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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. Why bother?
  2. The other topic in GayThailand was Travel to Places Other Than Asia. Not sure how that one relates to Thailand? Point is, why bother having sub forums if they are not used? Better to just eliminate the sub forums. The Gay Thailand Business and Gay Asia forums are examples of too much is too much. Just a suggestion for the owner of this forum.
  3. Not to be a spoil-sport but doesn't this and several other new posts in Gay Thailand belong somewhere else such as the Beer Bar?
  4. That thought crossed my mind that Christianity was used as some sort of reason for gay behavior or, as you say, a scapegoat.
  5. I recently checked out Love of Siam but not to my interests however noticed the boys were wearing the same type of school-boys uniform in other films such as My Bromance even down to the name of the school (I assume) on their shirts. And again, a clear reference to Christianity and more specific Catholic families judging by the prayers at the dinner table. Not sure why that is but quite deliberate.
  6. After writing the above comment now I am not so sure. I was looking at some comments on youtube about this movie and it seems many of the viewers are girls and young gays so maybe a much larger audience than DOMs (dirty old men).
  7. Guess I shouldn't be so analytical or critical and just enjoy these films as presented. Actually am grateful to those who posted these gay Asian type films which I am hooked on. Recently viewed one set in Saigon named Hot Boy. Not sure how accurate the portrayal of rent-boys on one particular street in Saigon? What was interesting was all their customers were young, good looking Vietnamese and not dirty old men and, for sure, no farang!
  8. The first use of zero, 0, was found on an inscription at Angkor Wat about 683 AD. The number 605 in Khmer numerals, from the Sambor inscriptions in AD 683. The earliest known material use of zero as a decimal figure.
  9. Me, I did not cry. I did enjoy the film but just so hi-so from the beginning with mom and pop sitting at the dining table drinking white wine from stemmed glasses. And the boys oh so white and pretty not like any Thai boy I ever met. The goofy, gay teacher no older than the students and the young "doctor" . I just had to laugh. And where do they send their boys to for punishment? The USA where else! I got the idea that this film was made not for a Thai audience but for gay farang men. The subtitles were in perfect English by a native speaker. Oh, spoiler alert, a Christian burial in a Buddhist country? But yes, worth watching.
  10. Yes, Bob, you are correct. 10 to 22nd power is 1 followed by 22 zeros But did you know who first used the zero (0) ? There is some sort of archaeologist who travels the world looking for the first use of Zero in/on ancient records.
  11. How do you record the shows?
  12. Don't keep us guessing like I do! Where do we find Dig in the listings?
  13. I did make a mistake! The number was supposed to be 22 zeros not 10 to 22nd power which would be 23 zeros. But other estimates vary by a factor of 10 to 100. But of all those million, billions and tillions Earth is the only one with sex.
  14. Ok, the answer is 2 x 1022 = an estimate of the number of stars in the Universe. 1 = Earth = the only one place in the Universe where intelligent life exists. This was an extrapolation/interpretation/exaggeration I made as a result of watching a TV show on the Hubble Telescope and reading a post on Sawatdeenetwork.com http://sawatdeenetwork.com/forum/physics-marches-inexorably-backwards-t32508.html. That post morphed into a discussion of the Galaxy and Universe including an article by a Prof. Brian Cox who postulated that life on Earth is unique in the Galaxy (and maybe Universe) and some posters seemed to agree while others disagreed. Too esoteric?
  15. Very warm, Bob! Your reward is: No, 1 is not 1 day. 1 =
  16. A red star for z909.
  17. 2 x 1022 = ????? 1 = ????? I cribbed this info from post on another forum; it is all open to interpretation. First right answer (if there is a right answer) gets a
  18. kokopelli

    First timer

    Where are crappy bar and hire dud located? Are they new?
  19. Good for you abang! Here is your penny: Bob and baobao get $5. President Obama order all government flags to be lowered to half-staff in remembrance of the 150th anniversary of the death of Abraham Lincoln in 1865 by an assassin. I noticed many flags at half staff but didn't make the connection until reading the newspapers. Shame on Kokopelli.
  20. A US penny/cent.
  21. Sorry abang but "the world will little note, nor long remember what you say here" But I will give a penny for your thoughts.
  22. Yes, owner is friendly but does refer to himself as Corsican from island of Corsica.
  23. Asking "what do you like to do" or "do you like girls" etc is one way to get around the straight/gay question.
  24. All depends on the mirror.
  25. Guess again Abang
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