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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. Now you are on the mark!
  2. Well maybe!
  3. Lise Meitner is an excellent choice, but since not an American, would be excluded from the competition. Who is Lise Meitner? Most likely unknown to many but she one good reason the Nazis did not get the A-Bomb in WWII.
  4. An excellent suggestion vinapu although she is not quite what I had in mind.
  5. The price of admission at go-go club is the price of the obligatory drink no matter the beverage; there is no free show for freeloaders. If one wants a drink at a 7-11 they can sit outside and enjoy the street scene. I have even seen farang sit and chat with friends at a beer bar but too cheap to even order a courtesy bottle of water.
  6. There are so many famous and notable American women in USA history that the rest of us on this forum are faceless in comparison.
  7. Some guys prefer an older cock while others enjoy a tender chicken. Don't forget the immortal words of Frank Perdue
  8. Never saw a frisky towel night at Vassa; just boring boyz. That said, I therefore don't visit Vassa so could have missed the "good" nights there.
  9. Gad, as usual I misread what people post. I thought the OP wrote "awesome" in reference to Pattaya. Good post newalaan.
  10. There is now a move afoot to replace Andrew Jackson on the US $20 with that of a woman. The only woman ever to grace US paper currency was Martha Washington, wife of George Washington the first President under the Constitution. To me, this is a good idea and there are a number of good candidates. Below is a website where you can view the candidates and vote, in the primaries, for three of your choice. My personal choice would be Eleanor Roosevelt. http://www.womenon20s.org/ Actually there are some allegorical images of women showing tits and ass on some older US notes.
  11. Sure do agree with you Mr. Barnes.
  12. No your penance at Nature Boys while on your knees.
  13. Was at Eros the other night; not many farang but lots of boyz looking for tips. One farang sat stone-faced no matter how many dicks were waved in his face. Sat on his hands and barely touched his drink. Either a real shy guy or an NGO do-gooder casing the joint.
  14. Better name would be Bad Boys! A scruffy lot of ruffians as ever laid foot in Sunee Plaza. AKA rough-trade. Vinapu heaven.
  15. Geezer posted info on his stay at Dawk Gaew Garden near Chiangmai on the gaybuttonthai.com forum.
  16. kokopelli


    Probably wanking to photos in a copy of OUT Mag.
  17. kokopelli


    Gad, I thought you wrote castrated!
  18. Hmm, two weeks vacation and one week at the beach with white sand and crystal clear waters? Not my idea of a good time in Thailand. Well, you did say you were spamming us.
  19. up2u, nailed it on the head.
  20. Consider the source before replying to this post.
  21. Ooops! Better to say, Moses, our correspondent in Moscow.
  22. It has been around a long time, just no customers.
  23. Deer oh dear! Koko was just reserecting the ghost of LMTU (may his sole rest in piece), the master of the homonym and mist spellings. At least, Moses, a Russian was able to appreciate the humor.
  24. No pushy mamasan;not sure if there is even a mamasan.
  25. No, Astrro is another poster so don't want to confuse anyone. Maybe Kokomical?
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