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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. Having had several colonoscopies over the years, the worst thing is the preparation to cleanse the colon. The actual procedure is quick and painless and over in a short time. The anesthesia has always been Propofol , which is highly effective. Hopefully Michael's post will encourage others to have a colonoscopy; it can save your life.
  2. For me, the use of face masks is the most important factor in Thailand's success in controlling Covid. Even today I shudder to see farangs walking about in a shop without the face mask fully over their mouth and nose. I should add that the restrictions put in place were very effective.
  3. I did use www.VoteFromAbroad.org and signed up. Now will wait and see if I receive an acknowledgement. Hope so.
  4. In reality, my spending is more charity than anything else. I will never, ever receive back what I spent.
  5. I take care of three guys and do up my tips to one and all. I think I am now spending more on others than on myself.
  6. For those interested in Shingles vaccine (and you should be) the latest vaccine is known as Shingrix and it is much more effective than the older vaccine, Zostavax Typically you get two doses, 2 to six months apart, or even longer between shots. But, to my knowledge it is not available in Thailand. Even if you had the older vaccine, Zostavax, you should get the newer Shingrix.
  7. A friend reports that the beaches in Jomtien were open today, 1 June. As were massage shops. And, it was reported, that beer bars to open on 5 June in Jomtien.
  8. Yes, stijntje , that is the new restaurant in Jomtien. A friend and I tried it two nights ago. Very good food, ample portions, reasonable prices, great location and a nice restaurant with ample outdoor seating. The menu is quite varied, including Thai food and pizzas. And desserts. My friend had the lasagna which he said was the best and I had the beef burgundy which was an ample portion and both served with sourdough bread. Definitely will go back again and support them.
  9. I will have to try it out and report back.
  10. At least now I am able to logon to the forum by going to the logon feature at the "comment on post". But there is "no remember me" to click on. Wish that could be corrected but at least I can get on the forums.
  11. Unfortunately the "remember me" does not work for me. It seems I can only log in when, oddly enough, on this particular topic at which time I logon to the gayguides main site and not the forum site. So I then go to the menu and click on "forums". At least it works!
  12. Some how I was able to logon by doing something that someone suggested! But not quite sure how. So I will try again to do the same thing, which I forget!
  13. I am unable to logon to gay guides anymore. I sometimes can use a very roundabout way to logon which I am using now, but not practical. Please help me! kokopelli
  14. Today in the USA it is President's Day, but, in reality, it is the celebration of the first President, George Washington. President Washington did his best to set an example for all those who were to follow. Sadly some presidents failed to follow his example.
  15. kokopelli will have moved on to a better place.
  16. As z909 posts, the gay areas, Sunee, Boyztown and Jomtien Complex are easy to navigate. No up to date maps that I am aware of anymore.
  17. reader, I do agree with most of what you posted, however the Nazis were far from developing an A bomb and never posed a threat it that way. There are many sources regarding that fact. The USA did develop nuclear weapons for the purpose of using then on Germany, however the war ended with the Germans prior to these weapons becoming operational. They were then used on the Japanese. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_nuclear_weapons_program
  18. Mosaik Apartments in South Pattaya is quite popular. Easy walking to Boyztown and Sunee Plaza. And easy access to Baht Bus to Jomtien. Availability depends on the time of year and now is high season. http://mosaikpattaya.net/home.html
  19. I had forgotten about routine dental insurance! It is not covered under my plan although accidental damage to teeth is covered. (I think). Otherwise my insurance, which I don't pay for, covers just about everything.
  20. When I receive medical treatment in USA the cost is next to nothing. Maybe $15 as a copay whether to a doctor or a hospital.
  21. There is another, somewhat similar bar, Banana Man Club, on Soi 15. Soi 15 runs from Pattaya 2nd rd , near Boyztown, parallel to 2nd road up to the Avenue and onward to Soi Buakow. Basically a night club for younger Thais of both genders. https://www.facebook.com/pg/Banana-Man-Club-Pattaya-111030263664375/reviews/?ref=page_internal
  22. Why not go there? Same as any club without a show, for the boyz.
  23. Always good to carry one credit card with you at all times. If involved in an accident or needing emergency medical treatment a credit card will be required. And a copy of your passport.
  24. Lazy is not the best choice of words to describe the situation you present above. Entrepreneurial, ambitious and enterprising are more apt.
  25. Guess I was thinking of the 36 condoms/box which I purchase.
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