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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. The BF is a straight boy and bringing along Gramps to party with his friends would be a gaffe. He has never suggested it nor have I ever requested it.
  2. The BF does hang with his friends but at their place and I am not part of that aspect of his life which is likely a good thing.
  3. vinapu; US Immigration also treats returning single American males as third class citizens whether returning by air or car or rail. I have also been hasseled by Canadian Immigration when entering Canada with various types of stuipid questions.
  4. Good grief! If I invited a group of Thai boys to my place, with whiskey, the bf would disown me. Although a group of them would be less a problem than one in bed with me.
  5. Agree, Firecat, Detroit is the worst. All the more reason to get Global Entry and skip all the hassle of questions and search.
  6. Please do repost your blog address, Christian. I found it once but lost it. Whenever I google Christian's blog I only see blogs regarding Christians, the devotees of Christ, not the devotee of Thai boys.
  7. Thanks to Moses we have the answers to some of Christian's questions in his Quiz. The architectual elements of the columns are known as Rostral Columns which feature the prows of ships denoting naval superiority. Named after the Latin word Rostrum/Rostra meaning beak. Also confirms Kokus Pellius observation that these ship prows are those of Roman triremes as can be seen in the image of the Roman Forum. Apparently the Romans visited Thailand thousands of years ago and the Thais erected a column to commerate this event. In photo E, posted by Christian, the location of that column is in Moscow/Москва as Moses/Моисей indentified as the Strelka Institute.
  8. Bob; yes I see that now, also a photo of the King. Maybe, in that case, they are Thai triremes? Nonetheless, these columns are beyond ugly. I had been hoping that CPFC would have, at least, offered an Eiffel Tower key ring.
  9. I never saw columns decorated with what seems to be Roman triremes. Very odd looking. A December Quiz with no prize? Where is Fountainhall when you need him!
  10. Say it ain't so, Z, I can't afford another wardrobe for him! But then one of our fav restaurants is this one:
  11. Most of my dining experiences are now with my bf so can't speak to dining with "offs". When with me his preferences are always toward more upscale places featuring other than Thai food and enjoys every bite of it. Even when I am not in residence he will save his money and then splurge on himself. Of course his everyday food is from the stalls featurning Issan style food. Guess he is spoiled?
  12. Same here but -5 deg and snow.
  13. For me, just the oppositve. In the old days I was not bothered by the long flights esp in Economy but now that would be an agonizing experience. Jet lag is usually not a concern.
  14. Wandering far off track, but, try Blue Ice potato vodka from Idaho at about $20. Better than most of the premium brands and perfect for drinking it neat, the only way to drink vodka.
  15. I had heard it was "up for sale"; the farang owner had previously gone home due to illness and his bf was managing the club in the interim. But this info is secondhand.
  16. If round trip award not a lot but if one way, yes.
  17. You are right Scotty, one of the regulars should have posted news of Monty's passing but they didn't.
  18. anonone; Are you planning a short stay in Thailand? No checked bags and in Biz Class?
  19. gumbleby; I have had similar experiences as you post. Sometimes the boys do ask if they can stay over as they have no other place to go and my accommodations were far superior than their rooms.
  20. My thanks to all the posters on Gay Thailand for sharing their thoughts, opinions, wise advise and experiences .
  21. Congratulations Khortose. I do hope you wear something more dignified, at the wedding, than a grape leaf although I do like the cape.
  22. Just realized the colors of Baht Stop and Gay Thailand are quite similar.
  23. z909; when I read that above I thought you were describing something quite different than a tablet! I must have a dirty mind? Earlier I did read your recommendations for tablets and checked them out and plan to get the 7" model.
  24. Although cannot help you with your request, I do suggest you extend your visit a bit and visit Pattaya.
  25. Heck, who wants to ignore him; too much fun reading the responses to his post.
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