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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. Just for fun, a video of men at war relaxing. http://vimeo.com/90200305 Just click on the Watch on Vimeo
  2. Well maybe so! At the pool at my condo the men from Iceland and Finland all are wearing bikinis; not sure where they bought them. Apologies to the OP for going off topic.
  3. To be serious, for a change, proper evening dress in a class establishment, is long trousers (sorry no zip-off legs), a collared shirt, shoes (no sandals and flip flops) and, for a fashion statement, a nice murse (man-purse) in lieu of cargo pants. Agree with z909 about buying clothes in Thailand. Bring all my clothes from home and would not consider the products in Thailand other than some nice underwear. And, as an afterthought, I am skeptical of initial post.
  4. Too short shorts; tank top; flip flops.
  5. Looks like a great place to bring back a bar boy for an evening of fun. No reason to be concerned about "guests" as they are probably use to high class hookers.
  6. You may want to check out the De Arni hotel. I have no personal experience but a friend says it is far superior to the Rose and in same vicinity. Of course anything would be superior to the Rose. http://www.dearnihotelbangkok.com/location.php
  7. For those who want to know more about Ambien and its effects, read it here in the NYTimes http://newoldage.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/07/30/more-on-sleeping-pills-and-the-elderly/?module=Search&mabReward=relbias%3As%2C%7B%221%22%3A%22RI%3A10%22%7D
  8. I always buy my Bike at home and bring with me in carry on.
  9. Fair warning to those who use or want to use Ambien. It is a sleepwalkers/zombie med. People do walk and even drive when asleep and even when awake act as if they are asleep.
  10. What about the import duties on a bicycle and the shipping costs?
  11. Good Boys? Well I went behind the screen and enough was enough. Thuggery at its best! But my friend enjoyed the experience.
  12. Moses, how many hours is the flight from Moscow to Bangkok? And what model airplanes are flown?
  13. Oh, didn't you read about the plastic surgeon who hung himself?
  14. Vinapu, I forgot to mention the finale.
  15. Poor chap. I watched the fireworks from atop my condo and did have a cute twink to watch along with a bottle of wine to share with the other onlookers.
  16. Gad, I never knew that!
  17. Agree; that is one reason I liked Baht-Stop, the owner/moderators had a laissez-faire policy which worked well. Saying that, I always did wonder who Baht-Stop was but will never know.
  18. Much like the defunct Baht-Stop the ownership and moderatorship of this forum remains a mystery.
  19. Thanks. My guess is that my thai friend had a number of questionable downloads on his computer when he had it recently repaired. I am planning to have his computer checked for trojans, etc, and will report but that won't be for a few weeks.
  20. Is anyone familiar with this website ? http://www2.mampost.com/movie_list My Thai friend often uses it to view movies; there are thousands of titles on this site But I am not sure if there is some sort of downside to using it? Also not sure how he came to access it?
  21. It seems that Interstellar has even made it to the Op-Ed pages of the NY Times with an interesting perspective on the film. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/21/opinion/david-brooks-interstellar-love-and-gravity.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=c-column-top-span-region&region=c-column-top-span-region&WT.nav=c-column-top-span-region
  22. Hmmm, I suppose there are many meanings for the word "fun". I have heard from some of the Thai boys that certain farang have tried to choke them; whip them; collar and leash them; and defoliate their genital areas, so it seems that this type of activity does take place.
  23. Just came across this article in NYTimes entitled Interstellar - The Cinema of Physicists http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/18/science/interstellar-the-cinema-of-physicists.html?ref=todayspaper
  24. Having seen the movie I still am not quite sure what the ending was! Thinking back over many of the scenes I realize that few of them made any sense such as the robot drone, the robot combines, and on and on without spoiling anything. Also how were a few colonists supposed to "incubate" 10,000 fertilized eggs as if they were chickens.
  25. Has anyone seen this movie yet? What are your impressions? The premise of a failing ecosystem on earth and plunge in population with the hope of colonization on far away planets is intriguing. But the film was so darn confusing that I got lost in the first worm hole. The overbearing sound track just about ruptured my eardrums and some of the dialogue was so boring I almost fell asleep. As far as the effects of Einstein's Relativity that sort of made some sense except they never traveled at speed of light instead slipped through a worm hole. The film got some good reviews but too it was disappointing.
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