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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. The Army has better things to do than secure the airport; last night their mission was to secure Sunee Plaza.
  2. You can also get the other end of the gastro-intestinal tract whitened but not at the dentist.
  3. kokopelli


    Some details of his passing are posted on other forums. I was chatting with him about a week or two ago and he was in fine spirits at that time. Sad to see another icon of the Plaza leave the scene.
  4. For money or for fun?
  5. Personally I think a guide for a newcomer is a good idea. Actually maybe a good idea for anyone not familiar with Bangkok, like me.
  6. What do you want them to do for you?
  7. I did once know two Customs/Immigration agents (both Mex-Americans) who worked the border between US and Mexico. I asked what is the best response when questioned. Answer, Yes Sir and No Sir.
  8. Here is an informative article from NY Times about the rise in power of General Sisi who helped to bring down President Mubark, helped to install President Morsi who he later ousted and now is running for President. Maybe a military strongman is the way to go when democracy fails? http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/25/world/middleeast/egypts-new-autocrat-sisi-knows-best.html?ref=todayspaper&_r=0
  9. Would any one travel to Venezuela, Turkey, Brazil and Vietnam if a coup in progress? Just a rhetorical question.
  10. Think Libya, Egypt, Syria, Ukraine, which country will be next?
  11. Suggest you stay home until further notice.
  12. Everything in Pattaya closing at 10 pm. Hoards of traffic on road heading to their homes.
  13. I visited Villa Market in Pattaya to check on availability of Diet Coke but only Coke Zero on the shelves. I was told some dude from Bangkok bought up all supplies and was hoarding them in case of civil strife.
  14. I looked at that site and noticed May was Mojito Cocktail of the Month for 70 Baht but that was 2011 !
  15. Yaya may be a good bar but am reluctant to try it again. Last night all the staff and Thai customers were gathered around a bottle of whiskey and a hookah basically hogging all the front row seating. Too me it seemed a farang would be an "outsider". Basically not very inviting.
  16. I live with a sugar addict; nothing like a cup of coffee with half a cup of sugar to sweeten it! But he has lost a lot of weight lately so I think he has switched from Regular Coke to the Real Thing.
  17. Dear God, even Jesus knew better and turned water into wine! My friends who enjoy Diet Coke are sugar addicts thus diet drinks are one way to have your sugar and drink it too. As you say, each to his own taste but it is bad for your teeth as is wine!
  18. I suppose I never understood the addiction to Diet Coke? I often go to dinner with friends in US where we have some good wines but one friend always must have a DC to ruin an otherwise fine meal.
  19. There is a God!
  20. Quite right vinapu but your example of condoms is an exception. They are normally considered a "health" item in US and are exempt from sales tax.
  21. This article appeared today in the NYTimes http://www.nytimes.com/2014/05/15/health/advocating-pill-us-signals-shift-to-prevent-aids.html?ref=todayspaper Federal health officials recommended Wednesday that hundreds of thousands of Americans at risk for AIDS take a daily pill that has been shown to prevent infection with the virus that causes it. It would mean a 50-fold increase in the number of prescriptions for the drug, Truvada — to 500,000 a year from fewer than 10,000. The drug costs $13,000 a year, and most insurers already cover it. Hard for me to believe that insurers would pay $13,000/year so some gays can bareback!
  22. It all may depend upon your nationality. If an Australian or Japanese, where tipping is not the norm, I expect they would not give an extra tip to the waiter. But if American where 20% is the norm than 10% service charge plus 10% tip to waiter would make sense. I doubt the service charge ever ends up in the waiters hands or pants. I have been in one restaurant where I put tip directly into the pocket of the waiter and some nasty female bitch owner's wife grabbed the money from him. This extra tip was in addition to a gratuity I had left in the folder.
  23. I do same z909 and farangyai but also put "tip" in his hand.
  24. Now all we need is a source of young mice to bleed and transfuse to ourselves. Did you know they bleed mice by a needle directly into the heart and suck out the blood with a syringe?
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