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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. It seems like this new boyfriend may be a black widow. black widow a woman who kills her husband(s).
  2. IrishGuy, I think you are overestimating Prelu's grasp of English! Even I get lost when reading lengthy sentences a la James Joyce.
  3. Always my American Express card; never leave home without it in case of medical emergency.
  4. All for 1600 Baht; it seems that Mr. Peter was not a high roller!
  5. Alexx, your idea does make sense. Now I understand why Praelu wanted to give details by a PM.
  6. Your question is not serious; it is frivolous and senseless. Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.
  7. Your question is not serious, it is frivolous and senseless.
  8. https://www.google.com/search?q=boys+town&rlz=1CAACAG_enUS601US601&espv=2&biw=1093&bih=526&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ei=fpFhVKbRGIOdugSgmYLYDg&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAw#tbm=isch&q=boyz+town+pattaya&imgdii=_
  9. Just for you:
  10. Sorry, but there is no racism in me as long at they are male and Asian.
  11. Can't recall exact words but to the effect of FU or piss off or get lost. My friend the GR authority did tell the boy that he just lost the richest farang in Pattaya by being so rude which made me laugh and the boy cry. I just stick to the go-go bars and personal references and massage houses and let GR to others.
  12. I do know someone who is an aficionado of GB who knows all the tricks and now takes all the precautions, but, earlier in the game, almost got stung with the fake police routine. For me, no success with GR; every time I engage someone in an on-line conversation it ends up with "fuck you farang, you play with me". So guess I am the troll?
  13. Just for fun, here is a link to some vintage photos of man-on-man affection; the one below is a sample. http://www.queerty.com/photos-a-history-of-man-on-man-affection-20140512
  14. Zombie was just reporting his experiences and others their opinions and no BS.. There is only one person making a Big Deal out of ii.
  15. No problem with me with screaming women in a gay go-go club; I just go elsewhere as fast as I can.
  16. I like the breakdown of locations rather than nationality. Although the choices might make it tricky for those from Iceland, Hawaii, Easter Island , etc. Surprising enough I do know several farang who do live or did live in Hawaii. Also not sure how to answer if one is an ex-pat from N. America or elsewhere but now living in Thailand?
  17. It seem while the Canadian geese are flocking to Cuba for fun, thousands of Cubans are swarming the coast of Florida in search of a better life. Noting seems to make sense! Americans aren't allowed to visit Cuba but any Cuban that can swim, float or boat to the shores of Florida is allowed to remain on US territory. I wonder if that policy will change if Ebola makes its way to Cuba? http://www.nytimes.com/2014/10/10/us/sharp-rise-in-cuban-migration-stirs-worries-of-a-mass-exodus.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&version=LargeMediaHeadlineSum&module=photo-spot-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news
  18. Although I have done that, offed a boy I knew, and did not buy a drink, I was not comfortable with that. For me, I would just order a water, have a sip or two as I wait for him, and then take the bottle with me or leave it. Or rather than a drink, pass the mamasan a tip which makes for a happy ending.
  19. Nice photo of the boy in the shower; I see you included yourself in the mirror.
  20. Michael, my bf would not let me out of the house in your attire for a night on the town. Guess he wants his sugar daddy to look the part?
  21. Is you daytime attire what I see in your avatar? I sure wouldn't criticize that ass but would stare.
  22. Thanks, that does explain all.
  23. bkkguy; I am somewhat intrigued and puzzled by your signature line: Intolerant Crap Shooter The Intolerant is obvious and self explanatory however not sure how that pairs with Crap Shooter. A crapshooter (one word) is one who plays craps or inclined to gamble or take risks. Although I suppose crap and shoot might have a more rude meaning? Wanna explain?
  24. It is beyond me that the US is still punishing Cuba with an embargo when having normal diplomatic relations with countries such as Vietnam where thousand of Americans were killed for nothing. All because of two-faced politicians. Maybe when Fidel ever dies things will change?
  25. Gad; my post was just meant to be a funny statement not a fashion statement. One must laugh, cry and wince at the incongruity of the situation as portrayed in the news. Such is life in Sin City.
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