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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. Finally saw some bits and pieces of Argo on Thai TV including the last 20 minutes. Also saw a documentary on Argo. From the little I saw it seemed much of the material at the airport, was contrived for dramatic impact and not factual. And the Keystone cops routine was a joke.
  2. I didn't know they were gay musicals. I was aware of the plot of Les Miz, but Rent was beyond my understanding although I believe it was based on some famous opera.
  3. The only musical I saw on Broadway (other than Smokey Joes Cafe which was worse than worse) was Rent and that was, to me, boring. But then I am not a devotee of musicals. Which reminds me that I also recently viewed the musical movie, Les Miserables, and it sure was miserable. Guess I should try opera?
  4. Ahem Rogie, the common term for this accessory is a fag-bag!
  5. For me, I watched it on the radio and my imagination filled in all the blanks although. Also watched/listened to Roy Rogers and Gene Autry and a host of other cowboy movies/shows. I suppose by today's standards the sets were mediocre at best but what does a kid know? Well, the Shadow knows!
  6. Likely the Thais are not familiar with the Lone Ranger but Brits, Kiwis, Ozzies, Mexicans, South Americans, Canadians have fond memories from their youths.
  7. Where can you get a passport copy laminated? I do carry a copy but in some sort of plastic sleeve but not laminated.
  8. Q.1 - Yes Q.2 - My passport and wallet, etc are always in my shoulder bag (man-purse) and it is always within easy reach esp on takeoff and landing, usually on my shoulder. Q.3 - Always read safety instructions. The rest of my carry on luggage would be of little interest in an emergency situation.
  9. Rogie; you watched the Lone Ranger on TV? Us real fans sat in front of the big floor model radio and listened to each episode plus reading the comic books. Yes, the mask and the silver bullets are all included and explained in this latest film.
  10. This post was triggered (pun on Roy Roger's horse) by Founthainhall's post on Some Model Photos which questioned the movie, The Lone Ranger. Actually the Lone Ranger was very funny and filled with action. And yes, the William Tell Overture was played and an excellent rendition with great action scenes. But, if not a Lone Ranger fan, from those thrilling days of yesteryear, when from out of the past come the thundering hoofbeats of the great horse Silver , you might be lost by the story and the music. A really neat opening and closing scene. Best to view this movie with the right attitude and be prepared for some fun. In a way, like The Rocky Horror Picture Show, enjoy it for what it is. And the scenery of the American Southwest is truly spectacular. Far from a dud and really worth seeing. Two friends, a Kiwi and an Ozzie , both encouraged me to see it and no regrets at all. Looking forward to others' opinions. Hi ho Silver! (don't ever say that again Kemosabe).
  11. dupe
  12. Interesting, sex in a toilet ends up with a 99 Baht burger.
  13. Michael, I have only one question, was it a Squat toilet or Western style toilet in the stall?
  14. Pong, does your writing style come naturally or do you try to be so cryptic?
  15. Had dinner there with a group of 7 including 4 farang with 3 Thai guys. We left the ordering to our guys and they went overboard with their selections. After stuffing myself on the appetizers I thought the meal was over but that was when it began! Hardly had room for any of the main courses. Price/person was about 1000 TB. All the food was excellent.
  16. I think Michael posted himself kissing Santa Claus.
  17. Yes, you can get a 99.9 % silver dollar. Very easy to buy. US Mint makes them, American Eagle Silver Dollar available from coin shops or on line. The 1804 silver dollar you show is one of the rarest of all with quite a story behind it. Not sure the price but in the millions of dollars.
  18. You did say it was a cut rate grocery store? Now we know how they cut their rates.
  19. Does it fit in the elevator or fit through doors?
  20. Does it make the coffee twice as fast using 220 volts?
  21. Intergenerational Kiss
  22. Michael; next time just drive the SUV on the plane and enjoy the trip. Just take a big jug for your toilet trips.
  23. Michael, I will be on a 777 not the 747 I thought I was on! Detroit to Seoul to BKK. Although the leg from Seoul is on a 747 upper deck. Usually fly via Tokyo but not this time.
  24. Damn! I am leaving shortly for Thailand and thought I was in the upper cabin of a 747 but, after reading your comment and looking at the seat map, am on a 777. Flying Delta out of Detroit.
  25. Cunard has several Queens which make worldwide cruises including Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mary II and Queen Victoria all suitable for a King or a big Queen.
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