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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. On my next visit to Thailand I will check out he scene at Yaya and see if it has changed. I am just looking for a drink and helping local economy by visiting different bars but not about to crash a private party or be the only farang in the bar. Of course there are worse places such as Double Shot!
  2. Do you recall name of this shop if others are interested ?
  3. I hope someone knows a good shop for that and can tell me here. The shop you should go to is on Pattaya Tai (South Pattaya Road) on other side of the street from Friendship Market. I don't have exact location, but if you walk along Pattaya Tai beginning at TukCom in direction of 3rd Road you will pass it. Not to far from Friendship Market There will be a sign Glasses/Frames Repaired or something to that effect. Easy to miss even though I have gone there several times. The owner is good at repairs, reasonable prices, quick and has frames. I and and a friend have both gone there and were very satisfied. The friend had a damaged frame but his lenses were ok and the owner was able to take care of the problem. This is your best bet.
  4. Basically one touches his nose on other person's face and sniff. Something like a nuzzle but with a sniff. Maybe ask a Thai lad to teach you.
  5. Just for fun, have any of you experienced "sniff Kissing"? I have experienced it a few times but many years ago and found it quite endearing and even erotic. Now, if anyone wants to know just what it is , then please ask. Kiss,kiss!
  6. Although I agree that most dictatorships are undesirable it would seem that Iraq and Libya were better off with Hussein and Qaddafi.
  7. All in all I am very satisfied with the Chromebook; it does everything I want. . It boots up and closes down in 5 sec. which is nice. Also establishing a google account proved easy. Even got a wireless mouse although the touch pad works quite well. As far as connecting to the "big screen" TV, my 15" TV looks half the size of the Chromebook at 10' away!
  8. Kind of early for an April Fool?
  9. Next time will try to bring a camera and take a pic.
  10. Thanks Bob; Next time I will try to read the Thai script.. 55555
  11. I believe that Chromecast (a small gadget that plugs into USB port) can accomplish the same thing by wireless cast of any website onto a TV screen. Now will have to investigate that!
  12. So far the Chromebook is all good! Some quirky things like no delete key or caps lock key but there are shortcuts to achieve the same function. It starts up within seconds and closes down quickly. No need to worry about viruses, etc, so far. The touch pad is touchy and scrolling with it takes some practice. All in all a good choice if looking for a laptop on the cheap.
  13. Perhaps those of you who are familiar with Thai can answer this. Not far from my home in USA there is a house, on a rural road, with a large sign at driveway entrance which features a large flower surrounded by Thai and English characters including a date of 1968. The English words are Som Tom and I assume the Thai script means the same. I believe the owners chose Som Tom as the name of their estate but what does it mean?
  14. Depending where you live in USA, the closest money boy are in Montreal, Canada. Big gay scene and go-go bars.
  15. Bought an Acer C720 for $189 USD out the door from Best Buy today. Very easy to use, basically plug it in and it is ready to go. Most complex step is to establish a Google account although that is not needed to access the web. Will report more as I get more accustomed to it.
  16. The Muslim faith requires them to pray five times a day in a prescribed manner. I am not aware if other religions have similar requirements. One assumes the prayer room gives them privacy to do this if not disturbed by snoring from sleeping Christians.
  17. Are they drunk or maybe the the armpits?
  18. Now that made me smile in spite of a nasty hangover from too much wine.
  19. Whether I expect it or not, they usually do.
  20. kokopelli

    Thais Smell

    How would you rank it with the smell of your arm pits?
  21. Thou shalt not have facial hair is one of Christian's ten commandments (when it comes to picking a boy for an encounter).. Or is it 20 commandments?
  22. kokopelli

    airport taxi

    Here is another taxi service run by Lek who is a familiar face in the Sunee Plaza area of Pattaya. He has a new SUV vehicle and prices are competitive.. TAXI SERVICE PATTAYA-AIRPORT 087-1288699 E-mail: rlekgrub@hotmail.com
  23. Nothing like a glass of wine to lift the spirits and dull the pain especially if one is on their deathbed. PARIS — A hospital in the French city of Clermont-Ferrand is to open a wine bar where terminally ill patients will be able to enjoy a "medically-supervised" glass or two with their families. "Why should we refuse the charms of the soil to those at the end of their lives? Nothing justifies such an prohibition," the Clermont-Ferrand University Hospital Center said in statement. http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2014/08/01/world/europe/01reuters-france-hospital.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&version=WireFeed&module=pocket-region&region=pocket-region&WT.nav=pocket-region
  24. Aha! When I read the OP's post I misunderstood what cream he found distasteful.
  25. Like others, I give the boy his privacy to shower alone. Also I believe if he saw what I looked like, nude, before getting in bed, he would likely run screaming from the room. Sometimes do have a shower together, afterwards, if one of my regulars and I do enjoy that.
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