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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. Cunard Line has a port of call at Laem Chabang and maybe Phuket. It might be a long and expensive cruise!
  2. Jomtien, I agree, man-up Mary! I love the upper deck on a 747 and I love Delta's Biz Class arrangement. Can't say I ever saw anyone from down below come upstairs to take a whiz. Just think of all those people in Cattle Class sharing toilets.
  3. The book was Night Fall by Nelson DeMille. Here is a review from the Washington Post. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A18850-2004Nov28.html
  4. Actually I once read a thriller novel about Flight TWA 800 and the missle option; it was a good read but that is all.
  5. Peter = dick = cock = penis; slang. So no happy ending and peter out (dwindle away to nothing) is a play on words. At least in my mind.
  6. This post on tipping has genereated some strong opinions and stong words. Likely because the tipping culture in different countries is so ingrained and vastly different. From giving little or nothing and up to 20% plus. There are countries where tipping is not expected, nor encouraged and even considered insulting while in places as the USA tipping in restaurants is customary. In the USA to not tip or leave very little is considered either an insult or a rebuke for poor service. Even among companions at a restauant the ones who demand a separate bill and leaves a minor tip is frowned upon as a CC. Having said that the tipping in the USA at a rate of 20% for routine or medicore service is way out of line. As for Thailand, whether a tip is expected or not, I have never seen anyone insulted by the offering.
  7. As mentioned previously, I tip because I wish to, not because I have to. All my farang friends do tip however they are mostly Americans. I will say that my Thai bf does expect me to tip when in restaurants. Having said all that, I admit my initial comments on tipping were over-the-top and could be viewed as offensive to some persons. Mea culpa.
  8. Is there some sort of fine distinction between a tip and a fee for someone who is selling their ass for sex? Perhaps an honorarium would be appropriate for such a delicate transaction? As Shakesphere said, "a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
  9. If that was a pun, Christian, it was a good one.
  10. Easy way to avoid all those incidental charges is fly First Class and Business Class.
  11. In USA the airlines now give a lump sum cost for the ticket; this is a recent change due to Federal law.
  12. Christian is making the news once again.
  13. Oh, you must know my bf? He does sometimes ask "I borrow you money" to give a tip.
  14. A friend had his pet cat cremated and kept the urn until his passing when it was interred with him.
  15. The Cheap Charlie T shirt was meant as a joke; I never heard of the expression until coming to Thailand which I found amusing.
  16. Here is an article in the New York Times titled: Escaping to ‘Bangkok’s Green Lung’Falling coconuts, papaya groves, Buddhist temples, nine-foot-long pythons and miles of bike-friendly elevated sidewalks snaking through the jungle: Welcome to Bang Krachao, a smog-free, government-protected oasis of green that the mighty Chao Phraya River wraps around. Has anyone been there and done that? Sounds very interesting. Below is link to the article. http://travel.nytimes.com/2013/06/16/travel/escaping-to-bangkoks-green-lung.html?ref=todayspaper
  17. What can I say? You are an Australian with a different view point/culture on tipping. However my comments apply to Thailand, not to Australia. If I were in Oz I would follow your customs. As for me, I tip because I want to not because I have to and don't have a list of excuses for not doing so. As for the minimum wage, it is reassuring that all Tthais are now compensated fairly with a living wage.
  18. Actually I do give the trash hauler a Christmas tip.
  19. Christian, send me your size and I will get you a CC shirt.
  20. On my dining adventures with my Thai bf he is insistent that I leave a decent tip especially if the service has been good. And that the tip be put into the hand of the persons providing that service.
  21. For me anything sweet on a pizza is anathema since I am not a sugar person. Other things on Thai pizza not to my liking are squid and mussels. But then I detest anchovies, pepperoni and sausage topping so I am on the fringe in that regard. As Firecat said, pizza is personal.
  22. As you say, pizza is such a personal thing. I have noticed in Thailand that they put some disgusting items on their pizzas, one being pineapples. However if you are ever at the Colchester Zoo (England) stop on in.
  23. PS - The T-shirt cost $27 and made by American Apparel in the USA, where else?
  24. To not tip in Thailand is penurious. The extra money from tips can mean a big difference in the life of a Thai person earning 20/30 TB/hour. Just leaving chump change is unacceptable to me. I realize that tipping in some countries, such as Australia, is the norm but employess there are paid a decent wage. In the USA tipping is carried too far however. When I dine with friends they tip 20% based on the total bill even including sales taxes. Plus they don't consider the level or quality of the service received. Good service and a cute waiter of course deserves a better tip. For those who are not Thai tippers here is something especially for you; can anyone translate the Thai?
  25. Guess I am a not the only one who dislikes Starbucks coffee; far too strong for my tastes. Maybe I should open my own coffee shop in Thailand?
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