand reports. Where's LMTU when you need him?
  4. t0oL1; I do agree about life exists throughout the Universe in many different forms and intelligences and that is easier for me to believe than the existence of a God. But just can't accept that the UFOs aka "lights in the sky" have anything to do with ETs visiting the Earth.
  5. Star Wars Convention? Let me guess, Chewbacca?
  6. Haven't you heard? The Barmy Army disbanded subsequent to the passing of LMTU. However if you provide a bottle of Dom Perignon I will be happy to drink to you either dead or alive.
  7. Next question is do other countries such as the USA and European countries require visitors to have health insurance?
  8. As with those who believe in Reincarnation, UFOs, Alien Abductions,Ghosts, BigFoot and a number of other paranormal happenings it seems, to me, that they are inclined to believe in the unbelievable. To me it is total nonsense but to others it is fact.
  9. Do hospitals in Thailand even accept anyone that can not pay for their services? No credit card or insurance then no service or am I wrong? Many expats cans simply return home such as TJ did for his medical needs. Also a good credit card should get anyone emergency medical attention.
  10. A restored fresco in the Vatican dating from about 1492-1494 shows what appears to be Kokopelli's ancestor in all his glory. Read all about it here: http://artsbeat.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/05/06/early-images-of-american-indians-found-in-a-vatican-fresco/?ref=todayspaper
  11. Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not: Jeremiah 5:21
  12. Although I posted "you're dead forever" that does not mean I deny the existence of a God nor make light of the role of organized religion. There are religions such as Judaism and Buddhism which don't decree a heaven or hell. And I can't deny that a faint hope burns in me that, when the Great Spirit takes me to the Happy Hunting Ground, there will be something more alluring than herds of buffalo and antelope.
  13. Michael, it seems to me that your viewpoint is somewhat contradictory. You have greater sympathy for someone who suffers and dies of cancer rather than one who commits suicide. Yet, for yourself, you advocate suicide rather than dying in a hospital or other place not of our choosing and you want to do it on your own terms. For me, the death of a loved one or friend or acquaintance deserves the same degree of grief and sympathy regardless of the manner of their death.
  14. Same as you Michael; you live just once and are dead forever. Although I would not choose to commit suicide just to avoid dying I would choose assistance to end it all if suffering pain or in a vegetative state. However, speaking of suicide, you previously wrote the following: "I also think unfair to compare someone who killed themselves to someone who died of cancer. I guess I have so much more sympathy for those that die of cancer based on many family members who I cared for in the end of their life with the same problem. So, yes, I am biased as well in that." So what do you do if someone is suffering from the pain of cancer and commits suicide? Show sympathy or disdain?
  15. Softees or hardees?
  16. Wow, I leaned two new words I never knew existed; encomium and hagiography! FH, did you misspell "enconium" in memory of LMTU's abuse of the English language?
  17. Perhaps "kudos" might be more appropriate since "eulogies" typically are given after death? Christian, I had hoped to have a drink with you sometime however now I suppose you will have to off me and the bf for one of your threesomes instead?
  18. Yes, in Pattaya I love the street food at the Wat Chai Market after hours not to mention the bitches.
  19. Traveler Jim; you and your friends are to be commended upon your thoughtfulness and compassion shown to Jon in his last days and passing. One is reminded of a quote by Walter Winchell ( an American columnist) "A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walk out."
  20. Street food, beaches and ruins; all the reasons I come to Thailand.
  21. Well maybe this could explain his groping? … skid mark underwear money safeSometimes solutions to problems are a lot easier than they would first appear. Take finding a hiding place for you valuables. Conventional wisdom would lead you to hide them away in some hard to find secret location with the hope a thief wouldn’t look there. A better solution would be to find a spot where the burglar wouldn’t go even if he could see it. That is the concept behind the underwear skid mark safe. The “Brief Safe” is an innovative diversion safe that can secure your cash, documents, and other small valuables from inquisitive eyes and thieving hands, both at home and when you’re traveling. Items can be hidden right under their noses with these specially-designed briefs which contain a fly-accessed 4″ x 10″ secret compartment with Velcro® closure and “special markings” on the lower rear portion. Leave the “Brief Safe” in plain view in your laundry basket or washing machine at home, or in your suitcase in a hotel room — even the most hardened burglar or most curious snoop will “skid” to a screeching halt as soon as they see them — wouldn’t you? Made in USA. One size. Color: White (and Brown). Pretty ingenious. I mean if you were a thief would you be looking through soiled underwear? Since to object is to keep the thief away from the money and most burglars wouldn’t even come close to these, I think it’s a fairly safe bet these could be an effective place to hide your money and valuables. They are currently on sale for $29.95 (regularly $39.95) at efind out the truth. Now, in the spirit of saving money, I could go on about how you could make your own more frugally, but I think I’ll stay away from that on this occassion
  22. Ah hah, so he was after your jewels, not your money.
  23. Did he get your wallet?
  24. Did your two friends have wine also?
  25. Oh no, say it ain't so Christian! I was looking for a date with you.
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