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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. There is no least evil, there is only one evil and that is Donald Trump.
  2. Well, there is that little detail called circumcision if you are still intact.
  3. Oh, that was you? It's so dark in there hard to tell if Thai or Farang.
  4. Last night I noticed some barriers up in the sois in Sunee to deter motorcyclists from racing through there. In addition there were strings of new lights across some of the sois doing much to brighten it up. Guess the loss of All of Me may have motivated owners to do something about the gloom.
  5. Say it ain't so, Christians making a bagel! If it's not Jewish it's not a bagel.
  6. Same same as pet dogs.
  7. Good to hear that the staff from All of Me were able to find new jobs at Elephant Plaza. They all were very nice to me and real gentlemen as was the owner, Gary.
  8. Jasper, how did you know our secret?
  9. Yes, you did post this: "I wouldn't walk up to anyone, Arab or anyone, and ask, "Pardon me, are you a fag?" But it's a different story if it's perfectly obvious." Just how do you know that an Arab is obviously gay? A limp wrist, a little lipstick, some eye makeup, or some other homo stereotype ? All of the ones I have seen are as macho as macho can be.But then I don't have your insight or acumen. Why do you continue to post responses cloaked with an "if"? Kind of a weasel word if nothing else. Always easy to talk the talk but not walk the walk.
  10. Now, now, I did use the qualifier, as if it were Gospel, which brings to mind; "Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. Matthew 7:15
  11. Dag nab it, I have been hanging on every word you write as if it were Gospel. All those if clauses are just so perplexing to me. Were you a lawyer at one time ?
  12. "If I wanted an answer to that question, you know what I would do? I would ask a gay Arab". Gaybutton
  13. kokopelli


    Good that this topic is back on track and all about apprentices like that chap, Matthew, and his mentor, Jesus.
  14. Hmmm, just walk up to some young Arab guy and ask if he is a fag? Not a good idea, I think. Anyway they risk their lives everyday riding around on their motorbikes so maybe have a death wish.
  15. kokopelli


  16. kokopelli


    God will get you for that, NIrishGuy. Maude Matthew attributed the words he wrote to Jesus; never claimed them for himself. Very Boswelliam of him. So, if it never happened then Jesus never existed, Matthew never existed, the Bible was never written and on and on and perhaps cdnmatt actually never existed other than as an on-line personna.
  17. I often see young Arabs walking hand in hand together so maybe hand in hand with a Thai guy is not considered unusual? And how would any one know that a Thai guy in a photo is gay? But, yes, it could be risky I suppose.
  18. Amen to that! Little wonder that bar owners, who do their best, have to endure such pettiness just because a waiter "made you order and drink three beers". Just like some whining kid, mommy, mommy, Timmy made me do it.
  19. kokopelli


    No. I see no difference at all. They are as good as I or maybe even better. "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. Matthew 7:1 Matt, take please take note of this quote by Matthew!
  20. kokopelli


    What a relief! My moral compass has been spinning like a top ever since reading your earlier post.
  21. kokopelli


    And being a customer in a Thai go-go bar corrupts the moral compass of that person?
  22. There is a 500 Baht Universal Pension Scheme in Thailand for the elderly which provides 500 Baht/month. Or, at least, there was.
  23. kokopelli


    I doubt that most electricians here even know the difference between volts, amps , watts and ohms. As for needing a clay lot turned into a beautiful yard well, my bf could use your expertise one of these days. He lives near Roi-Et so not so far from KK.
  24. Good point! There are two meds for intestinal parasites that are readily available in Thailand at most pharmacies. Fugacar/mebemdazole and albendazole. Inexpensive and effective. Those interested can google for more info.
  25. Here is website for All of Me Bar including contact info: http://www.allofmesuneeplaza.com/contact-us/ The OP may contact the owner and express his concerns. Please tell us about your experience at All of Me and All of Me too. Your comments, suggestions, compliments and criticisms about us and our staff are appreciated. You can contact us with general queries here Perhaps the offending waiter could be flogged in public on his bare butt using feather dusters?
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