I just came across this photo in Some Model Photoshots of a disgusting Asian posing, with his erection, in front of a Christian Church. 5555555 . Throw him in Jail.
I was aware that heartburn and heart attacks had similar symptoms but this is the first I have read of this in such a way.
Truly very sad to happen to someone while visiting Thailand.
But in retrospective the symptoms were there and even the doctors were apparently unaware of the cause. RIP.
It was a fund raiser and pieces of art among other items were donated. If someone did buy some art work from this particular Thai artists, at a low price, they indeed got a good bargain. However there is more to the story as I recall.
There was a Family Mart on Pattaya Tai in vicinity of Wat Chai that was open, at least part of the day, on the 26th to accommodate the thousands of mourners who lined the streets. Not sure if any others in that area were also open?