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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. Same as you newalaan; maybe in the past I would look in and leave. Now I walk in, sit down, and have drink no matter what. If uncomfortable, ask any boy to join me for a drink and tip him. Big deal, cost 300 Baht or so and leave happy.
  2. From USA a tourist visa is good for 60 days and can be extended by another 30 days.
  3. The one and only mountain I climbed was Mt. Rainier in USA which cured me of any further desire for that type of challenge.
  4. Some of his expressions do catch on like "deja vu all over again". One of my friends doesn't quite get the subtlety of that nor the humor it conveys.
  5. Ha, ha, that was just my sense of humor at work hyping this forum.
  6. Lately I have been having trouble with Google searches even though I am using one of their Chromebooks. Sometimes I enter a search item and get nothing. Other times I receive one of those hard to read "words" that one must decipher and enter to continue. Then another xyzoy, and another and another, to infinity. So something is not right.
  7. The name of this place is ENJOY which is on a poster board out front. There is also a sign above the entrance that reads Maya or something like that. It is across from the old Day-Night Hotel Please provide a blow-by-blow account of your adventures there.
  8. Oh deer, did I start a tiff about tipping when mentioning a tip for a limo driver? Sorry, not trying to spoil it for all those from non-tipping countries. As Firecat noted, the driver may wait a long time at the airport if his passenger is delayed. For me I appreciate a driver who arrives at my condo at 2AM and gives me a safe ride to the airport. Likewise when one is lugging 45-90 kg/100-200 lbs of luggage it is a great relief to have a driver ready and waiting to get it from the terminal to his car. In addition I often use the same service for trips to Bangkok from Pattaya to Immigration or the Hospital. The driver just doesn't dump me at Immigration door he escorts me; and at the hospital he has waited 6+ hours until I am ready to return. Can't stiff him for that!
  9. I will look for the name tomorrow on my stroll in that area. I have seen this place and always wished to give it a try.
  10. I usually pay 1200 Baht plus a tip.
  11. As GB says, no problem. Never any traffic problems. For my 6 am flights I leave Pattaya at 2am and arrive at airport before 4 am. Check in is easy at that time. If you arrive too early I am not sure if the check in counters will be open.
  12. Something proper; T shirt and shorts and slippers? What about pajamas and flip-flops as I have also seen worn? As for not paying for sexual services don't count on that at go-go bars and massages houses or any commercial venue where money counts.
  13. In Marcissus' situation the mirrors kept shattering as he posed the question, "mirror, mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all?"
  14. Easy answer, Yes!
  15. Go to Pattaya if nowhere else.
  16. Wat happened? Well, Wat happens to be one of my many Thai boyfriends so can't answer that! But for Narcissus, in Greek mythology, a beautiful youth who fell in love with his reflection in a pool and pined away looking at himself and died. He was resurrected as a flower. No so far fetched since I know a Marcissus who does stand in front of a mirror, naked, and takes pleasure in his image. It is costing him a fortune in replacing the mirrors.
  17. On second thought there may be dangers for someone young and naive wandering alone the streets of Bangkok. I can easily see that happening in Pattaya. I suppose only another young person with experience can answer that question.
  18. You are 23 yo and look younger; staying in a 5 star hotel and are English? I doubt you need any advice from anyone. Your write in good English but not like an Englishman.
  19. Well, before cumming to bkk you could try some viagra at home, in front of a mirror, and see if it is effective? But beware what happened to Narcissus.
  20. No, No, No. To be effective you must be stimulated by the presence of another person. This could be the sight of that person, a touch, a smell, etc. Having said that, I know a young guy who used Viagra and was turned on by the odor of his own body! Others may have had different reactions and maybe had an erection with a blow up doll or a porno video?
  21. Stimulation can just be the presence of a live bod either the odor, touch or sight is a trigger.
  22. Pattaya Tai (South Pattaya Rd) near Wat Chai looks like a river! Big buses, pickup trucks and some cars are driving through it but no motorbikes.
  23. Wow, lots of good replies! Hope more newbies respond with their experiences.
  24. I doubt if any doctor is going to give specific advice on use of viagra or kamagra unless one is a heart patient using nitroglycerin. Do people ask their doctor if ok to smoke cigs or drink alcohol when it is commonly known they are health hazards? Easy enough to look up info on-line rather than ask here. Saying that, another alternative is Cialis which is longer lasting and can, if desired, be taken in smaller doses for erection on demand.
  25. I have noticed a number of new members who recently (past year) have joined this forum. Out of curiosity was wondering if they would share their reasons for this particular forum. Maybe they were lurkers and now want to be participants? Or did they stumble across it? Or realize that it is the the best forum on gay life in Thailand?
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