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Everything posted by kokopelli

  1. I wish to get a professional made photo of myself and the bf which I will later have painted as a portrait. Does anyone know on a photo studio that does portraits. It does not have to up scale, just some place that has decent lighting and some background drops, etc and knows how to pose subjects.
  2. OK, let me complicate things a bit. I have a Will in the USA and my Executor does have instructions on what to do in case of my death. Does the US embassy accept a US Will as valid for their purposes.
  3. Yes, I forgive them; it may change my feelings toward them but I try to put negative feelings out of my mind. Hopefully others will do the same for me when I screw up.
  4. One correction, Kokopelli has only been around for one thousand years, not thousands as I wrote. Kokopelli is a Hopi word and maybe the current Hopi are descended from the Anasazi. No, I am not an Amerindian, just an interested wannabe. Although I have "encountered" a gay Amerindian.
  5. Kokopelli (coke-a-pelli) has been around in the southwest of the USA for thousands of years. His image can be found as petroglyphs in the southwest. Older forms have him with a big "member" but new images are cleaned up. He is a flute player, fertility symbol and mischief maker. I thought mischief maker would be good for some forums but maybe not so on GT.
  6. I agree with you. Just surprised that it was so easily available in Thailand at low prices. But I guess I should not be surprised. Will buy some for sure.
  7. Actually that quote I posted was from Xiandarkthrone in his earlier response; I thought he was referring to something else when referring to juice squeezed from meat. After reading Xiandarkthrone's description I quickly drove to Tijuana to seek some friendly coconuts to squeeze their meat and drink their water.
  8. "after all, what we call the 'milk' should more accurately be described as 'juice' if we take into account the fact that it has to be squeezed from the flesh/meat." The above description by Xiandarkthorne is also a bit graphic! Now I can't wait to try one of these coconuts.
  9. Update! I did find canned coconut water in my local Mexican mercado here in Calif. It was GOYA brand with some added sugar and some bits of coconut pulp. Quite good except could do without the added sugar. $1 USD/0.5 liters. And yes, it was a product of Thailand. Looking forward to the real thing on next visit to Thailand.
  10. Agree, Thai Air not the cheapest but convenient. Since can buy ticket at their office in Pattaya can avoid buying on-line and through travel agent. Also can ask about the credit card situation although that would not be a problem if ticket is purchased with cash.
  11. Try Thai Air at about 30,000 TB one way. Go to their office in Pattaya. Nonstop flight from Bangkok to LA. Office on Beach Road and North Pattaya Rd near Dolphin statue/Dusit Resort.
  12. I checked out Norfloxacin and it seems it is drug of last resort and should not be used routinely otherwise bacteria will develop resistance. But in Thailand who really cares?
  13. The situation that Pattaya Male describes was the same same at Corner Bar (with the exception of "A" who is great)! Sit around and beg the staff for a drink until they put that small bell on the tables. After that the service was almost instant at the tintinnabulation of that bell. Or maybe all farang should carry a bell with us?
  14. Again thanks for all the info. I will buy the powdered electrolyte. And for sure the coconuts. But just how does one put a hole in a coconut? There probably is some sort of technique?
  15. GT, your experience is one of the reasons I object to a national ID card for US citizens. It is just another invasion of privacy. Yes, I know, not same same but still Big Brother putting his nose in other peoples business when not necessary. Most likely because you are a frequent flyer to other gay venue places like Rio, that you were singled out. Sometimes I get questioned and other times not. Why not try to avoid this hassle by applying for a frequent flyer type of program offered by US Immigration. I forget the name of the program but you get pre-approved and just go to a kiosk, present your Passport and you are cleared. That may get you through Immigration but not sure if it also clears you through Customs. Anyone else have experience with this?
  16. I agree with Christian on this one. It is done on purpose, but what that purpose is, is beyond me. But in many venues this is the norm, loud music. Not only in bars but also in some restaurants which is beyond me.
  17. Thanks for all the info on coconut water. I sure had a lot of misconceptions about it. There was a recent article in Time Magazine about it and how it is becoming a popular drink in the USA. When in Thailand I often drink Gatorade or other sports drinks but would prefer something more natural and coconut water sounds like a wise choice.
  18. Thanks for clarification. Besides coming in its nature container, a coconut, is this fluid also sold in bottles, containers etc in the markets? I have seen it advertised on the internet but have not actually seen it in the markets at home. Looking forward to trying it for rehydration after a night out.
  19. Is anyone familiar with Coconut Water (not coconut milk)? I understand that Thailand is one of the leading producers of this product. I recently read that coconut water is a better "hydration" fluid then sports drinks like Gatorade. Great for the day-after? Has anyone tried it? Is it readily available? Coconut water comes from young coconuts before they mature.
  20. The Nazi ID card only illustrates what can happen, not necessarily what will happen. But give an inch and someone takes a foot. I recall that many States in the US objected to certain info that the federal government wanted them to include on their State drivers licenses. A States rights vs Federal rights. Just what data was asked by the Feds, I don't know. But will try to find out. I suppose my objection to a National ID card is because I have friends who, some would consider, as those horrible illegals who are draining the wallets of real Americans. The ones I know are wonderful people who work hard, contribute to the economy and are as American as anyone,but not citizens. Some are from England and Ireland and others from Mexico. Even now they are very cautious of traveling by public transportation whereby they may be asked "show me your papers". Luckily they are not from Arizona. I might add that the Social Security number was never meant to be a national identifier. Even though the law states that, you can see just how far the law has been bent. Give an inch............
  21. The German Jews, Gays and other minorities didn't foresee what was in store for them. Much has been said about the costs to Americans due to illegal aliens. Some claim the illegals contribute more to the economy than they extract. I don't have the answer to that. Maybe others do? Facts count not opinion. My own personal opinion is that much of the anti-illegal sentiment in the USA is primarily racially/ethnically motivated.
  22. Just what is not needed, WiFi in a beer bar. What next a big screen TV with sports events? I go to these places to get away from the distractions of the real world. Only distraction I want is a hot Thai boy and a cold beer.
  23. The Nazis also issued a national ID card for all German citizens. A J on the card identified someone as a Jew. Maybe a M could be used to id a Mexican, A for Arab, etc? It worked for the Nazis so it would likely work for the good old USA, home of the free, land of the brave, blah,blah blah.
  24. I thought Larry King also died two years ago and I was wrong about that. He just looks dead.
  25. Hope/think you are right Bob. Only reason for me to buy Kindle is read NYTimes in Thailand without doing any downloading from internet.
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