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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. Oh deer! Obsessive note taking, time notations and precise accounting are the reasons Tycho Brahe, Copernicus and Kepler were able to plot and predict the motions of the planets around the sun. These are the trademarks of genius not an anus.
  2. The article referred to Buddhist monks, not pastors or priests or rabbis, mullahs, etc, etc.
  3. Oh deer, shades of LMTU and his conspiracy suspicions. Bless his pore sole.
  4. Just how low can you go? Why don't you take your food fight somewhere else ?
  5. Gotta agree, what a load of shit; whatever respect I had for Out is done and gone.
  6. "(1) What a "flying fuck" might be. A member of the mile-high club? Some of the sexual" acrobats" on the monkey bars at Boys of Bangkok? Or do fucks actually fly?" A flying fuck is a winged penis pendant which have been around since Roman times. I have one and perhaps could make it an anal award for the most deserving poster on this forum?
  7. Being banned from a board by an owner is a badge of courage so wear it proudly. I have been banned from this board a couple of times and also from another by the same-same person. Shrug is off and keep on posting under a different name if you dare.
  8. Good to see that OUT is receiving some positive feedback to their initial post which was sadly derailed from the very beginning. For me, GPS coordinates don't seem necessary on maps except for far and away and hidden venues. As for maps to scale that may not be practical on a small printed page; to do so might require shrinking the overall map to such a small size it would be unreadable.
  9. Oh, ok. I refer to it as a #1 Buzz. But after a #1 I sure don't look like the guy in the photo! More like a monk.
  10. What is a number one crop?
  11. At first I thought that was a typo for money; but now remember my days of debauchery in Montreal.
  12. Where is Happy Massage? For me I do like to dine in Jomtien and then relax at the beer bars with a drink or two and conversation with friends. But, as with my friend, each to his own taste and his taste was cock and tail but not a cocktail.
  13. I believe that dyphenhydramine is the ingredient in Benadryl which is available in liquid and tab forms.
  14. Absolutely correct! My friend just strolled down the sois in Jomtien and instantly decided nothing was of interest to him without even sitting in a bar. Like that guy who pokes his head into the door of a club and instantly decides nothing of interest.
  15. I was there last night with a friend. He said "nothing of interest" meaning no boys who attracted him. We did have drinks at two bars but were not solicited by any of the boys. Venue is open. The only remaining boy massage house is a no happy ending massage from what was told to my friend.Lots of restaurants and beer bars but can't compare to Boyztown or Sunee when it comes to action.
  16. Also if the boy gives me an erection he is guaranteed a good tip for service above and beyond the call of duty.
  17. Going rate for erections is 200 Baht. If erection erupts then 300+ Baht.
  18. Well, in that case, what does a grape say when you step on it? The grape say nothing, it just gives out a little whine.
  19. Michael, can you be more specific as to how to do this type of money transfer? I have a Bangkok Bank on-line account but have no idea how to transfer money to another's account. Does the "other" have to have a Bangkok Bank account or can it be another bank such as Kbank?? I know how to do this via an ATM while in Thailand but not on-line.
  20. Agree although I only drink wine and never from the bottle! Maybe the waiter thinks he is being of service or more likely trying to sell some more wine!
  21. As an afterthought, I see that this thread has deviated greatly from the original post for whatever reason and there have been other earlier posts regarding tipping habits. I suppose that one should bear in mind that best not to bring pre-conceived ideas on tipping to Thailand whether it be the 20% norm in USA or 0% norm in Japan, NZ, etc.; and not "when in Thailand do as the Thais!" http://bangkokbois-gay-thailand-blog.com/2011/04/02/the-definitive-guide-to-tipping-in-thailand/
  22. 'Tis the wine not the food that overflows the bin and tips the waiter! “Either give me more wine or leave me alone.” ― Rumi (Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi) circa 1250 AD
  23. Well, for me , I can't afford 2000-3000 TB tips for short time or even long time, but can help a struggling waiter/waitress with more than a pittance. As for one trip to the kitchen, well, went not long ago to a 6 course dinner @ 700TB and waiter made about 18 trips to the kitchen, taking orders, picking up plates, making change etc, so deserved more than the 20 TB tips he was receiving from each customer. One time went to a restaurant with four of us and bin was 3000 TB and tip left was 60 Baht; our waiter took great care of us even pouring our wine. I was horrified when I realized that tip and did add some more to it but still far from what was deserved. By Thai bf was pissed at me when he heard how the waiter was screwed.
  24. restaurants 0-300, 20 baht, 301-600, 40 baht, over 600 , 60 baht comments welcomed, verbal abuse accepted but keep in mind I swear in 7 languages Generous tipping in all cases except the restaurants! My practice would be 20 Baht min with a standard rate of 10%. Saying that I know many farang think the word tip in Thai = 20 Baht no matter the amount of the bin or the level of the service or the class of the restaurant.
  25. My experience with Ambien - Took a pill at night, had a restful sleep, in morning got in my car and backed it into a tree causing bumper damage, drove down driveway to the road and entered without stopping or looking, continued to next intersection and drove through a STOP sign without stopping or looking! I could not understand why I was taking these actions since I felt fine and then drove as careful as I could. The cause was the Ambien. Hope that airline pilots don't take this stuff before flying.
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