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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. Right on anonone! It seems there were vehicles within the cargo hold that were not secured propertly and shifted to the rear of he plane. As reported in the NY Times today. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/04/world/asia/shifting-cargo-may-have-doomed-plane-that-crashed-near-kabul.html?ref=todayspaper
  2. It is most effective in younger persons simply because they have had less exposure to the virus (thus possibly acquiring immunity) and that they have not been sexually active. I can assume that, if an older person has not acquired immunity, then the vaccine would be as effective as with a young person. Quite the same with m0st vaccines, do it when the person is young.
  3. LMTU contacted HPV, at an older age, even though he claimed to have had many sexual/oral contacts throughout his life. The same is true of Michael Douglas. In other words, these guys did not acquire immunity by having been exposed to the virus through their daily lives. Fact is, gay men are contracting HPV. It really is a judgement call; do you spend $450 USD to possibly prevent cancer or just assume the probability is too low to warrant the cost? I pay more than that for my daily cup of coffee over a period of a year. When I asked my doctor his response was, why not, as long as I was willing to pay the cost since not covered by my insurance.
  4. All the more reason for you cock suckers to get the HPV vaccine.
  5. I just checked the video again and figured out the one image with soldiers in brown w/capes has the flag of Poland. I hadn't there were that many views of this post.
  6. Lots of views but no responses? From what I saw the nations represented were: USA, UK, Canada, NZ, Australia, Germany and ???.
  7. For those who viewed the video of Memorial Day posted earlier, can anyone identify all the nations represented? I believe there were 7 but could only identify 6.
  8. Well, ok, what are the reviews now that is was aired? I did see it and was not impressed. Yes, it was a good show but that is about all, for me. No real indepth presentation or interpretation by either of the two characters which can be expected from a TV production. The part of the semi-blind plastic surgeon played by Rob Lowe was truly bizarre. And Liberace without his wig, what a sight to forget.
  9. Memorial Day, formerly known as Decoration Day, began during or after the American Civil War ending in 1865. Citizens, both North and South would decorate the graves of fallen soldiers with flowers, flags and wreaths. Officially Memorial Day is celebrated on the last Monday in May. The video herein honors the fallen of a number of nations, not just the USA.
  10. Praise the Lord; Hallelujah.
  11. Our dear British cousins may be surprised to know that a cock-up has a vulgar conotation to our sensitive Ameican ears. We would use a more polite term like screw-up or fuck-up.
  12. With the Worldwide Blue coverage (in my case) the preferred hospitals in Thailand can directly bill Worldwide for overnight and extended stays; for outpatient services it is necessary to pay the bill and submit a claim to Worldwide.
  13. Kokopelli is everywhere!
  14. The simplest explanation is the best explanation; the police were poor shoots and missed the torso?
  15. Taken from a helicopter or hot air balloon?
  16. Will the real Scott please stand up, please stand up?
  17. CuriousBoy, I will bottom for you for a million Baht.
  18. First apologies to Firecat for wandering off the topic of his cute boy in Hungary. Kokopelli, being a petroglypy for ages, does have a natural affinity for other men immortalized in stone or bronze! Some other of my favs.
  19. I am intrigued by the one photo in the series labeled Fountain at the Palace where the one statue of a man is blowing a horn and the seated, bearded man appears to be blowing him!
  20. Hot ... Hot.... Hot Massage.
  21. Same as some other posters, I see no dilemma or contradiction where a worker in a bar is not offable. I recall a well known beer bar in Sunee Plaza/Pattaya where one of the waiters was off limits by his own choice and he was attractive plus an excellent waiter. Knowing that, I never broached the subject to him or even hinted sexual interest other than buying him a drink and sitting and tipping him since I enjoyed his company when business was slow. Then one night he asked if I would like a massage........!
  22. Although I have little idea of the cityscape of Bangkok, I will say Bangkok judging by the unique bridges and the Wats. Otherwise no idea of the building. It must be Christian's condo?
  23. Yes, I have heard of it, but that is about all. I am covered by Blue Cross when traveling outside the USA and have seen GeoBlue listed when I access the Blue Cross Worldwide website. Just guessing they may use the same network of health care providers? For my coverage in Thailand the preferred hospital in Pattaya is Bangkok-Pattaya; In Bangkok the preferred hospitals are Bumrungrad, Bangkok, Bnh and Samitivej although other hospitals are listed.
  24. One could argue that ETs did visit the Earth and imbued early man with a set of moral values and the concept of god, gods and goddesses, etc. Perhaps these emissaries (or missionaries ?) inspired prophets and saviors?
  25. I hate comedy but like depressing films so maybe the Big Wedding will be a hit with me?
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